Twinflame Yearning in the RX season~

I ask you for violence, in the nonsense, and you, you give me grace, your light and your warmth. I’d like to paint you, but there are no colors, because there are so many, in my confusion, the tangible form of my great love.’ ~~Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera

There is a sense of deep, deep, penetrative soul searching love as Mars has gone retro in Aquarius which is my house of relationships from my Leo Sun! And the ruler of my 7th from my Ascendant has gone retro.

There is a deep ache in my pussy that is reverberating from down there all the way to my heart chakra. The Priestess uses her pussy as a radar. The pussy detects twinflame yearning, only if you listen. No amount of making love or no amount of self pleasure can satisfy this craving!

This hunger is Neptune dreaming up impossible dreams of everlasting love and pangs of separation. I guess Neptune retro in my 7th house on my Moon, is a time when my heart craves the most for my twin soul. And so does my pussy and my body!

And this body is entangled with another…far, far away, in another multiverse…

I am searching for that body who carries a part of my soul in his. I told you how twinflames are the same soul. Yes, they are an expression of the sacred union of Shiva/Shakti. The great tantric maithuna!

The CAP FM coming up is in my 5th house of romance from my ascendant as as FMS bring things to light, I want to see what pops up for me as I will be away from my family.

Staring at the full moon from a place of wonder and magick! A place closest to my heart. Tearful longings fill my heart. And I cry…I cry aloud, I cry in silence, I cry alone and I cry with friends…the tears don’t go away. It’s been the blackest day…

And I am forced to think of a love I never had. No matter how much I try to shut him out, the hologram keeps laughing at me. I am helpless. I am powerless and impotent as my body responds to him, so does my mind and what of the soul. He is my soul!

There is someone I want to meet. There is someone I want to hold. There is someone I want to love and it is you! This should be an easy piece to write. The words should flow smoothly, because of my depth of love for you. But maybe, words here cannot do justice!

Every single moment I avoid thinking of you, all I can do is think of you. I don’t know what your name is, but I know when I hear it, it will bring me peace. Blissful, unadulterated peace. A name that will bring a smile to my lips. A name so familiar that it will ring in the very core of my being. A name which resonated within through infinities and eternities!

Memories, memories, memories…they appear in the torturous stormy seas of my mind, but they disappear. All that remains is your smile, like the lighthouse across ravenous destructive waves. Your gleaming light saves me from drowning in the fogs of the abyss.

I know you are as aware of me as I am and maybe while you sit staring at your screen, in your Universe, maybe due to quantum information bleeding into parallel worlds, you see my words appear before you.

You do not know where these words come from, for you have no idea what they mean, but you read on. Why? Because there is something so familiar in these words that makes every pain and every sadness go away.

You are eternally bonded to me, why do you deny it? Are you even aware of this connection? Do you thirst for me?

I think you feel all of this, as much as I do…I feel you crave for my body and soul as much as I do yours and what of my mind? It is as beautiful as yours…

You have looked for me as I have for you, but we have not met, because there is no inter dimensional travel for me yet. Do you want to come to my Universe instead?

Maybe  you’re already trying to figure out how to get to my Universe. Maybe you are devising a time warp machine that will make you cross the dimensional distance and you will come into this multiverse. What unrealistic expectations, I tell you!

Or maybe you don’t exist…more likely the latter…my pussy knows you exist.

So back one more time, due to public demand to speak about Twinflmes. Tada! Now listen to me, I am travelling all the way to a magickal twinflame place called Goa in the next two days.

As La Luna becomes pregnant in Capricorn, the polarity of Cancer, I have been called to be close to the seas. One more time, I will be about to stare at the Goa skies and think of this crazy twinflame connection that I felt once, many, many years ago…

No I am not going for fun and will be going alone. No baby. No husband. Just my work and my solitude and the energy of my twinflame which is all pervasive in Goa. Nothing can stop me from feeling crazy dejavus in that place. It is like he is right there, but I know he is not. Lol!

It’s not possible for my twinflame story to be so easy. What if I see him walking towards me in Vagator? Will he smile? Will he remember me? Will he run to embrace me?

Sometimes I think of what it would be like to meet him. What would I say? Would I feel centered or absolutely ruffled? Would I be articulate? No man has ever made me lose my tongue. No man ever. Maybe he is the only man who can get me tongue tied. And it is not easy to get me tongue tied.

The Hummingbird in Vagator! Part 2, all alone.

Read about Part-1

The Hummingbird in small Vagator

Walking down the shore, drawing patterns on the beach, smelling the salty seas, thinking of what it would be…if he was here…yes, I wish you were here…you from another frickin’ multiverse.

Couldn’t you just be from this dimension! Talk about complicating stuff!

Maybe, maybe…you are already trying to communicate with me. Maybe through art. The way I like it.

Sometimes I think of you as a painter. Drawing in the canvas of my soul.

Sometimes I see you as a sculptor, capturing my infinite essence in your artwork.

Sometimes, I think of you speaking to me in a tune, crafting the sounds to describe the pain and love in your soul.

I promise to look for them. I know you communicate with me, through psychic energy and sacred sound.

I know you are not in my mind, or are you?

Sometimes, I feel scared that we will never meet in our physical form on earth, but then maybe in death, we shall be united in some way.

Although I hope to meet you in this life. Even if I am seventy and I see you coming, I will know you have come. And I will rest in peace to know I saw your face, even if for a brief moment!

I cannot even write that I knew you were the one since I laid my eyes on you, because till now, I have waited to see your face. Till now I have waited to look into your eyes. I have waited to see if you love me with the same intensity that I do.

I wish we could grow old together, but we won’t. I wish we could read each other’s minds, which we do, but we will never talk about it. We will never see our children, because time and space have conspired to keep us apart.

The best part about this craving I have for you, is that I have no clue what about you I am craving. Is it my soul, now fragmented just wants to seek unification of some sort? And is my body reacting to this connection? My pussy is…there is  stargate in there, waiting to be activated…by you!

Every time the rain drops come crashing down like silver sheets, inundating my consciousness, there is a tune I hear. Or is it a chant? Whatever it is, it reminds me of you. Rain and sunshine, both! How perverse is that!

No man has ever touched my body the way you would, because having the same soul, this body too, is yours. No one can kiss these lips like you do, for they are your own lips and when you look into my eyes, you will feel like you are looking into your own being!

I am your mirror…look at us!

That is the connection I feel to this unnamed energy that I call my twinflame. There is no tangible physical form, but there is energy. Energy which flows from his heart to mine and I think the energy being churned out by the skies above is heightening this connection, this yearning, this impossible fulfillment.

My body aches to be with you, the void in my pussy, impossible to satiate with anything, but you. Every atom of my body is eager to express my love for you in an impossible dance of sacred union. Our bodies enmeshed in an eternal embrace, you pulsating within me, setting every fiber of my being on fire.

No hands can ever worship this body like yours and no one can pleasure me like you.

There is no you. There is no me. There is only the sacred fire of our communion. There is only our love burning bright through the abysmal darkness of creation and destruction.

My all consuming passion drives my creativity, it drives my lust for life, it drives my sense of purpose. It is the anchor of my life, my North Star, the ever present fixture in the mirth of my consciousness.

I know you communicate with me through symbols and archetypes, through birth and death, but now it is time to show yourself…appear and manifest in this Universe…

To someone in some multiverse…


NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: Existential Angst personified


The philosopher Manly Hall put it succinctly: “astrology is the study of the anatomy and psychology of God.”

Haha sexy people! Feeling rebellious? Feeling like society is crushing your individuality? Feeling stifled in your relationship?

Yes honey you are UNIQUE and this NEW MOON in AQUARIUS(very intense as is not ASPECTED) is going to put the accelerator on your INTELLECT. This also initiates the Chinese New Year of the Yin Fire Rooster which starts on the following day, Jan 28.

The year of the ROOSTER is very INTENSE, loads of drama and theatrics, but there is FOCUS, DRIVE, DETERMINATION, POSITIVITY too. Every 12 years there is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year. A year of the Rooster always comes after a Monkey year and before a Dog year.

Chinese astrology is considered to be the most ancient system in the world and is believed to be over 5000 years old. While Western astrology is depends on the 12 months of the year, Chinese astrology is based on a upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your sign is determined by the year in which you were born (in the Chinese calendar). Each sign and those born under it, are represented by one of twelve animals, and each sign is given a set of attributes that the Chinese believe describe the nature of each particular animal.

According to legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to wish him goodbye before he departed the Earth, but, only twelve animals came to bid him farewell. He rewarded them by naming a year after each one in the order that it arrived. How cute!

Sun and New Moon in Aquarius will vroom you to feel REBELLION is in the air. Uranus is DIRECT! Yay! But channelize this feeling as a PATH TO GROWTH. As a way to FOSTER COMMUNITY! Sometimes this HUGE REBELLION can cause disruptions and if you let yourself be aware, you will see how this REBELLELIOUS STREAK is actually hampering your growth. Analyse. Study yourself.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment….Buddha said that. The one and only Sakyamuni. All well and fine Buddha, but this NEW MOON IS IN AQUARIUS and Aquarius is all about the FUTURE! So bite it!

Let us think of the FUTURE this NEW MOON. Set your INTENTIONS! It’s like one of the most important manifestation portal. Let us join TOGETHER(a MASTER SWITCHWORD) and CREATE-DIVINE-PARADISE for all of us. That is a SWITCHPHASE and is very powerful to activate.

This MAGICAL MOMENT available to us right now can define our PURPOSE. And this my friends will not be any old PETTY DREAM. This will not even be about how much money you can hoard or how your friend will buy that car, this is about HUMANITY. This time is best to PROJECT PEACE and rethink of your equation with HUMANITY. How do you feel about it? Now Aquarius is very INTELLECTUAL. Air Sign. So intellectualize this. Get to the crux of how you feel for people, for animals, for trees, for birds. Do you give a flying fuck if the Environment is destroyed? Or our future is damned? If you do, then synthesise your feelings and get prepared to go full throttle to do something. HELP OUT.

I would suggest you STOP INTERNAL PROJECTIONS and go out tonight to genuinely meet new people. You could actually meet someone AMAZING! I am feeling this twinflame vibe very strongly. You can too tune into these energies…with MEDITATION!

Also a good time to ponder about WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A HUMAN? Lot of activity going on in the SUBCONSCIOUS and UNCONSIOUS! I do it all the time!!! Try it! Transitions in life give us mind-space to think of things which we would have not bothered with. However, feeling UP one moment and DOWN the next is also possible. This vacillation will probably keep you in chaos if  you don’t consciously CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Sweety these influxes are for HUMANITY and AQUARIUS will shove a finger into our eyes and show us the TRUTH.

To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity…Nelson Mandela. This is the norm. Human Rights are BEING DENIED at every step of the way. The drone bombings, the Syrian crisis, stoning women who are raped, abusing and molesting children…I could fucking go on and on…but you know exactly what I mean. The Aquarian energy does NOT SUPPORT THIS. Humanity and its greater good is the plan of Aquarius.
Eccentricities and quirkiness is to be fed. Honey there is NO BOX, so fuck that “think outside the box” shit. Nope. The vista is open and is glorious. Take a dip in the waters of existence and embrace the Aquarian energy. This is also the AGE OF AQUARIUS.

Oh, oh…good day for PRIDE MARCHES and any form of unconventional activity. Uranus is in Aries and Jupiter is in Libra. Let us look what this clash of archetypes could mean down here. Tension. Definitely. Who are you? You know who you are? But does that equate to or is similar in some way to what people see? How do people perceive you? Is there a clash? This will be a prominent motif in this cosmic dance.

Who are you? Who does the world think you are? Conflicted? I suggest, look objectively at the two ideas and contradictory opinions. But DO NOT GIVE UP BEING WHO YOU ARE! No way Jose! You are smart and sexy and gorgeous….let no one else tell you otherwise! Just don’t let past bullshit get in your way. Hello, don’t you know?

There is NO PLACE for the PAST with AQUARIUS.

There is this parallel aspect happening Venus in Pisces is squaring Saturn in Sag. Sag is ruled by Jupiter and Pisces is by Neptune. Venus hates to be restricted by SATURN who TEACHES US THE POWER OF LIMITATIONS. Neptune is SPIRITUAL, the higher OCTAVE of VENUS. So there is love but one of a spiritual variety which if not aligned with SPIRITUALITY will bring much conflict. If what you seek does not align with your SOUL EVOLUTION, then boy, you are in for a RUDE AWAKENING. Time to separate EMOTIONS and be super OBJECTIVE.

So Venus will be going retrograde on the 4th.

With Venus going into its pre-shadow on January 30th/31st, there may be some new developments, changes, or reconsiderations unfolding regarding relationships, money, values, pleasures, indulgences, femininity, beauty, lust, and creativity. These Venus themes will go through a ‘figuring out’ process during the retrograde starting March 4th until the post-shadow from mid-April to mid-May. The retrograde portion of this upcoming period will consist of some inward reflection on these Venus themes…CARMEN DE LUCCA COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION

Hello, it’s an Aquarian New Moon! Oh ho, the Sun is also in Aquarius. What more of a hint do we need? The rise of FEMINISM, the protests of the indigenous people for water rights, racism…it’s all making a HIGE COMEBACK! All themes and motifs of the HUMAN CONDITION.

At 8:08pm Mars at 29:52 Pisces Quintiles Pluto at 17:52 Capricorn.

This is a welcome aspect for sure! Mars is set to ingress Aries, but gets magical nod from Pluto that his actions are well-received. Pluto as an authority in Capricorn, will allow the childlike instincts of Mars to create some magical envelope to play in. Sex, passion, financial backing and more will create some magical outcomes that we might have only imagined in our Higher Minds;) Use this energy to your best advantage!…5D ASTROLOGY

Yummy stuff really. You could explore SACRED SEXUALITY and YABYUM meditation during this time. It could create spiritual fireworks if you know how to use your body. Personal pleasure transforms into COSMIC ORGASMS. Love those words. But seriously are you feeling KINDER? Do you feel a connection?

Are your teenage children rebelling? You must work through this with a lot of patience and care. Arouse in them feelings of love and compassion. Spend time with them. Let them explore their styles, sexuality and friendships. Just make sure you are guiding them and educating them about the world.

The Moon in Aquarius decan 1. The needy embryonic Moon is not comfortable in a decan that is so much about cutting the umbilical cord to freedom. It is also one that will tend to rebel against its mother country and feel at odds in whatever home they find themselves. The Moon here is continually searching for the ‘Promised Land’ but rarely finds it. This New Moon Aquarius 1 is so idealistic, that it finds squaring its high expectations with earthly domestic reality extremely hard…DARKSTAR ASTROLOGY

There is a conflicting energy surely. This need to identify with the collective and the need to hold onto our individuality. I think we need to stop focussing on PROMISED LANDS. Who promised it? Why can we not move on? The world is without BRODERS, man made them and look where we are. Polarised. Divisive. Segregated. Selfish.

The Sun is the SELF and the Moon is our internal makeup emotions, feelings, instincts. Reinvention is the name of the game. A reset on ourselves as a WHOLE. Both of them are in Aquarius and we can DO IT.

Sartre, my favourite and I mention him here because I interpret his work as extremely SPIRITUAL and profound. The prevalent energy is all about the EXISTENCE OF HUMAN. Sartre says existence is a result of CHANCE and our FREEDOM creates meaning and purpose and he asks us to RELY ON OUR OWN RESOURCES. Sartre thought that existence manifests itself in the choice of actions, anxiety and freedom of the will. In this way the responsibility of building one’s future is in one’s hands, but the future is uncertain and so one has no escape from anxiety and despair. The choice is ours….whether we look to the heavens for inspiration or whether we are nihilists.

There is no escaping this Sartrian FREEDOM and CHOICE this NEW MOON in Aquarius.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness…LAO TSU

Sun in Aquarius

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. Khalil Gibran

That is the very essence of SUN IN AQUARIUS. Bringing to light our SENSE OF SELF. I AM. ME-NESS, CORE INDIVIDUALITY.

Aquarius: Fixed Air      Ruler: Saturn

Keywords: Humanity, Idealism, Pragmatism, Community, Liberty, Equality, Science

Do you feel a shift? A shift of energy from mystical Pisces to intellectual Aquarius. The Sun(SELF) enters AQUARIUS(Intellect). Now is the time to use your MIND TO CREATE. Oh we are ENTERING THE ECLIPSE PORTALS!!! DIMENSIONAL VORTEXES!

Depending on which vibration you are tuning into for Mars, you might feel aggressive or you might feel very focused. Saturn is discipline and hard work. This square can create tension.

The moon in Libra is keeping balance.

This astro is giving me a lot of fuel to write. Why don’t you give it a go? Do whatever tickles your fancy. Use your mind.

This astroyoga will bring the collective consciousness back to community.

Higher mojo of Aquarius is PURE HUMANITARIANISM. Philanthropy. Aquarian energy is IMPARTIAL. Maybe COLD, especially in personal relationships. Truth, beauty, freedom- all such higher ideas will appeal to us now. We will seek brilliance.

But the lower frequency mojo may make you extra critical, cold, detached, unmoved, apathetic, unemotional, have a superiority complex, impracticality.

We will all try to make sense of our existence through some community bond. Individuality may be sacrificed due to integration.

My mind is HYPER ACTIVE! In fact I can barely sleep yet I am not completely enervated. The Sun moving in Aquarius does set my mind on fire. How was Sun in Capricorn for you? Did you get all structure and institution stuff sorted out? Legal issues?

Now come out of hibernation. Yes it might be winter still, but a new life will be infused in the cosmic energy field. Think more intellectually, it might work better. Be intuitive of course, but do the Aquarian thing. RESEARCH! Do your homework.

Aquarius is very much into THINKING, even OVER THINKING. The energy of the collective may focus more on the intellectual and less on the emotional. Which may be a good thing. Who knows? I like feelings…

Original thought and original ideas as well as an original person will be in DEMAND. Eccentricity may be rewarded. Be prepared to have off beat, serendipitous conversations with complete strangers in cafes. It is the new normal. In fact initiate that convo. BE FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS. Sun in Aquarius demands you do so.

Dream on baby….and dream RIDICULOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS.

