New Moon in Pisces, 6th March 2019~ Your face Is like a melody, it won’t leave my head~


“I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.” ~Francois Truffaut

Because life can be painful, devastating…horrific. Sometimes it becomes impossible to acknowledge the truth of human suffering. Sometimes it feels safe to run away. Sometimes we drown in despair and alcohol or cocaine to avoid the impending cycle of doom that keeps following us. Sometimes all we can do is cry naked, under the shower, blasting music so no one can hear us drown our sorrows in violent sobs.

You know, this acceptance and acknowledgement of the samsaric pain is the greatest challenge of Pisces. The Christ overcame death and became the world saviour during the Age of Pisces/Fish!

Pisces takes from all the signs.”   (EA, 333) and that can be fatiguing energetically.

So take a deep breath, close your eyes and acknowledge the pain. Acknowledge the hurt.

Invoke Archangel Sandalphon, who directs the music…

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