Learn the Tarot from me~ #tinaheals

Yes there will be fun and entertainment while we peruse through the 78 cards of the mystical tradition of Tarot.

There will be one on one guidance and much help to start you off on your journey with the tarot.

Written and video material also included.



Paypal tina@tinaheals.com

Facilitate Spirit-CONNECTION! Mars sextiles Neptune!

I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquillity will return once more… Anne Frank

My sweeties I don’t have a better way to begin this convo today. The quote above sums it up pretty fucking decently. The last few days have been so charged with fertile chaotic energy and for me it brought about ancient karmic connections. Someone from many, many past lives walked right back in. It has been so hectic, meeting people. Yes lovelies, people from my past.

Just last night I had this amazing dinner and long-drawn out convo with an old friend who also happens to be from a famous Bollywood family. The convo was about U.G and Jiddu Krishnamurthi, Archetypes and primordial memory! And of course there were convos about old actors, directors, huge movie stars and the whole industry in general. Acid trips and Vipasana. Venus in retro does leave such astounding gems for us to glean and if we manage to obtain what we are meant to, then we are infinitely wiser. Even though we may not realise it that moment. Sometimes it takes people a whole Venus cycle to reconnect the dots.

See Venus in retro is making me revalue all my ideas and notions regarding concepts of art, cinema, beauty, finances. I mean, I have worked in the media industry for over a decade and am still very much a part of it. I have been finding closure or answers or more questions to concepts regarding these matters. I have been reevaluating my own constructs that I have created. I am sure all of you are going through these same self enquiries. I know collectively we are seriously looking into matters Venusian and this time with an introverted lens. We are journeying inside with these concepts and letting our intuition guide us.

Cinema is ruled by Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. So the topic of cinema pops up. Today there is a dreamy cinematic quality to life that you can tune into. Yes the authorship of today’s events is in your hands and boy can you make it MAGICK!

Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune(look up your time zone) and suddenly boof! Our spiritual sensitivities are stirred. You wake up with a dreamy feeling. Your antennae are picking up vibrations from some sort of fairy tale world. Your very own fairy tale. You forget that you are a debt slave, working nine to five to pay off EMIS and other loans. You forget that you have to drive to work for an hour and a half through crowded city traffic. You forget that you are a slave to money. You shed off the incessant need to try to be NUMBER FUCKING 1.

No! You relinquish all that madness. You find a moment, far from the madding crowd and you light a candle in your heart. This day is full of potential for empathy and kindness. Why don’t you find a suitable way to explore this theme, but remember to keep it spiritual as Neptune will have you do.

If you can make everything in front of you SPIRITUAL, then the battle is won. You have created an infinity-sacred-space! If you decide to meditate today, then consciously send out healing energy to the whole world. See the love radiating from your heart chakra and kiss it forward. To help and heal. To be the balm that people need. You need to be the Goddess and the Hero today. You need to create your very own heaven. If you need a Yidam or a deity to concentrate upon, then you can invoke Blue Tara or Nila Saraswati today. Blue because of the Neptunian influence.

The Blue Tara is very effective to quell anger. She is called Ekajati and is an emanation of wrathful feminine energy. She can transmute bad karma into swift spiritual awakening. Therefore she suggested herself to me. Use her energies. Chant her mantra- OM) BHIM TARE VRIM. Visualise her as sapphire blue.

You can use lapis lazzuli or blue sapphire. Although before you don a sapphire, I would suggest you get your natal chart looked at by a gem therapist who will see Saturn’s placement before you can wear it. I have seen contradictory results with the use of sapphire. In my own life.

The position for today will be the TREE POSE! This will bring the necessary equilibrium you need. Still your mind and body in unison. Place the crystal near your heart chakra while you perform this.

I leave you with a very potent number- 719 481 71. This number will manifest your plans and thoughts into tangible reality. Write it on your left wrist, recite it mentally or just carry it in your wallet.

Thank You!


Email me- tina@tinaheals.com






Seductive Scorpio Moon:Open up to feelings!

“Holding the hand of your woman or man, why not sit silently? Why not close your eyes and feel? Feel the presence of the other, enter into the presence of the other, let the other’s presence enter into you; vibrate together, sway together; if suddenly a great energy possesses you, dance together – and you will reach to such orgasmic peaks of joy as you have never known before. Those orgasmic peaks have nothing to do with sex, in fact they have much to do with silence. And if you can also manage to become meditative in your sex life, if you can be silent while making love, in a kind of dance, you will be surprised. You have a built-in process to take you to the farthest shore.” …Osho

Sexual desires and longing are peaking in many individuals. I have been unable to update my blog at the sudden influx of people who wanted to consult me for my Sacred Sexuality Meditation Modules. And this feeling is not just about feeling horny or salacious. This deep ache that you feel down there will not be satiated with mindless unconscious sex. No!

This sexual craving under a Scorpionic moon that is sextiling Pluto is screaming out for healing. For greater awareness. For conscious sex. If you’re guilty or ashamed when thinking of sex, then understand that it is a deep rooted cultural thingy. You are not abnormal, no matter what your mind conceives of. No bestiality or paedophilia included. No harm. No rape. When two or more consenting adults get together and explore their sexual feelings and fantasies, they are opening channels to profound healing. Sex is not an aberration! In fact it is the very fundamental basis of physical existence. Where would we be without copulation?

So under this sexy and sultry Scorpio moon try not to repress your sexual feelings. In fact clear your mind, keep your spine erect and let your mind wander. Watch what really turns you on. Do not shame yourself, do not blame yourself. If you want to hurt someone during sex, then please consult a Psychiatrist.

I am not referring to the BDSM subculture. Being a Top is actually hardcore responsibility and the Mistress is essentially a mentor, lifecoach and shrink rolled into one. That is how the Tops perceive it. Quoting from kinksters round the world.

So let the Moon do what it does best…let it heal you with a little bit of energy from the Pluto sextile! Pluto is going to bring transformation if you allow it to, in your sex life. Awaken to the potential of human energy. Understand the sex creates massive energy and that can be channelled into a tool for awakening and conscious living.

If you want to be aware of spiritual sexual ecstasies, then you might want to look into sex as a meditative practice. It is imperative our society understands the necessity and importance of a healthy sexually empowered culture. It is not just linear sex with orgasm that will awaken us to our sexual potential. No!

Our sexual energy is a part of our ojas, or Chi or life force. To reach your fullest potential, you must be able to move this sexual energy throughout your body. Repressed longings create blockages that can result in abnormal, unhealthy sexual appetites. Entities will prey on you and you will become a voracious sex machine. Even if you are single and a monk, what will you do with your sexual energy? They learn to transmute those feelings into meditation.

But what of ordinary people? WTF are they supposed to do? Who do they talk to without being judged. Listen it is absolutely necessary for your psychological well being to discuss your sexual feelings with your partner. If you are unable to do so or are single, then consult a professional. You can always ping me if you have specific questions.

How can I practice sacred sexuality of I am single? I get asked this a lot. Let me explain…you do not need a partner to be a LOVER! Sexual energy is running through our bodies, through our nadis or subtle channels. And that energy if tapped can make you powerful, confident and sexy. A woman in control of her sexuality is a magnetic being! She owns her space wherever she goes.

So are you ready to take ownership of your sex life? Do you want to learn to ground that scattered sexual energy? Then begin the journey of exploration…our sexual energy is a part of the cosmic sexual exchange between the primordial male/female polarity. That is why Shiva is represented as the lingam and the yoni which is the symbol of the Devi’s vagina is at the base! The pussy is a microscopic representation of the cosmic pussy!

Moon is quincunx to Uranus in Aries and Eris. Eris is a dwarf planet discovered in 2005, and there are two Eris’ in myths. The second Eris is the bloodthirsty sister of Ares or Aries. So I was reading this astro blog and in the comments below I read that when an astrologer was asked, “What is beyond archetype”, he said Eris! See how Eris is a symbol of what is beyond knowing…metaknowledge! metawisdom! Real feelings, some of them scary as shit will be stirred up, but it might teach us to integrate this meta sexual wisdom and come TOGETHER to become WHOLE in your individual wholeness!! Healing can occur, but there could be toxic volcanic eruptions of anger and violence! There will be a tendency to play the blame game! Don’t we all just love it!

The other interesting alignment is Moon trines CHIRON in PISCES! Yes Chiron the wounded healer is involved and whenever that happens deep, deep, deep issues can be healed. Depends on your natal chart of course, but this could be pivotal in breaking through sexual myths and taboos.
Working with countless women in groups and individual sessions I learnt that women have a  great deal of misconception around the subject of orgasm. There is shame and secret suffering because they cannot open up to their partners and 50% of women fake orgasm, stats say.
What has mainstream religion taught us? Sex is immoral! Sex must be demonised, judged severely and repressed. We have been told repeatedly that if you are a sexual being then forget about spirituality. Because the two are as apart as oranges and apples! Fuck why?
That is why there is no sensitive, intelligent sex ed in our society. Let’s not even get into discussing the sorry state of sex politics in India. Let us not waste time. Kids learn about sex from dubious sources and often fall into traps and exploitation. Some get pregnant, some get infected. I mean look around…you have to be blind not to notice it! Yet the internet is a storehouse of porn. Abnormal, disconnected, soulless porn.
I have to mention that I want people to create more art and films that deal with sexual themes that keep in mind our real experiences and potentials in bed. Let us not get carried away by what we see on screen, because reality is far superior. If you scrutinise porn with awareness and clarity you will see it is propagating a culture of idiocracy. Sadly it is teaching our children what to expect during copulation! So kids are learning nothing about intimacy, affection, foreplay or connection. They are caught in the linear narrative of sex which is psychologically and emotionally damaging to the impressionable young who are desperate to learn about sex. I know I was.

Listen it is okay to be bipolar sometimes as long as you are ready to purge and move on. Just don’t hold onto baggage you don’t need. This Scorpionic moon is offering healing…but there is a prerequisite! FEELING!!!

No Cogito Ergo Sum is going to save us. In no way am I trying to demean the intellectual processes, but the need of the hour is FEELING! Raw, unedited, untainted feelings…Oh did I tell you that the Scorpio moon trines Pisces sun!

How much more mystical can you get! How much more can the Universe tell you that FEEL…it is okay and safe!! Use the number 519 916 if you want to energise your sex life. Write it with pink or purple on your left wrist. And remember to practice eye gazing with  your partner every day, at least for five minutes….watch how the floodgates of your feelings explode!

Hear it from the Boss…

“Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings — always darker, emptier and simpler.”― Friedrich Nietzsche

Are you going to do some sexual healing utilising all the energies available? Are you ready to step into the shoes of an awakened sexual being? Then it is time to let go…of all inhibitions and enter into the yabyum state with your partner.

I have a deep spiritual background and have tried to look at every experience with a spiritual lens. Sex is no different. In my Sacred Sexuality Workshops I use ancient temple arts, modern psychology, shamanic practices that re-programme our neurological conditioning to let go of destructive beliefs and conditioning.

The crystal I want you to use is the Lapis Lazuli…the azure blue is swimming in my consciousness…teya te aum bekanze bekanze maha bekanze, razda samyongate soha!! Salutations to the Medicine Buddha and Guru Padmasambhava!


Thank you for reading..

You can email me at tina@tinaheals.com


Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, Full SNOW Moon and a Comet in the action? Can there be more transformational energy available!!

Change in all things is sweet… Aristotle

Mystical rectangle in the air people! The astro for this one is so remarkable that I had to jot down these thoughts. I for one am on a HUGE, LIFE CHANGING Transformational path.

I cannot tell you how my life path has changed dramatically from 2014. 2015 and 2016 were whacked out and I am still making sense of what is going on. Leaving behind so much of what was not authentic ME, I was forced to leave everything behind. I was put on the path of the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL. I survived.

Somehow, I survived…

But what of the sweet astro? The mystical sacred geometry beckons us to a soace/time of MAGIC! Yes this is very favourable for any MIND-BENDING MANIFESTATIONS you need to get done. Maybe something you’ve been planning. Something you have always dreamt of.

If you have felt like your dream could never see light of day, it is time to change that POV. I am also getting my dreams going…FULL SNOW MOON and ECLIPSE TIME!!!

There is something about the full moon’s gravitational pull that affects the human chemistry in such a sway as to cause many of us to experience varied levels of anxiety and other uncomfortable mental related issues.

As we are made up of approximately 77% water it seems safe to say that the cycles of the moon may indeed have some very critical role to play in the tides of our minds as well. The term loony and the words lunatic and lunacy all come from the moon’s association with mental behaviour. In short, the MOON SENDS ELECTRICAL ENERGIES down below.

Okay I know you guys have heard this a million times- Full Moons are all about CULMINATION! So whatever energies have been set in motion during the last NEW MOON, will in some way find completion. But friends- this is no NORMAL FULL MOON. No, it is an ECLIPSE PORTAL. We have already delved into the importance of the eclipse energy.

Manifestation energy is available to us right now and in huge proportions. Do you have something that is coming full circle in your life? Depending on your planetary positions, and where personal planets are placed, you will fell this intense eclipse energy. But even if you do not have personal planets in the degrees of the eclipse that is in Leo, you will still feel it.

In fact collectively, we have been gearing up for these eclipses all through 2015 and 2016.

Emotions are very intense- for most of us. I have been feeling so very antsy these last few days. I got my natal chart tattooed on my back and am in convalescence. But still, I cannot ignore the intensity that we are building up to. Yes there may be extra drama, conflicts and family misunderstandings.

I am feeling that this eclipse energy will centre around RELATIONSHIPS…this will put a spotlight on our relationships with ourselves, family, friends and the Earth and sentient lives at large. I have been facing lots of conflicting energies and I know how hard it has been for some of you.

It will be worth your while to investigate all your relationships…thoroughly…

I know a lot of you will be changing LIFE PATHS. This is inevitable. With technology, life as we know it is changing. Work and office jobs are too. We, with Uranian energy and Pluto in Cap, are creating a new life for us. A new way to look at reality.

Do we need mundane jobs that technology can replace? No we don’t. We need more creativity and healing. Less competition. More inclusion if we are to survive. So what will we do? Restructure our lives to fit into our soul goal.

Okay I know this sounds all wishy-washy, but if you seriously ask me to tell you the truth- here it is…IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

I am doing it. Manifesting each thought and dream. And I can show you how. It is not that complicated. And if you seriously look, everything is energy. I have recently begun to work with Past Life Regression therapy and I can tell you, it has changed my life. I will share more on that later.

Don’t be scared if your path is completely changed. Know this is for your soul growth. And why should you be scared of the new? A new direction might be just what you need! Maybe you are being unable to face it.

I was contemplating changing my whole life for a bit. I had gained so much weight after my pregnancy, felt unfit and demotivated. I have managed to shed most of that weight and each day I keep at it. It felt so good to fit back into my old denims. It was sublime. And you know how it happened? Not with exercise, not with diet…but with acceptance.

Yes accepting myself and integrating polarities within, I saw that the weight dropped off. Yes a deeper love for yourself will bring you closer to your self image. So there…and this eclipse portal can make things crystal clear. You can now see the change you want to be.

Grab a pen and paper. Light your sage incense and candle. Sit with your spine straight and spend time journaling. Write down your thoughts…what is working for you? What is not? How can you become FREER AND BOLDER, more confident in your approach? You can chant RELEASE-RESISTANCE while journaling. This will really help you release and heal.

Meditating is a great activity this eclipse. Dancing will work just as fine. Listen and study all the hidden signs and messages from your unconscious. They will answer a lot. You can even do a rock salt foot bath while meditating. Soak yourself in a tub of essential oils if you can. This will super charge your batteries. Activate water energy whenever possible.

Tell me what do you remember of September 2016? That eclipse cycle happened in the Pisces sign. Those energies could very well culminate and you could be shoved on your destined path. But the Pisces confusion should clear up. The Leo vibrations will be more impactual.

Remember Leo’s keywords- ORIGINALITY, CREATIVITY. Leo moons, Sun and ascendants will fell this very heavily. My Mercury is in Leo, in the degrees of the eclipse and I am already fired up intellectually.

Whatever dies out- let it be. Even relationships. But whatever stays, nurture it. This lunar eclipse occurs at 22 degrees Leo. Loads of drama. Full Moon in Leo opposite an Aquarian Sun. Fire fuelled by air. This energy portal will close with the Solar eclipse at the next New Moon on Feb 26th.

Leo also rules children, or our own ‘inner child’, or early childhood so the eclipse can also influence these fields of experience, and can manifest as an action, a revelation or a big decision. This Leo energy can also influence creative pursuits or passion projects, or a manifestation of coming into one’s own and expressing oneself authentically.  

PREDESTINATION is a good film to watch during this time. The plot line is so rife with “uncommon intelligence” and teases the brain while touching the heart. My pick this eclipse season is this mind bending time travel saga.

Music recommendations would be FOLK MUSIC. From wherever. Google and search folk music and make it come alive in your heart and soul. Instrumental pieces would work well. Sarod’s vibrations would be perfect. Let me put on some Ustad Amzad Ali Khan.

Keep it simple when it comes to food. Avoid alcohol and non vegetarian food items. Eat leafy greens and juices. Have loads of coconut in your diet. Oil, milk, water. Shredded coconut in salads and curries. Anyway you like it.

Tratak is also very effective during such times and you can do one better by pairing it with pranayam. Consult me if you need to know how to get started. Discipline is of utmost importance and the ability to face truths. No matter what it is, face it headlong. No more avoiding. PURIFY!

The greatest thing you can do for yourself is to tap into the hidden feminine mysteries and energies that society has tried to suppress. Even if you are a man. Accept that feminine in you, embrace it and GROW. Integrate the feminine and masculine, within you and then you will see how sublime life is.

You know most astrologers are pushing ahead with the theme of BOLDNESS. I can feel it too. This sense of FREEDOM and AUTHENTIC BOLD SELF EXPRESSION that is stemming from all of us. We are learning INDIVIDUALITY in a COLLECTIVE. Leo/Aquarius polarity will teach us that. We need to feel this BOLDNESS. Experiment and evolve. Even if you are not feeling particularly bold, fear not…

Just let go…of fears, inhibitions, complexes, feeling dejected…it is time to bury all this shit. If you  manage to do this, you can tap into this COSMIC BOLDNESS that the astro is providing. REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM!!!

Last week January 6-11 the Sun in Capricorn has triggered the T-square of Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter. What does this mean? FULL ON MANIFESTATION MOJO. Tap into it. Capricorn’s ruler Saturn gives us stability and surety in our manifestations.

Where is Pluto in this mix? Sitting with the Sun in Aquarius. Pluto will bring transformation like nothing else and it is ready to do so. Venus and Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter is in shadow period and Mars in Aries, Merc is direct in Capricorn…what a mix we have ladies and gentlemen!

Chinese New Year begins January 28 and is the Year of the Fire Rooster.  Eclipse season begins early this year on February 10-11 with the first lunar eclipse in Leo and February 26 for the first solar eclipse in Pisces.  August will be our other eclipse period. Pretty intense astro if you ask me!

February packs a heavy punch by triggering all these eclipses and a new beginning for all of us…LOVE, PEACE, TRUTH…may they shine!!!


Glowing orb of red-yellow LED

Whispers of changing times

A lost journey suddenly found!

This Snow Full Moon…images-3





NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: Existential Angst personified


The philosopher Manly Hall put it succinctly: “astrology is the study of the anatomy and psychology of God.”

Haha sexy people! Feeling rebellious? Feeling like society is crushing your individuality? Feeling stifled in your relationship?

Yes honey you are UNIQUE and this NEW MOON in AQUARIUS(very intense as is not ASPECTED) is going to put the accelerator on your INTELLECT. This also initiates the Chinese New Year of the Yin Fire Rooster which starts on the following day, Jan 28.

The year of the ROOSTER is very INTENSE, loads of drama and theatrics, but there is FOCUS, DRIVE, DETERMINATION, POSITIVITY too. Every 12 years there is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year. A year of the Rooster always comes after a Monkey year and before a Dog year.

Chinese astrology is considered to be the most ancient system in the world and is believed to be over 5000 years old. While Western astrology is depends on the 12 months of the year, Chinese astrology is based on a upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your sign is determined by the year in which you were born (in the Chinese calendar). Each sign and those born under it, are represented by one of twelve animals, and each sign is given a set of attributes that the Chinese believe describe the nature of each particular animal.

According to legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to wish him goodbye before he departed the Earth, but, only twelve animals came to bid him farewell. He rewarded them by naming a year after each one in the order that it arrived. How cute!

Sun and New Moon in Aquarius will vroom you to feel REBELLION is in the air. Uranus is DIRECT! Yay! But channelize this feeling as a PATH TO GROWTH. As a way to FOSTER COMMUNITY! Sometimes this HUGE REBELLION can cause disruptions and if you let yourself be aware, you will see how this REBELLELIOUS STREAK is actually hampering your growth. Analyse. Study yourself.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment….Buddha said that. The one and only Sakyamuni. All well and fine Buddha, but this NEW MOON IS IN AQUARIUS and Aquarius is all about the FUTURE! So bite it!

Let us think of the FUTURE this NEW MOON. Set your INTENTIONS! It’s like one of the most important manifestation portal. Let us join TOGETHER(a MASTER SWITCHWORD) and CREATE-DIVINE-PARADISE for all of us. That is a SWITCHPHASE and is very powerful to activate.

This MAGICAL MOMENT available to us right now can define our PURPOSE. And this my friends will not be any old PETTY DREAM. This will not even be about how much money you can hoard or how your friend will buy that car, this is about HUMANITY. This time is best to PROJECT PEACE and rethink of your equation with HUMANITY. How do you feel about it? Now Aquarius is very INTELLECTUAL. Air Sign. So intellectualize this. Get to the crux of how you feel for people, for animals, for trees, for birds. Do you give a flying fuck if the Environment is destroyed? Or our future is damned? If you do, then synthesise your feelings and get prepared to go full throttle to do something. HELP OUT.

I would suggest you STOP INTERNAL PROJECTIONS and go out tonight to genuinely meet new people. You could actually meet someone AMAZING! I am feeling this twinflame vibe very strongly. You can too tune into these energies…with MEDITATION!

Also a good time to ponder about WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A HUMAN? Lot of activity going on in the SUBCONSCIOUS and UNCONSIOUS! I do it all the time!!! Try it! Transitions in life give us mind-space to think of things which we would have not bothered with. However, feeling UP one moment and DOWN the next is also possible. This vacillation will probably keep you in chaos if  you don’t consciously CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Sweety these influxes are for HUMANITY and AQUARIUS will shove a finger into our eyes and show us the TRUTH.

To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity…Nelson Mandela. This is the norm. Human Rights are BEING DENIED at every step of the way. The drone bombings, the Syrian crisis, stoning women who are raped, abusing and molesting children…I could fucking go on and on…but you know exactly what I mean. The Aquarian energy does NOT SUPPORT THIS. Humanity and its greater good is the plan of Aquarius.
Eccentricities and quirkiness is to be fed. Honey there is NO BOX, so fuck that “think outside the box” shit. Nope. The vista is open and is glorious. Take a dip in the waters of existence and embrace the Aquarian energy. This is also the AGE OF AQUARIUS.

Oh, oh…good day for PRIDE MARCHES and any form of unconventional activity. Uranus is in Aries and Jupiter is in Libra. Let us look what this clash of archetypes could mean down here. Tension. Definitely. Who are you? You know who you are? But does that equate to or is similar in some way to what people see? How do people perceive you? Is there a clash? This will be a prominent motif in this cosmic dance.

Who are you? Who does the world think you are? Conflicted? I suggest, look objectively at the two ideas and contradictory opinions. But DO NOT GIVE UP BEING WHO YOU ARE! No way Jose! You are smart and sexy and gorgeous….let no one else tell you otherwise! Just don’t let past bullshit get in your way. Hello, don’t you know?

There is NO PLACE for the PAST with AQUARIUS.

There is this parallel aspect happening Venus in Pisces is squaring Saturn in Sag. Sag is ruled by Jupiter and Pisces is by Neptune. Venus hates to be restricted by SATURN who TEACHES US THE POWER OF LIMITATIONS. Neptune is SPIRITUAL, the higher OCTAVE of VENUS. So there is love but one of a spiritual variety which if not aligned with SPIRITUALITY will bring much conflict. If what you seek does not align with your SOUL EVOLUTION, then boy, you are in for a RUDE AWAKENING. Time to separate EMOTIONS and be super OBJECTIVE.

So Venus will be going retrograde on the 4th.

With Venus going into its pre-shadow on January 30th/31st, there may be some new developments, changes, or reconsiderations unfolding regarding relationships, money, values, pleasures, indulgences, femininity, beauty, lust, and creativity. These Venus themes will go through a ‘figuring out’ process during the retrograde starting March 4th until the post-shadow from mid-April to mid-May. The retrograde portion of this upcoming period will consist of some inward reflection on these Venus themes…CARMEN DE LUCCA COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION

Hello, it’s an Aquarian New Moon! Oh ho, the Sun is also in Aquarius. What more of a hint do we need? The rise of FEMINISM, the protests of the indigenous people for water rights, racism…it’s all making a HIGE COMEBACK! All themes and motifs of the HUMAN CONDITION.

At 8:08pm Mars at 29:52 Pisces Quintiles Pluto at 17:52 Capricorn.

This is a welcome aspect for sure! Mars is set to ingress Aries, but gets magical nod from Pluto that his actions are well-received. Pluto as an authority in Capricorn, will allow the childlike instincts of Mars to create some magical envelope to play in. Sex, passion, financial backing and more will create some magical outcomes that we might have only imagined in our Higher Minds;) Use this energy to your best advantage!…5D ASTROLOGY

Yummy stuff really. You could explore SACRED SEXUALITY and YABYUM meditation during this time. It could create spiritual fireworks if you know how to use your body. Personal pleasure transforms into COSMIC ORGASMS. Love those words. But seriously are you feeling KINDER? Do you feel a connection?

Are your teenage children rebelling? You must work through this with a lot of patience and care. Arouse in them feelings of love and compassion. Spend time with them. Let them explore their styles, sexuality and friendships. Just make sure you are guiding them and educating them about the world.

The Moon in Aquarius decan 1. The needy embryonic Moon is not comfortable in a decan that is so much about cutting the umbilical cord to freedom. It is also one that will tend to rebel against its mother country and feel at odds in whatever home they find themselves. The Moon here is continually searching for the ‘Promised Land’ but rarely finds it. This New Moon Aquarius 1 is so idealistic, that it finds squaring its high expectations with earthly domestic reality extremely hard…DARKSTAR ASTROLOGY

There is a conflicting energy surely. This need to identify with the collective and the need to hold onto our individuality. I think we need to stop focussing on PROMISED LANDS. Who promised it? Why can we not move on? The world is without BRODERS, man made them and look where we are. Polarised. Divisive. Segregated. Selfish.

The Sun is the SELF and the Moon is our internal makeup emotions, feelings, instincts. Reinvention is the name of the game. A reset on ourselves as a WHOLE. Both of them are in Aquarius and we can DO IT.

Sartre, my favourite and I mention him here because I interpret his work as extremely SPIRITUAL and profound. The prevalent energy is all about the EXISTENCE OF HUMAN. Sartre says existence is a result of CHANCE and our FREEDOM creates meaning and purpose and he asks us to RELY ON OUR OWN RESOURCES. Sartre thought that existence manifests itself in the choice of actions, anxiety and freedom of the will. In this way the responsibility of building one’s future is in one’s hands, but the future is uncertain and so one has no escape from anxiety and despair. The choice is ours….whether we look to the heavens for inspiration or whether we are nihilists.

There is no escaping this Sartrian FREEDOM and CHOICE this NEW MOON in Aquarius.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness…LAO TSU

Venus Retrograde 2017

Venus is a very interesting planet. It is perhaps the most closely connected with the earth in a number of ways; and it has been said that wherever Venus goes, there goes the earth also, and vice versa. As phrased in The Secret Doctrine (II,30-1):Venus is the most occult, powerful, and mysterious of all the planets; the one whose influence upon, and relation to the Earth is most prominent. . . According to the Occult Doctrine, this planet is our Earth’s primary, and its spiritual prototype. . . .“Every sin committed on Earth is felt by Usanas-Sukra. The Guru of the Daityas is the Guardian Spirit of the Earth and Men. Every change on Sukra is felt on, and reflected by, the Earth.”…HPB

The Planet Venus has been given many names throughout history. It has been called the evening and the morning star, the dawn star, Eosphorus, Hesperus and Lucifer. It is the planet closest to Earth and has been called Earth’s sister planet, even her twin. It is easily seen in the sky in the evening and morning and is the brightest “star” in the heavens. It was second only to the sun and the moon in significance by the reckoning of many ancient cultures.

Sumerian hymn to Innana addressing the planet Venus: ‘To her who appears in the sky, to her who appears in the sky, I want to address my greeting, to the hierodule who appears in the sky, I want to address my greeting, to the great queen of heaven, Inanna, I want to address my greeting, to her who fills the sky with her pure blaze, to the luminous one, to Inanna, as bright as the sun, to the great queen of heaven.”

“Venus is the power that we invoke in spring, in the garden, when things begin growing. And we call the evening star Venus.” Ursula K. Le Guin

In Roman mythology, Venus was the goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility. She was the Roman counterpart to the Greek Aphrodite. However, Roman Venus had many abilities beyond the Greek Aphrodite; she was a goddess of victory, fertility, and even prostitution. In Chinese astrology, Venus is associated with the element metal (or gold), which is unyielding, strong and persistent. In Indian astrology, Venus is known as Shukra and represents wealth, pleasure and reproduction.

Venus is such a close connection, it is actually the second brightest object in the sky and is symbolic of tempestuous passions she could stir up in the heart’s of the Gods. I have my Venus in Virgo. However, my attention to for “little details” is appalling. Virgo freakishness of combing through every fucking thing with a tiny comb. No. I don’t do that.

I am here to discuss Venus, invoke her powers of HARMONY, BEAUTY, BALANCE and discuss her journey in 2017. I will discuss how we can awaken Venutian energies with stones, meditation and switch words. Identification, love, empathy are keywords of this energy. Friday is Venus’ day.

What is Venus Retrograde? Occasionally, Venus appears to be moving backwards in the sky. “Appears” is the key word here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backwards in their orbits around the Sun. In fact, they don’t even slow down. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. Venus is Retrograde approximately 40-43 days every 18 months. CAFE ASTROLOGY

Venus retrograde 2017 lasts from March 5 to April 15 and spans 13º Aries to 26º Pisces. What a mix- Aries and Pisces! A volatile combo if the MALE and FEMALE!!!

Now while gazing at this chart, I was stunned to see how sexually energised this station is! Celestial orbs and our human bodies dosed on hormones are going all out on this passionate sexcapade. Uranus and Eris will be triggered by Jupiter in diplomatic Libra.

A stellium is formed and its fiery as it takes place in Aries. Venus is separated from her lover and she likes it not. The last ten days are the most active with these energies. Aries/Libra is activated. Venus is about to embrace Mars but then she retreats back into Pisces. Mysterious, occult Pisces.

What is this retrograde going to teach us collectively?

I feel there will be a certain female figure who will come into prominence. There could be a sex-related scandal as Venus metamorphoses from evening to morning star.

Things heat up as Venus moves closer to the Sun and with her transformation from evening to morning star. But will the Sun devour Venus in the process? 25th could be a day you can get creative solutions to lingering problems.

Venus does have a lot to face in her quest till she becomes Lucifer or the morning star.

Lucifer means lightbringer, from the Latin lux “light” and ferre “to bear or bring.” The word Lucifer is found in only one place in the Bible — Isaiah 14:12 — but only in the King James and related versions: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! . . .”  In other translations we find: “O shining star of the dawn!” (Moffatt) or “O morning-star, son of the dawn!” (Hebrew Bible). The King James Version is based on the Vulgate, the Latin translation of Jerome. Jerome translated the Hebrew helel (bright or brilliant one) as “lucifer,” which was a reasonable Latin equivalent. And yet it is this lucifer, the bright one or lightbearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan, Lord of Darkness…HPB

But before either the Old or New Testament, Venus was known as the “Morning Star.”  Plato, who is thought to have been born in 428 b.c.e. and therefore predates the New Testament and some of the rewrites of the Old Testament, wrote in his work called Timaeus:
Time, then, and the heaven came into being at the same instant in order that, having been created together, if ever there was to be a dissolution of them, they might be dissolved together. It was framed after the pattern of the eternal nature, that it might resemble this as far as was possible; for the pattern exists from eternity, and the created heaven has been, and is, and will be, in all time. Such was the mind and thought of God in the creation of time. The sun and moon and five other stars, which are called the planets, were created by him in order to distinguish and preserve the numbers of time; and when he had made their several bodies, he placed them in the orbits in which the circle of the other was revolving — in seven orbits seven stars. First, there was the moon in the orbit nearest the earth, and next the sun, in the second orbit above the earth; then came the morning star and the star sacred to Hermes, moving in orbits which have an equal swiftness with the sun, but in an opposite direction; and this is the reason why the sun and Hermes and Lucifer overtake and are overtaken by each other.

Plato clearly here is speaking of Lucifer as being the actual planet Venus, with Hermes as being the planet Mercury, “moving in orbits which have an equal swiftness with the Sun.”  It appears that the misogyny of the early Solar cults and the later Roman church might have had a part to play in linking the feminine Venus with Satan.

When Venus is in retrograde, one may be attracted to unattainable love. There may be covert rompings and juicy sexcapades. Be aware!

Venus will be squaring Saturn. This day will be very difficult to express ourselves. Express our loves.

Pisces decan 3 can make indulgent Venus debauched enough already, but now she is in her Lucifer phase AND square Saturn. This will bring out Venus’s dark, treacherous side, the Babylonian goddess of war Ishtar!! Here ‘sex’ and ‘conflict’ will be addressed one way or another. It could be through the catharsis of creative art or it can be through falling into the trap of seduction and indolence. Pisces tends to be a quite courtly sign, swooning and romantic but not with a particularly high libido….Darkstar Astrology

To end this dance and period of romantic and aesthetic introspection, Venus goes direct on Apr 14th.

I know lot of astrologers recommend not to have a love affair or buy luxury goods during Venus retro, but I personally think, it is entirely upto your intuition. Some of my projects have been birthed in Mars and Merc retro. Venus retro is also remarkable if you can channel this deeply feminine energy.

Venus is the harmonising influence of the Fifth Ray, which serves to blend and fuse opposites into greater creative wholes. Venus always gives the potential for greater evolution, development, and abundance of spiritual potential to any planet that she touches. Naturally, when such contact is by a difficult aspect, these benefits may be a bit harder to achieve, but the potential for victory is there…ALICE BAILLEY, ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY

There will be TEMPTATION! Venus is virginal in the first phase of retrogradation. Resist the urge to get back with an ex you don’t need. Sexual pull may tug at your heart, but again, use your powers of judgement.

However, if you wish to channel in Venus’ attraction, I could suggest a SWITCHWORD very effective during this retro time. This will make you appear irresistible to members of the opposite sex. VENUS-HOLE-CURVE-BRING-AMAZING-PRAISE-PERFECT-HOLIDAY-GIVE-TAKE. Chant this mantra constantly and watch MAGICK happen!

In medicine Venus is associated with the lumbar region, the veins, parathyroids, throat and kidneys. During the retro scene, it is best to take care of afflictions resulting from these internal organs. Meditation and yoga which addresses such issues will be beneficial like Paripurna Navasana(Boat pose), Baddha Konasana(bound angle pose), Bhujangasana and others. If you want a detailed list of asanas that will work for you, ping meVenus Giclee on Canvas by artist Michael Parkes

ROSE QUARTZ MEDITATION will be extremely helpful. You could wear it as a pendant or do a ritual with it. Even Jade, emerald, turquoise are helpful and in certain cases where grounding is required, go for Tourmaline. Make sure they are energised.

In the Jewish Cabbala, Venus is the seventh sphere: Victory or Netzach. This forms part of the lowest triad of spheres, together with Hôd (Mercury) and Yesôd (the Moon). Dion Fortune called this the astral triad, the domain of magic where the power of Netzach is shaped by Hôd and manifested in Yesôd. Situated at the base of the pillar of action, Netzach manifests the creative power in emotion and instinct, and all human creativity, both sexual and imaginative The latter includes the arts, and also the god-forms of polytheism, created by man in his own image, yet nevertheless reflecting something of the nature of the universe. Both desire and imagination are to some extent superficial. The term glamour originally meant a magic illusion cast upon something, and the victory of Netzach involves triumphing over the glamour of its outer manifestations to reach that which they symbolise. An ancient text calls Netzach the Hidden Intelligence, “because its brilliant outpouring is received by those spiritual virtues which are seen, in the ecstasy of faith, only by the initiated”.

Animals associated with Venus include the sparrow, dove and swan, so if you’re looking at ANIMAL SHAMANISM and channelling, then you can call upon them to solve your issues.

SPARROW TOTEM: In addition to inspiring us to love ourselves, the sparrow spirit guide also symbolises other joyful and caring qualities, such as creativity, community, friendliness, and the importance of simplicity.

The Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology) is often depicted holding a dove in her hand or surrounded by a flock of white doves. Aphrodite’s seven daughters were called a “flock of doves”. Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love is known to ride a dove. The Dove is also a SYMBOL OF PURITY. This totem could help you channel some of that pristine purity.

The Swan is also a symbol of PURE SPIRIT. In India, it is of utmost value and Paramahamsa (परमाहंस), also spelled paramahansa or paramhansa, is a Sanskrit religio-theological title of honour applied to Hindu spiritual teachers who are regarded as having attained enlightenment. The title literally means “supreme swan,” and symbolises spiritual discrimination. You can call upon the totem of the swan to give you healing and spiritual transformation.

Working with colours during this time is also amazing- green, sky blue, rose, white…wear and use these. If you want a more detailed and tailored meditation, contact me. Use incense of course- cherry, vanilla, almond, apricot, sandalwood.

Venus is farther along in the number of rounds run through in this solar manvantara than the earth, and therefore is more advanced in this sense; but the planetary spirit of earth is nevertheless spiritually more advanced because older in number of cosmic manvantaras…HPB


Bigger than the mountains am I,

The Empress of the gods am I

The Queen of heaven am I

The earth’s mistress am I.

(translation of an old Babylonian text)

This is a special channelling session for I am summoning Ishtar as I do my Ishta Devi. I am integrating Ishtar’s energy into the Dasamahavidya. Kali, Tara, Shodoshi, Bhubaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Balaga, Matangi, Kamala, the ten energies of the Mulaprakriti.

The solitary ray dropping into the mother deep may be taken as meaning Divine Thought or Intelligence, impregnating chaos. This, however, occurs on the plane of metaphysical abstraction, or rather the plane whereon that which we call a metaphysical abstraction is a reality. The Virgin-egg being in one sense abstract Egg-ness, or the power of becoming developed through fecundation, is eternal and for ever the same. And just as the fecundation of an egg takes place before it is dropped; so the non-eternal periodical germ which becomes later in symbolism the mundane egg, contains in itself, when it emerges from the said symbol, “the promise and potency” of all the Universe. Though the idea per se is, of course, an abstraction, a symbolical mode of expression, it is a symbol truly, as it suggests the idea of infinity as an endless circle. It brings before the mind’s eye the picture of Kosmos emerging from and in boundless space, a Universe as shoreless in magnitude if not as endless in its objective manifestation…HPB

The Cosmic Yoni is the concretisation of these Mahavidyas. My tantric diksha took place a few years ago as I was given my mantras by my tantric guru. Great man who helped shape my spiritual journey along with a few other SPIRITUAL GUIDES I have like MAHAVATAR BABAJI and the sages of GYANGANJ.

I am calling upon Ishtar, today through the Kali yantra. I have solar motifs. Crystals, incense and the works.

Let me begin by telling you about my attraction to Ishtar. The books of Zachariah Sitchin popped into my hands before I hit my teens. Those theories fascinated me and got me looking into most of the truther stuff of the later years. Ishtar was introduced to me.

My tireless, never-ending research began…and as I delved more into her, I felt like I was being pulled into whirlpool of energy. Something familiar. Something known and loved. Her affiliation to the animal kingdom and her being who she is and what she stands for makes me want to know her. The wisdom in her COSMIC YONI!! And I totally believed Ishtar/Innana to be one of the aliens who created and ruled over humanity.

Okay I was troubled about the fact that we humans needed to be ruled over and that they created hybrids who would be the masters of the human populace, the veil was lifted and I smelled colonialism and its toxicity all over again. But that did not keep me from Ishtar. In fact my interest in her got deeper.

By the time I was completing my college, I had written a play on Ishtar with mixed media. I was thinking AR/VR prototypes then! Funny how the cosmic MIND imprints you with ideas, thoughts, suggestions…

This play was called THE JOURNEY OF ISHTAR and it charted her descent into the Netherworld. Her journey through the netherworld became an allegory for my life. I began to see patterns unfold. Of the same pain and shame Ishtar went through. Her nakedness became a metaphor for the ABSTRACT DARK SPACE or ULTIMATE REALITY I was calling out to Ishtar, the light bringer. The fact that her reign was not characterised by that of a consort attracted me. DUMUZI, her man literally lost his life and penis after she fixed with death’s gaze…hahahaha! What’s with men and their cocks?4585746524_328x443

All through HIS-STORY we see women little more than objects or trophies. But it is her and her kin like Hatshepsut, Cleopatra that we have seen the Queen portrayed as something more than just a mannequin.

Yet while I watch the show CROWN on Netflix, I cannot help by see how Elizabeth has always been a puppet. Yes they do try to show her coming up against the system as a feminine role model, yet, I do not see her as such a role model. In fact, she appears as an ENABLER OF PATRIARCHY. So not much to talk about there.

My Lady abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld.
Inanna abandoned heaven and earth to descend to the underworld.
She abandoned her office of holy priestess to descend to the underworld….

This is what her slave writes about Ishtar and this descent to the UNDERWORLD has been a sort of lingering trope in my life. Saturn in the Eighth house. Yes a macabre obsession with DEATH  and REBIRTH. Complete bad-ass Pluto energy which makes me go to the proverbial UNDERWORLD repeatedly to seek myself.

This obsessive fantasy about facing death head on and surviving is a very Plutonian energy that I challenge and of course Saturn beaming my EIGHTH.

Anyway, Ishtar/Innana took me through this psychological journey of archetypes many times. Through the play, through channelled poetry, through meditation…I have invoked Innana.

Today I call upon Ishtar through the Kali Yantra. Is that possible?

I know of her animal shamanism. She channelled animal spirits. Protected the animal world. She also shows us the power they have. Yes this stuff is dangerous, but hey what is not “dangerous”? We have to investigate to get at the crux of the matter.

I know Ishtar’s energies are active in me. My love of animals, facing death and devastation during my tenure as an animal activist with AWA. I still work with street animals. Regularly visit shelters and sanctuaries. And of course I have my own family of rescues.

The Lion! I am a Leo Sun and Ascendant. Vedic Kundli says my Lagna is Simha or LION! And I have four planets in Leo! Including my Mercury. So there all that fifth house related stuff gets a full energetic makeover. Ishtar is associated with SHAMASH, the SOLAR GOD. The Sun is the ruler of LEO!

I am not much of a ritualist. I perform a lot of rituals mentally, like my Shiva Puja and a few homas. Yes I do mental homas. Manas puja. You can try it too. Watch a homa on Youtube. For me its very easy as my Guru in Calcutta does Dasamahavidya homas, Mahamrityunjaya homas, kala sarpa dasa homas in our ashram.

Being blessed, I have performed several important homas there like Chinnamasta, Dhumavati and Kalabhairav and Bagala homa. So I have them in my mind, the whole scene, the mantras, the collective chanting it, the warmth from the flames coming alive by my Guru pouring sacred ghee in it, the smell of incense, the bhakti of the hundreds gathered. It is mystical. The faith. The belief. All of it. And then on all that my Guru’s voice reciting the mantra….I have all of it, in my mind. It’s there stored away in my MIND PALACE.

Ready to be accessed and used anytime. So you find your ideal homa and you can do it too. Manas puja is very sacred. In fact our progenitors created MANAS PUTRAS or the MIND BORN.

In the Mandukya (Mundaka) Upanishad it is written, “As a spider throws out and retracts its web, as herbs spring up in the ground . . . so is the Universe derived from the undecaying one” (I. 1. 7). Brahma, as “the germ of unknown Darkness,” is the material from which all evolves and develops “as the web from the spider, as foam from the water,” etc. This is only graphic and true, if Brahma the “Creator” is, as a term, derived from the root brih, to increase or expand. Brahma “expands” and becomes the Universe woven out of his own substance. The Pitris are lunar deities and our ancestors, because they created the physical man…HPB

So literally Brahma made himself from himself, or his mind, because everything is spiritual and has no dense body. Thoughts create you. So never underestimate the power of your MIND- conscious and more so, the UNCONSCIOUS for therein lies the greatest mysteries.

For Ishtar, I have kept her image, you know the full length shot doing the rounds on the internet. I have kept the Kali yantra in front and am concentrating on it. After meditating on Ishtar and her life, I shall start writing…just channelling her energy. No editing. Oh of course there is LAPIZ LAZULI that I have placed inside the yantra. It is Ishtar’s favourite.

Then, after three days and three nights, Inanna had not returned,
Ninshubur set up a lament for her by the ruins.
She beat the drum for her in the assembly places.

Neither Enlil nor Inanna’s father Nannar, the Moon God of Ur, will help her because she has craved the below, and because those who choose the underworld do not return. Ninshubur succeeds in getting Enki to secure her release:

The story of Ushtar was inscribed on clay tablets at around 1750 BCE and what do we see?

Nothing changes. Patriarchy was as disinterested as it is today. As oppressive and  couldn’t-give-a-fuck as today. Lovely! Nothing changes.

But Ishtar still decides to go there…wonder what her chart looked like? Also the whole stripping away of her clothing and jewellery are signs that she is having to give up power and control. Allegorically it could mean she is shedding veils of ignorance and getting closer to wisdom. Nakedness signifies DEEP WISDOM and is used very much with regards to the feminine. Even the Dakinis, the naked sky dancers exhibit the feminine WISDOM. Like Kali who symbolises just that. Stripping away of all ignorance and falsities.

I love doing rituals for Kali, such intensity in her depths. Ishtar/Innana is ready to shed all her power. For what? I feel like her in so many ways. Ishtar’s journey is all about exploration and acceptance. She stares at the skeletons in her cupboard. She harmonises them and is triumphant! What a woman! I meant she is a woman like us all right? And we?? A goddess too…WE ARE ALL GODDESSES and that is a lesson.

There is very important documentation referring to the description of the constellation VIRGO, which has its origin in the ancient Assyrian-Babylonian culture. This constellation has always been female and has been especially associated with the tension between fertility and beauty. The BABYLONIANS associated this constellation with the goddess Ishtar, also well-known under the name of Ashtoreth or Astarte…This bit is just magic to my ears. MY VENUS IS IN VIRGO. So your Venus placement is important to check out. Sublime!

Ishtar is the Goddess of sex too. Now having Saturn in the Eight is quite an intense lesson. To be learnt in the arena of sex, death, rebirth, shared resources. Can sex and Saturn be even spoken of in the same sentence? Well, ask us…the SATURN IN THE 8TH people. We are a special breed.

Through us a lot of sexual information will be passed to the collective. The eighth house is one of such hardcore lessons- how do you share resources? Who are you in the deepest dark? What are your fears, anxieties, worries? Lastly how do you deal with them. Saturn teaches you…he is a strict task master. In India we say SHAM SHANISHCHARAYA NAMAHA to appease Saturn. You can try it too. And wear black, eat black rice. You can get in touch for more details as it is imperative to know where Shani is positioned in your chart.

Back to the scary EIGHTH HOUSE stuff- this is not some wishy-washy, light and frivolous house. These energies are intense. Now let Saturn decide to be there when you were born, then stuff gets really heavy and deep- murky, briny…but Saturn wants you to know how to swim out of that quagmire of your psyche full of fears, repression and anxiety. Somehow Saturn in the eight usually means that ideas that sex is dirty can be passed down from elders. This is your battle AND YOUR metamorphosis. You have to prove to yourself that SEX IS NOT UNHEALTHY.

We take INTIMACY seriously, like ISHTAR did and I see nothing wrong with that. I am on the quest of TRANSFORMING(SCORPIO) my FEARS(SATURN- LOW VIBRATION). This house is the gateway to my deepest psychological secrets and like Ishtar I am on a journey to understand the archetypes, tropes and imagery of the deep UNCONSCIOUS.

In fact this is why Tarot, Astrology and other divination modalities are so helping to me. They help me explore the PSYCHE. I love it. And having an occult leaning, I see how as above so below and nothing is real. A HOLOGRAM. That’s what this is…a 3D Hologram.

Where are we? We are a part of that UNIVERSAL BRAIN…all of us, including ISHTAR.

Did you know that all sexual activities ceased when Innana entered the NETHERWORLD. ALL SEX STOPPED!!! There is so much importance given to describing her body that it obviously points to her enjoying her femininity and sexuality.

She put the whole gender thing into flux. See she was supposed to attract Tammuz/DUMUZI like any other Goddess, via sexy clothing, jewellery, makeup, flirtation and a whole lot of other shit. But what does she do? Returning from the underworld, accompanied by demons who must have a mortal in compensation, she fixes the eye of death on her absent-minded partner who is engrossed in affairs of state, and he is chased by the demons of hell, losing his possessions, his genitals and his life. There you have it!

This losing his genitalia is symbolic of his manhood. Did Ishtar take away his manhood by being a full blown woman? Is it true that when a WOMAN/SACRED FEMININE finds her true power, no man can subdue her. In the world of patriarchy that means a man has lost his manhood. There is no BALANCE you see. IN PATRIARCHY THERE IS NO EQUALITY!

Innana challenged that concept and I think that is super cool. And of course, she is the GODDESS OF HEALING….So she is an archetypal energy I seek to invoke. She never minced her words. Surely not a diplomat. We see this when she speaks to the Gatekeeper of the Netherworld. She is deciding to go where no one is permitted, yet, she speaks with so much authority. I mean that could be misconstrued as a bad thing, but it may not be so.

Patriarchy has oppressed us women for so long, that some of us have become inherently REBELLIOUS. Turning Camus on his head- if patriarchy is ABSURD, then how do we react to it? With rebellion of course. Now more than even we need to collect all the broken female hearts and make them into ART.

Which of your lovers have you loved forever? Which of your Little Shepherds has continued to please you? Come, let me name your lovers for you! … (col. 2:) … for TAMMUZ, the lover of your youth. Year after year you set up a wailing for him. You loved the mauve-colored `shepherd bird’: but you seized him and broke his wing …. So you would love me in my turn, and, as with them, set my fate….” This is from the epic of Gilgamesh. Here we see how Gilgamesh is actually afraid of Ishtar’s advances for he FEARS THE INTENSITY OF HER LOVE. He is worried that ISHTAR will emasculate him and erase his name from History.

This trope is also common in the patriarchal discourse…a woman’s love! DANGEROUS. FICKLE. “Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”  This quote by Shakespeare elucidates the MALE GAZE perfectly well. Has it changed? Men will love with their eyes. So girls look good. It’s not in their hearts. Men are of course heartless jerks(sarcasm, I know the EVOLVED MAN archetype very well).

Maya Angelou rings true to my mind…A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim. Will be bringing to you channelled writings…later on in the day if possible…



Meditations on Animal Totems12963352_10153522781595222_2534181191451857464_n

The sweetest nectar is within…

The Hummingbird always fascinated me. The fluttering of the wings of the birds make infinity symbols. They move in the pattern on infinity.

The Hummingbird totem arrived in my life to make me rethink my WHOLE EXISTENCE. I have always been closely affiliated with the Animal Kingdom. Animals fascinate me, inspire awe in me, put me in a creative mood and just make me happy.

I have to confess that I’m that person in the party who spends a lot of time with the family companion animal.

I have been rescuing and healing animals since I can remember and at present I am the caregiver of a few canines and felines, most of them, rescues.

I hate the way human beings refer to other humans pejoratively calling them animals. Hello! Animals don’t do anything compared to humans. Animals live with nature, they adapt, they are a part of nature. Man divorces himself from nature and becomes a threat to her. Man kills for sport, animals kill for survival. Man will stab you even after pretending to be your best friend, an animal will never do that.

Animals are not ego infested like humans. They know the secret of life. EXIST. JUST BE. Yes the greatest thing we can learn from them is how to JUST BE. No forcing, no pushing, no desires, no disappointments…just existence.

I seriously wish I will be able to be like them and exist totally in the present. Being so connected to dogs, wolves obviously fascinated me.

When I learnt from my shamanic teacher in Rishikesh that animal totems present themselves when we need to learn from them. The wolf was presenting itself to me time and again. I kept seeing wolves everywhere. I cannot even tell you how surreal things were. Wolves, wolves, wolves everywhere…

It was then that I came across the switchword- WOLF-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW! I began to repeat this mentally. I began to visualise the eyes of the wolf.

I cannot tell you how the wolf consciousness began to evade mine. Whenever I call upon my “wolf”, she is there.

My wolf is my pure consciousness. She is my inner voice and I always listen to her. Ignoring her, I have noticed has always got me in trouble. There have been situations when I have gone against her warnings and boy, have I suffered.

The wolf totem has cleaned my own energy and infused my being with the positivity wolfness. I have worked closely with animals and am a vegan, so anyway my connection to the animal world is strong. But even if you are not connected to them, know this, they are as much a part of creation as you are. They are as needed as you and me.

Don’t be afraid of animals. They are pure and embody innocence. Being an empath, I actually “hear” animals. I sense their energy.

I can tell you that this exploitation of animals and the atrocities of animal farming is hurting the soul growth of every single person on this planet. The pain, the hurt, the suffering is being felt y us all, collectively.

Humans and animals are meant to be companions. Humans are meant to care for and protect them, but look at our world now. Kids torturing kittens and putting it online for hits, man pulping a dog to dead, a monkey crucified like Jesus! Why?

What is the point of inflicting so much pain?

Do we humans not feel pain?

Do we not have families??? Like they do. Then why can’t we understand and be compassionate? Let me tell  you, humans are meant to listen to animals, they are meant to talk to them and love them. Try it. You might like it.

Feed a dog and try to inculcate animal love. Through that, you will find your totem.

If a wolf attracts you, then meditate on the wolf. Find out all about it and visualise it. Talk to the wolf, tell her what you want to. She will listen.

If you dream about any animal, then it might be a sign that your totem is trying to communicate with you.

Loving and accepting animals as our companions will alleviate much pain from this world. Let’s do this together.