A Cold Solstice Full Moon and Eclipse in Cancer, 21/22nd December 2018: I thought my demons were almost defeated But you took their side And you pulled them to freedom~~


A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” —George Bernard Shaw

And I could not agree more as we welcome a FM in the 4th Cardinal sign of watery Cancer which is all about family and foundation and can be overemotional and stifling if we don’t watch it. The 4th house. There could be all kinds of crises and activities. But that is what Cancer does best. It feels its way through things.

Family, land, home, houses/real estate, inner emotional security, roots, subconscious, parents, early home life, early conditioning, instincts, protection, habits, nostalgia are all dealt with by the sign Cancer and its ruler, the Moon. And nostalgic we shall be…as the Moon shimmers down at us…

Today as we close in on a eclipse energized FM in Cancer, I am left wondering what it means to be family. Oh this FM happening with the winter Solstice will happen…

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New Moon in Sagittarius, 6th/7th November, 2018: He laughed at my sins, in his arms I must stay~


Animators have to live life 24 times as long as we do – every 24 frames of a second. Darren Aronofsky

With this NM in Sag, Jupiter in domicile squaring Mars and Neptune…I think this quote pretty much sums up how this lunation will play out…nothing will contain the vibe and I mean nothing!

Can you be aware of 24 frames per second. What will happen then? Everything slows down and a super penetrative awareness seeps in…ready to live 24 fps? I know I am…

As I sat down to talk about this grandiose lunation, what struck me was that this is the last NM of 2018!! Like WTF! Where did these twelve months ago? Although while the seasons shifted, I felt the retrogrades acutely. But it was not all a disaster show. These retrogrades actually made a lot of sense and in a way drew me closer to my…

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