You guys have read this blog for sure…click on their link and read it if you haven’t..

Lady K read this blog and this is what she shared with us.

After receiving her email, I sent it to the first case study woman and she has agreed to come back to us with an update. Will update soon..

Now read Lady K’s story..

Wow! I am so glad I came across this, I was starting to feel crazy. I am in almost the same situation as the woman who wrote this letter. Where do I even begin. The man who I believe to be my twin flame is the father to a child at my daughters school. It started out where I would notice him always looking at me when he saw me. I kind of ignored it but he was slowly making his way into my thoughts now and again but it wasn’t really a huge deal. We are both married as well, so I thought it was odd he would always stare at me. Fast forward a year, and I was grocery shopping and he was there at the store and he saw me and did a double take. I didn’t know what to do so I ran inside of the beer cooler hoping he’d disappear. I came out and he was waiting there by the door and we made intense eye contact, I felt something inside of me that i have never felt before with anyone. It was like he knew me and I knew him, even though neither one of us has ever spoken to each other. It lit a fire inside of me I never even knew existed. A week later I happened to see him AGAIN at the same store and we made eye contact again as we walked past each other- no words spoken. I have thought about him ever since. I am happily married with 2 kids, I would never look at another man until this. I have been all out of sorts and these feelings I have are so overwhelming that I cant ignore it. Its a strong sense of longing and I guess love, how can I love someone I don’t even know! This man is NOT my type! Well I did some digging around about him and our birthdays are 3 days apart! Crazy, we are both the same sign (Aquarius) and he went to the same college as me, same major and actually got the exact masters degree I had wanted to get years ago but did not. He has the career I wanted as well but never did. His wife and my husband are both the same astrological sign as well which is very strange to me, our daughters birthdays are both in the same month, and he is also the same heritage as me (Irish and Italian). I cant believe this is all coincidences. I also know nothing can be done about it since we are both in relationships which makes it so much harder. I wonder if he even feels this connection. I have to assume he knows something is different since he has always looked at me. I have not seen him again, even though the kids are at the same school, COVID has made it impossible to see him and maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t know how I would handle it. He’s on my mind all the time. I don’t know much else about him, he doesn’t have a Facebook page, he seems to live a private life, I wonder if he’s happy. I feel like I know him and the intensity of the eye contact was unlike anything I have ever felt before in my life with anyone. I just wish I knew how he felt, talking to him will probably never happen at this point, I cant see how. It would be way too weird and like I said, we are both married and I think he’s afraid. So am I! But I do believe he’s my twin flame and I feel a deep love for him. The pain I feel is terrible and I have cried myself to sleep many nights. It feels like a loss I never had. I swear I am a normal person! I wish I never saw him that day at the store. It has been torture ever since. I don’t feel like the same person anymore and I have been doing a lot of self reflection because of this but I long for him deeply.




MATANGI, also known as UCCHISHTA CHANDALINI, is the feminine manifestation of UG. The word MATANGAJA connotes an elephant who is known for her sagacity and memory. It’s complex thinking power. Therefore, we can see that both UG and UM convey the same concept. The concept of VEDIC BHRAHMANASPATI, literally means LORD BRAHMAN OF PRAYERS OR VEDAS.

I will explain the other matrika connections later…but here let us clearly understand that the VEDAS do not mean the literal text, they are symbolic of the LOGOS or the DIVINE TRANSCENDENT ABSOLUTE!

Without appeasing MATANGI and VARAHI, there is no entry into the SANCTUM SANCTORIUM of the SRICAKRA. Matangi is MANTRINI, the Counselor to HER MAJESTY RAJRAJESHWARI! Matangi shares this regal power and so does Varahi.

RAJAMATANGI is more visually appeasing than the composite figure of Varahi, whose energy is sometimes used by unscrupulous tantrics for evil purposes.

INDRA also worshipped UG and there is a deep symbology present in this. Indra is famous for his mount or vahan called AIRAVAT, who is the celestial elephant who is the offspring of IRAVAN, possessor of IRA or ILA.

ILA is a VEDIC GODDESS of intuition and it is well known that ELEPHANTS have intuition, so INDRA completed his UG sadhana with great intuitive powers.

Lord YAMA also is a dedicated disciple of UG. He rides the buffalo and the bull is the symbol of Taurus whose main star is ALCYONE and I mentioned how I dreamt of UG as a smoky blue toroidal field. The best connection is that TAURUS and UG are both connected to the THROAT CHAKRA!

The VISHUDDHI CHAKRA purifies and so does UG, whose super power is DAHANA SHAKTI! destruction by fire! Burning away of the impurities, thus PURIFICATION! The nectar is dropped from the BINDU and is split into ambrosia/elixir and poison!

The propensity of using UG for enemy suppression, vashikaran and mohan is not only a huge time waste, it is also destructive for the soul. Why waste your time on nonsense when you can use the power of the toroidal field to create universes.

UG is happiest when you declare yourself to be HIM. not from the place of EGO, but from the lotuses of your heart chakra! You will know this truth. You are UG and none other. You would have realized or awakened UG within and that makes him happiest and I am sure that is what VARAHA and VARAHI did! This is what MURUGGAN and COWMARI did! They became divine ucchishta devatas for us to consume.

Not in a ghoulish manner…but to become one with deity is to consume his/her essence and to let go of personal ego to aid in that transformation.

UG is fond of places like river banks and he loves living near bee-hives. He loves honey and during mystical nyasas done during ritual worship of UG, honey is touched to his genitals, then it gives sexual pleasures and removes infertility and problems with premature ejaculation.

UG protects semen. Gives progeny.

Certain dravyas are offered in different parts of the body with a seed mantra to receive certain blessings. This puja can be done on a person or on an idol.

Water if offered on the tip of his trunk brings FREEDOM or liberation from the strife of life.

Bathe his head with milk for wealth, his eyes bathe with any three sweet substance to become attractive or to subjugate an enemy…so on and so forth. Explained in detail in the workshop.

He likes to be invoked through MANTRA. Offer him your mantratarpana with total devotion.

He loves coconut water and during puja you must break a coconut in front of him to signify that you have cracked open your ego and have surrendered…what we call ATMASAMARPAN!

He loves beaten rice porridge called payasam. That is one of the best naivyeda to offer. Also modak and sweets, even chocolate bars will do and of course offer him alcohol.

UG is extolled by the PITRUS, so he can help in ancestral problems. We already know that he is the deity of all beginnings, but is he also the deity of culminations? Lord Yama being his shishya can throw some intuitive light on this.

UG bestows ANIMADI SIDDHI(superhuman abilities) on disciples who worship him with a lakh of red lotuses and his mantra OM HASTI PISACHI LIKHE SWAHA.

He cures eye problems, fevers, TB and protects from grievous harm and sudden dangers. He bestows all prosperity and abundance and gives us total SELF MASTERY and complete DIVINE INTELLIGENCE.

He is linked to the SUN and the SUN is the giver of all intelligence.

But he is not just the physical spheroidal Sun you see in the skies.


The mysterious spiritual Being in the center of our cosmos and from which the physical Sun emanated. It is commonly equated with God or the highest Deity in the various religions.

That energy is Ganapati and his playground is GRAVITY!

Astronomically, it is outside the Solar System. Blavatsky suggests that it may be equated with the “central body in the milky way, a point unseen and mysterious, the ever-hidden center of attraction of our Sun and system” (SD 2:240). It is still in a laya or neutral condition, but nevertheless acting as an attracting and ever-emitting life center (ibid).

As a spiritual being, it is the highest conception of Deity or God we can make. The ancients equate it with Iao or Abraxas. It is the Parabrahman among Hindus. Among the Kabbalists, it is the Ain Soph. It is also the point at the center of the six-pointed star. It radiates seven rays.

The “Three Kabalistic Faces” are the “Three Lights” and the “Three Lives” of EN-SOPH (the Parabrahma of the Westerns) also called the “Central Invisible Sun.” The “Universe is his Spirit, Soul and Body,” his “Three Emanations.” This triune nature — the purely Spiritual, the purely Material and the Middle nature (or imponderable matter, of which is composed man’s astral soul) are represented by the equilateral triangle whose three sides are equal, because these three principles are diffused throughout the universe in equal proportions; and the ONE LAW in nature being perfect EQUILIBRIUM — they are eternal and co-existent. (CW III:313)

GANAPATI resides in the HEXAGRAM and he emanates THREE ASPECTS! Bramha, Vishnu, Maheshwara!

Western occultists have spoken numerous times about this energy!

Julian the Apostate spoke of the central Sun in its three aspects: the first being the universal cause of all, the second being paramount Intelligence, and the third being the visible Sun. This central Sun is the Logos that manifests through the physical Sun.

The term “Spiritual Sun” is at times used in a third sense to refer to the inner Self, the Divine Spirit within, or štman. It is symbolized by the new rebirth or the second birth alluded to by Paul (CW IX:272).

Reference to the Intelligible Sun, i.e., not the visible Sun but the Sun belonging to the intelligible world, as the source of Divine Goodness is found in Book VI of Plato’s Republic (509b). Immediately after, at the start of Book VII, in the famous allegory of the cave, the Supra-Celestial Sun is indicated to be the source of truth and intelligence, and the visible Sun, together with its light, is said to be an offspring thereof: “In the visible realm it gave birth to light and its sovereign; in the intelligible realm, itself sovereign, it provided truth and intelligence” (517b-c). Subsequently this reference recurs often in the Platonic tradition. For example, the Neoplatonist Proclus refers to the Supermundane Sun in his Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus: “There is the true Solar World and the Totality of Light [where] the Sun, also being Supermundane, sends forth the Fountains of Light” – Proclus, Commentary on Timaeus, in: The Chaldean Oracles (Fintry/UK: Shrine of Wisdom, 1979), p. 45.


He is Brtihaspati, the great teacher of the HIGHER SELF of which GODS are emblematic of!


He destroys all three evils- ADIDEIVIK, ABHIBHOUTIK and ADHATMIK!

Saves us from an early, untimely and gory death.

Cures incurable diseases.


No amount of VEDACHARA will please UG, he delights in us intuitively using the left hand path.

He wants us to know Matangi/UC and VARAHI and penetrate the mystery of the SRICAKRA and teaches us mastery over ANIMA LAGHIMA DEVATAS of the MERU.


He is PRANAVA, or the OM.

If you want his grace in your life, chant his mantra for three weeks with full devotion.


You can add an OM before HASTI, but many tradition omit the OM, since this mantra is already a significator of OM or PRANAVA!

Always offer turmeric and red sandalwood powder as a teeka with vermillion. Add some rice grains after applying tilak on his forehead. He loves OFFERING OF WATER, JALATARPANA with KASTURI flowers.

You can carve his idol from the bark of a neem tree.

He is always present under a peepal tree and banyan tree.

He loves CASTOR OIL and you can use that to oil him or add in his bath mixture.

UG loves homam with ASHTADRAVYAM or the eight sacred things.

Ashta Dravya Ganapati Homa is carried out with eight different materials for Ahuti. The materials used consist of coconut, popped paddy, jaggery, sesame(til), rice flakes, banana, sugarcane and ghee.

The GANESHA HOMAM is taught during the workshop. You can add vastra and some other things.

Always add curd to the homam for speedy results.

Best day for worship and total immersion is the EIGHT DAY of the dark fortnight known as KRISHNAASHTAMI.

He delights when the devotee engages in dhyana and he lives in the midpoint of a HEXAGRAM as mentioned above.

The hexagram is a mandala symbol called satkona yantra or sadkona yantra found on ancient South Indian temples. It symbolizes the nara narayan, or perfect dhyana state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in moksha!

Another important thing to note…UG fructifies NILASARASWATI mantras like




He loves MANTRATARPANA with the beej aksharas “EM KROM HREEM GUNG” and he also loves the sounds “GHE GHE SWAHA”.

UG’S trunk is seen caressing the YONI of his SHAKTI, UM or NILA SARASWATI, different schools have different believes and this is deeply symbolic. He is trying to arouse the yoni, so SHAKTI can become UNMUKHI and commences creation.

Many know that UG and Nila Saraswati are both like father and daughter and also husband and wife! Is this incest? What could this mean? Firstly, understand that GANESHA and NILA SARASWATI are such magnificent cosmic forces whi we in our human minds have anthropomorphized. So these human concepts of incest, father and daughter, husband and son do not apply.

I mentioned many times…UCCHISTA DEVATAS are very mystical and hard to decipher.

More coming up shortly in tomorrow’s article~



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Below is his DHYANA MANTRA- meditate on the meaning…

Neelabjam dadimi veena saali gunjaksha suthrakam,
Dadadad uchishta naamaayam Ganesha pathu mokshadha

Let The Ganapathi called the Ganapathi who gives the left over.
Who holds a blue lotus, Pomegranate, Veena, rosary.

During my work with him, I have begun to feel like his constant companion. The true twinflame connection I have been looking for.

Have you ever used the GANESHA MUDRA before?

You can do JAPA in this position, but the counting can become a challenge. In this case you have to keep a timer watch and time 108 japas and do it accordingly.

You can do tratak in this mudra and of course deep breathing.

It is a very quick way to connect to the frequency of GANESHA and while in this mudra, you remember his dhyana mantra and keep his image in mind, you can focus on UG!

Then what is the correct way to do his rites and rituals, mantra and puja?

Before you think yourself into oblivion, ponder this…

The world is a strange admixture of dualities…pain/pleasure, life/death, sad/happy. We see ourselves being pulled apart by these conflicting parallels. We’ve become a bi-polar culture and we’re swinging from one extreme to another.

If we take a moment to immerse ourselves into this samsara, these seas of sorrow, then we shall see that beyond all these polarities, these crashing waves, there is a place of quietude and absolute silence. Sadhana is like swimming in these waters, but the SOUL must be connected to Ganesha, so one might finally conquer the turbulence of Kanya Kumari and arrive at Rameshwaram.

Quite an analogy that one! The very contrasting seas of KK and Rameshwaram!

The seas of Kanya Kumari are so turbulent, crashing waves like a chaotic dancer, the disturbing buzzing of the seas like some gigantic swarm of bees and Rameshwaram seas are so tranquil, waves crawling like tiny cherubic babies!

What a paradox! What a contrast. The color pallet of the Creator and his/her imagination is truly otherworldly!

The tale of the two seas. Lying parallel, yet so diverse: they stand next to one another display the contrast bar of the creator. From harmony to disharmony, from creation to destruction, from random entropy to perfect order!

We must follow the radar of UG to become free of such social convictions. It is his GRACE, once showered, frees us from us paralyzing notions about truth, beauty, purity, virtue…etc, etc.

In this world of duality UG teaches us to go beyond such labelling…correct/incorrect. Pure/Impure.

For his domain is all encompassing. He is smoky blue. As abstract as deep blue space. Sometimes we see clouds floating by and as they clear, our eyes can not make sense of the depth of the skies above. Infinity is unimaginable!

He is the heavens and he is what is left over below, for us mere mortals to grasp!

The skies seem to be endless. Like UG. He is endless, which is why he is LEFT OVER. It might take you a lifetime to figure out the meaning of UCCHISTA. In mundane terms it means FOOD THAT IS LEFT OVER. What kind of “food” is this?

Some say that UG is the remainder of the SOMA drunk by realized souls! One can get a sip of this immortal ambrosia if you connect to the energy of the smoky hued UG.

Once a great sage Sri. Guhananda had said…”Is it Subramanyam? It is indeed Sinduram(vermillion)! Is she Tripurasundari? She is also Sinduram. Is it Ucchishtam? Oh that is very deep sinduram. Extremely subtle sinduram. Ucchishta Ganapati is this very SINDURAM!

Take a pinch of vermilion, run it across your forehead and make a vertical mark. This is a teeka, a symbol of the deep SINDURAM that is UG himself and he differs from all other forms of Ganapati.

Feel the sinduram penetrate your third eye. This is the energy of UG penetrating your AJNA! It is his vermillion that is coloring your consciousness!

For he is the one true ARTIST OF CONSCIOUSNESS! Words, songs, poems, prose, dancing, these are some of the way he infuses you with his love!

You feel like doing the ananda tandav, like his father once did to create universes, and like he did.

Some have visualized UG in his dancing mode!

In the ATHARVA VEDA, the abode of the SUPREME is mentioned and it is from here that creation descends. This realm is UT-SHISHTA conveying the residual above. What remains after everything has been destroyed. Sadly in the later Vedic period, the pronunciation got lost and it became UCCHISTA.

Ucchista can also signify, as some have argued, what remains once creation has commenced and what is still left over after pralaya, as I already mentioned.

The DIVINE MULABRAHMAN, also known as BHRAMANASPATI, in RIG VEDA will forever be LEFT OVER, even after SHAKTI has deployed certain energies to create a multitude of worlds.

The number of created worlds cannot in any way diminish the original splendor or glory of the DIVINE and is forever left over above the created worlds that are born from it. BRAHMAN remains inexhaustible and is the FOUNDATION above, the RESIDUAL ABOVE, the UPADI BUDHNA. Reading these lines of the ATHARVA VEDA, can clear our doubts about the term UCCHISTA.


Ancient texts say that he is equal to SURYA(SUN) and SHAMBHU(LORD SHIVA) and he resides at the center of the island of gems called RATNADWIPA.

Of course, he is the GREAT CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN~ ALCYONE! Numerous Ucchishta Brahmanaspatis are the central Sun of their Galactic domain! I did tell you that UG is a high level, probably one of the highest that we can comprehend, INTERGALACTIC BEING and ruler!

He is fond of JABA PHOOL, or Hibiscus and Marigold, is pleased with the jaap of his MULAMANTRA.

The shape of the JABA PHUL is a very sacred shape and in my meditation with UG, I have seen intergalactic space structures that look like a hibiscus! Of course, you know about the ROSA MUNDI, even DANTE intuitively tuned into this secret, but more on that later…

The avatar of Vishnu known as VARAHAMURTHI propitiated UG.

The Sanskrit grammarian and etymologist YASKA (circa 300 BCE) states that the word varaha originates from the root √hr. 

The Monier-Williams dictionary states that the root √hr means “‘to offer/present’, ‘to outdo, eclipse, surpass’, ‘to enrapture, charm, [and] fascinate’, and ‘to take away or remove evil or sin'” and also “to take away, carry off, seize, deprive of, steal, rob”.

Now if we have studied the siddhis offered by UG, then it is no surprise that Varahamurthi mastered the rites and mantra of UG. If UG connects with you, you shall truly eclipse all others. You will be mesmerizing and fascinating, glorious and virtuous.

In the BHAGAVATA PURANA, Varaha is referred to Sukara or VENUS, when he is born from the god Bramha’s nostril and if you invoke UG, you will always have the blessing of Venus!

UG’S bhaktas include the GODDESS KOWMARI or KAUMARI who is a SAPTA MATRIKA and is the feminine counter part of LORD MURUGGAN’S energy. She was graced by UG with valor and courage and became a force of protective mothers in the Hindu pantheon. According to mythology, the matrikas originated from the pores of the bodies of the Gods.


VARAHI is the feminine shakti of Varahamurthi or the third avatar of Vishnu who, we already spoke about earlier rescued the earth from the demonic grips of HIRANYAKSHA. Like UG, VARAHI is worshipped at night in vamachara rituals in great secrecy. VARAHI is said to have originated from CHANDIKA’S back.

In the Raktabija episode, Varahi is described as having a boar form, fighting demons with her tusks while seated on a preta(corpse).

In VARAHA PURANA, Varahi appears seated on SHESHANAAG (the serpent on which the god VISHNU sleeps) from the posterior of Vaishnavi, the Shakti of Vishnu. Varahi is said to represent the vice of envy (asuya) in the same Purana.

VARAHI’S color is that of a storm cloud, like UG himself and she is THERI-ANTHROPOMORPHIC too. She is a composite figure with the face of a sow and the body of a woman. Ganapati himself is a composite between an elephant and a human.

I have seen that UG sadhana leads an aspirant to VARAHI, who then takes him to the next level of consciousness. Ultimately, it is leading to an aspiration to learn the SRICAKRA.

More coming up shortly in tomorrow’s article~



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The point in making this video is to help my clients and other women connect to their menstrual cycle to find healing. Believe me, period pains, infertility and miscarriages are more common than you think and it is time to reclaim the sacred process of MENSTRUATION which maybe a biological process, but has been spiritual overtures and is symbolic of the MOON’S MOVEMENT through the skies. The feminine body mimics this movement of Luna by holy menstruation…why make us ashamed because of the holy blood? Why think of us as unclean when we bleed because without us bleeding, there would be no future children. The process of biological reproduction is so so dependent on the holy menstrual cycle, yet we vilify it. I mean, is that what patriarchy intended/ To vilify the holy blood of the womb. Scientists are not WAKING UP TO THE HEALING STEM CELLS PRESENT in menstrual blood and are finding multiple uses for it. There are 2 main types of menstrual cycles- THE RED MOON CYCLE and the WHITE MOON CYCLE. I go pretty in depth in my discussion, so DO NOT MISS THIS… MOON and MARS are the main significators for menstruation in women, but SATURN is also involved with the pain.


I am an ARTIST OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Writer, Oracle, Tarot expert, Psychic, Yogi, Vegan, Animal Activist, Soul Guide, LOVER, Dreamer, Dakini, Wisdom Keeper, Astrologer..

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MUST WATCH!! Ckiara Nation, Tina Dispels myth of Lilith, Hidden Female History, Sacred Sexuality… Welcome back to Ckiara Nation We continue with our very special guest Tina Heals from, who is an Astrologist, Women’s History researcher, Bollywood writer, tarot card reader, and activist. In parts 1 and 2 she gave us a small bio and initiated us into the secrets of the Universe, planets, sacred sexuality, cancer sign, revered ancestral temple Priestess aka Sex workers path from incarnation. Today she continues with: *More in-depth Dark Moon Lilith understanding (you can go to her channel for the rest 12 signs in black moon Lilith) *BDSM can heal men *The path to Sacred sexuality in modern times, *A little on our female hidden histories (female warriors), *Females writers writing as men, the second sex *Sex as a tool for healing and much more! CKIARA ROSE


Welcome back to Ckiara Nation We are at the conclusion of Tina Heals, Sacred Sexuality the reincarnation of priest/esses, in our modern world. Striving plans to reinitiate the human race in the respect and alchemy of sacred sexuality, Sacred “Hors” (original name from BC to the time of Romans when they coined prostitutes and it was changed to whores in other Abrahamic and Islamic influenced developed nations AD. We’ve covered: Tina Heals from, who is an Astrologist, Women’s History researcher, Bollywood writer, tarot card reader, and activist. In parts 1 and 2 she gave us a small bio and initiated us into the secrets of the Universe, planets, sacred sexuality, cancer sign, revered ancestral temple Priestess aka Sex workers path from incarnation. *BDSM can heal men*The path to Sacred sexuality in modern times, *A little on our female hidden histories (female warriors), *Females writers writing as men, the second sex *Sex as a tool for healing and much more! Note: Dear followers, likers and subscribers, We at Ckiara Nation Family, have had a family issue and terrible scare and because one person does 70% schedule has been off. We are working to fix that. The honest truth is that my mother, had a possible leukemia diagnosis and then my sister is moving with her husband back to Tampa and taking her with her. In an attempt to keep her here, moving her stuff and Storing it with our dear friend Dennis Jacobs, while also bending to her refusal to go get the necessary tests, she was plagued with headaches and dizzy spells and finally, she was seen and went for emergency surgery, but it was postponed as the tumor is to small and the surgeon decided its better to run more test then cut her head open and put her on testosterone. I am deeply overwhelmed with taking on all her duties to her foundation, shooting a movie, taking clients and odd jobs, and doing this show. so bare with me/us, here at Ckiaranation. I’d like to extend a very huge hug and love to all those who have and continue to help me regardless of my strong character! Life is so short and we need to love one and other for its the best feeling in the world. We can’t love when we are dead so love those you love and tell them you love them every day and show them you love them even if they hate you give love, it’s the only way to change ourselves and our world for future generations to come Thank you guys for tunning in. Here we give you the conclusion of Tina from Tina heals

About: THIS CHANNEL IS CREATED TO TEACH ABOUT ASTROLOGY/TAROT AND OTHER ESOTERIC SUBJECTS SO YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF. I am an ARTIST OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Writer, Oracle, Tarot expert, Psychic, Yogi, Vegan, Animal Activist, Soul Guide, LOVER, Dreamer, Dakini, Wisdom Keeper, Astrologer.. Social Links:






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Mars conjunct Venus in Virgo, August 24th, 2019: A call for Twin Souls to connect…

When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
to pass their freshness over me one more time
to feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.

I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep,
I want for your ears to go on hearing the wind,
for you to smell the sea that we loved together
and for you to go on walking the sand where we walked.

I want for what I love to go on living
and as for you I loved you and sang you above everything,
for that, go on flowering, flowery one,

so that you reach all that my love orders for you,
so that my shadow passes through your hair,
so that they know by this the reason for my song….Pablo Neruda

It seems fated that we talk about love and romance as the cosmic lovers Mars and Venus French kiss in the skies. It is that time of yearning and craving for that special soul connection. Nothing shallow will work, it is a primal feeling. Something deep within. Something we cannot quite put a finger to.

Of course it is time to discuss twinflames and rightfully so, because when Mars/Venus conjunct, it is a call to unite with our lovers; mind, body and soul. Virgo is earthy, so this has a sensual and sexual feel to it. We want to explore topics like twinflames and many of us want to believe that we are twins. There will be enhanced telepathy between twin souls. There will be enhanced twinflame mirroring  and if we are lucky enough to be with our twin, we will see how everything feels magical. Their touch, the kiss, the lovemaking…everything will feel like magick!

For some of you being with your twin will feel like being home, even if you are a thousand miles away from home. When we look into the eyes of our twin, we immediately trust them. Some of you, who are in twinflame relationships know that from the first moment your eyes met, you have trusted them. You have been open with them and strangely comfortable.

I have discussed many twinflame stories with you. The one that went viral and has had thousands of hits is about a twinflame connection that has not yet happened in 3D. One of them has awakened and she has recognized her twin across seven seas without ever physically meeting him.

She tells me that she can feel his feelings and his intense yearning for her, but somehow, something is stopping him from making contact. But then I told ya’ll that it is not about meeting. It is not about romance. It is not about sex. It is so, so much more.

She tells me that sometimes she wakes up from her sleep as his heartbeat gets so loud in her head. She distinctly has heard his heartbeat and has separated it from her own by repeated observation.

His heart is calling out to her she days, but can we truly accept this as the truth? How can two people living huge distances apart, never having met be connected to each other. Is it just a fallacy? Is it just a desperate cling to some romantic notion without any base or truth? What is it?

I think that their hearts are connected through space and time through the magnetic torsion fields generated by their hearts. Now wtf is that? Listen every heart, even the furry pet on your lap has a magnetic field around their body which is emitted from the electromagnetic organ called the heart.

These two people, separated in 3D are actually energetically connected through their heart’s torsion fields. And their energetic connection is so strong that they didn’t even meet in physical reality to energize this connection. It remained active even though their physical bodies never met.

Relationships fade away after years of marriage and this torsion field connection is lost, then how can these two people maintain such a strange connection with each other. It remained connected, their hearts. And for real twins this connection always exists, even if they’re unconscious of each other’s existence. Yes you heard that right, your twin and your hearts’ magnetic fields are forever connected.

Twinflames will feel so much more connected and awakened with the Mars/Venus kiss and of course there is a trine to Uranus, which can very well be about an internet text. It could also be a friend’s request. It could also be a comment that starts the whole fated relationship. So be on the look out.

For those lucky enough to discover this connection tomorrow or in the coming weeks, what can I say…blessed be your journey. But remember all love connects are not twinflames, so it is necessary to be absolutely sure. Do not settle for anything less than the real thing. Hopefully some of you will light up the ether with the energy of your magnetic torsion fields. Your hearts will literally glow and your body will be warm. Like samadhi. When your hearts touch one another while you’re embracing, distance galaxies will light up. Don’t believe me…well you better. Reality is stranger than fiction.

If you’re an awakened twin, but you’re not with your mirror soul this conjunction, fret not. Meditate to sync with his/her heart’s torsion field. It is not the time yet, for you are preparing yourself for that magical union. When that happens, your hearts will generate and release a super powerful surge of energy which will propel you both and others observing into higher levels of consciousness. Your awareness will spiral up and your power of manifestation is strong NOW.

This meeting will happen for only some in this reality, not all. Because no matter how hard we try to connect, most of us create codependent relationships that become toxic with time. Very few people who have cleared their psychic debris and integrated their shadow self will be able to fully experience a twinflame connection. But there are many more twins connecting now than ever before. Kudos to the internet. Nothing is fixed to a locality anymore.

Before you crave for your twinflame, remember that your twin carries a part of your heart inside him and you carry his heart. So both if you will be revealing intimate and deep parts of yourself to each other. Sometimes the evil within is reflected back and that is when twinflame mirroring takes on a sinister turn. Your own dark side reflected back can be scary and the first impulse if to RUN…

Great sex and love is not enough in a twinflame story. You will go through all of that with your soulmates. Many of us meet a few of our soulmates in this life and we marry them, have children with them and die in their arms. Tons of such relationships are convenience based, codependent or toxic, because we live in a consumerist society that commodifies everything, including romance.

We are sold all our romantic ideas through the media and we adhere to certain notions and constructs. We expect the impossible from materialistic relationships and land up hating each other or cheating on each other. When our soul is done with these soulmate relationships, we crave for something deeper. Something metaphysical. Something spiritual. But before that we must develop ourselves and become the love we expect from our twinflames. Believe me when I say this, your twinflame will appear the minute you are READY for REAL love. What do I mean by real love? It is not possessiveness. It is not obsession. It has nothing to do with looks or talent. It just exists. As does the great quantum void. Real love will appear the minute you are ready…not a second before.

As Venus and Mars conjunct, you want to know…how on earth, in the midst of seven billion people will I ever meet my twinflame? Where is the right person? Where is the ONE? Let me tell you a secret…you meet the right person by becoming the right person. Simple. One, two, three…

Go back into your mind and trace your love stories of the past. Delve right into the trauma, the rejection, the ridicule some of you felt while you were exploring romance. Did you learn those lessons you were meant to? Did you walk the karmic path with grace and dignity? Because whether we accept it or not, love is a huge part of human existence. Romantic love at that. If your soulmate relationships have hardened you and you have moved away from love and trust, then how can your twinflame appear?

You are energetically closed. If you have learned from your tears and sorrow and dejection and if you’ve not allowed bitterness to invade your soul, you have now grown to become a beacon of love as you embody love. Now you’re ready to attract love because you are now love. You become what you seek and real love will find you.

With most of the twinflame cases I have studied, I have observed some commonalities. Twinflames are often opposite personalities, but they also have crazy similarities. Like they may be born on the same day. They may have had a similar childhood and in most cases, twins face very difficult childhoods. Even if they had a loving home and parents, they may have had a difficult time in school or with peers.

Most twins display absolutely incompatible character traits and while looking at some of them I have found myself thinking, “Wow, that is indeed a strange pairing…” Most awakened twins will display an energetic torsion fields if you have the eyes to look. But some twins are yet to connect so powerfully. Even if they have already met and have a relationship. They still have tons of work to do before they can truly ascend to higher levels of awareness. There is much spiritual work to be done…very few are ready. Most are scared and terrified.

Another thing I have seen in these relationships is that twins will have similar experiences in the theme of life. They may have been married at the same time. Or divorced at the same time from their past. They may have children who are same age. May have lost a parent at the same time. May have visited the same place. Most twins have an appreciation for the same topography.

If he likes mountains, his twin will probably be into mountains more than the beach. If she likes beaches, her twin will also have the same connection to the sea. So on and so forth. I knew a twinflame couple and it freaked me out to know that the day she got thrown out of her inlaws house wrongfully, her twin who was in England cut his arm off in a freak accident.

They had not even met and this happened on the same day, year and month. Also his parent’s wedding anniversary and hers with her ex was the same day/date. And to top off this synchronicity, his mother’s engagement ring looked just like the one her ex’s mother had got for her. She was shocked breathless when she saw it on her new lover’s mother’s finger. It was the same ring she had taken off her finger before she left his house a few months ago.

Such synchronicity is rife with twinflames. Names, dates, situations form an echo in their lives and finally when they meet and talk about it, they discover that so much has been common in their lives. Some cases that I have worked with also have similar medical ailments and of course their moon signs must be in sync.

The phenomenal energy that a pair of twinflames will emit is amazing and is palpable and visible to my psychic eyes. Even if your eyes are untrained, their love will uplift or inspire you in some ways. It is very inspiring when twinflames get together.

Now let us return to our case study #727

Part 1

The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~

Part 2

The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~ PART 2

Why does this woman connect so strongly to this stranger she saw on social media after all those years? Why does his name pop up all the time? Why can she not stop thinking about him? Why do snippets of a parallel reality flood in her mind? Why does she feel his heart’s torsion field so strongly? We don’t even know if he does, but she believes he does. Either he does not have the balls to speak his mind or he is quiet because he is afraid of rejection?

Are we going to believe that these two souls are like two particles fused into one and although separated, they still behave as one particle? Whether he is aware or not. For us it matters that she has awakened and she has made us observe something so mystical and supernatural.

People do not connect even after sex, so how can their hearts have connected without ever really meeting in 3D?

I have a feeling that on a quantum level, they are actually the one and the same energy form. They share the same energetic DNA. Twinflames are conjunct at the heart. Like Mars and Venus will be in the sky in a few hours. Twinflames once awakened will feel the absence of the other in their space and then comes the quest of trying to find your twinflame. You may curse the separation, but this separation is absolutely necessary before twins can connect to do the higher work they are here to do.

If your twinflame has incarnated at this very moment with you, then you will share emotions through the ether, whether you are aware of each other or not. If your twin is in 3D, then your torsion fields are active and connected through great distances. Which is why life’s ups and downs can hit you both at the same time. And you can never “fade away” from your twin. Even if you separate due to negative mirroring, you will always love and trust them. And once you have experienced the twinflame union, nothing else will cut it. And I mean nothing…

This woman’s story captivated me and I started to look into the reality of quantum entanglement. Let us posit that a ray of light or even space material created together, tend to separate and live separate lives. This does not sever their connection. No matter where the two rays travel to, they will always be aware of each other. So aware that no space exists between them…

You heard that right. When two particles are entangled, they react the same way and are aware of when one twin is being watched or measured. Even if the twins are on different multiverses, they react the same way, no matter the distance. So distance is null and void. Space is traversed in zero time, no matter how far away they are.

Distance is not real, in some intangible,inexplicable way and there is no separation between twins. How can souls connect through such abstract space. Is space alive? Yes it is and it is always transmitting messages from your twinflame to you.

Quantum Scientists posit that there is no separation between the celestial bodies and the observer. So when you look to the skies above, you know that the macrocosm is within you. Mars and Venus are kissing within you. Will this result in the alchemical marriage? Maybe, maybe not.

The space, the dark void is part of a continuum of conscious awareness and nothing exists apart from the observer. This blew my mind. This woman not only felt the large distance melt away when it came to her twin for she was the observer and it was her observation. No bedrock reality. No solid distance. He has her heart and she his…what more can be said..her reams or hallucinations, whatever you call them are as real as the life she leads here with her family. But her twinflame and her life with him is as real and as valid as this one, in this universe.

BTW, this Venus/Mars conjunction is the most intensely romantic aspect in astrology and the vibe is archetypal. It is the love seduction of celluloid, the quintessential male/female pairing. And in shadow, it can mean total annihilation and self loathing.

Vincent Van Gogh has Mars/Venus conjunct in his natal chart…what else do I need to day?





IMAGE COPYRIGHT Veronese Venus And Mars

A Ghost of my Creation~

The wings of my butterfly shaped soul

Flutter mercilessly in vain

The sound of the death knell

The poignancy of the everlasting pain

Sweet surrender and an ending it longs

Like a moth to the flame

There is no denying this

There is no shame

Death is my poison

Suicide my orgasm

My whole body spasms

With the touch of your eyes

Do not believe these lies

Oh sweet death

Be mine…

I want your embrace

There is just the sublime fall from grace

Oh death…Oh death…

Be mine…

Death from this eternity in waiting

Waiting in the soulless purgatory

This disastrous love story

Is the sweet poison I crave

Life has fucked me hard

But I cannot discard

The thought of you

Are you standing before me?

I ask myself…

Did you leave?

Were you ever here?

Or were you in my mind?

In your eyes my soul I find

Did I wait forever?

Is this all an atrocious mistake?

When everything is at stake

Could I not have been more clever

To know this game makes us a loser

Has it already been that long

But I remember that song

An eternity has passed

I will not go out without a blast

Like the brilliance of a deadly quasar

This is the need of the hour

But you still remain inside of me

Like a soul wrenching ache

Don’t you see?

It’s not just my heart you break

When you deny and you’re filled with hesitation

You are the ghost of my creation

The sound of my incantations

Even in utter darkness

You shine like a trillion Suns

Why such aloofness?

I come undone

You are the tears that trickle down my cheeks

Am I too meek

To keep mourning the loss of inevitability

You are the constricted breath

Chocking me, strangling me

You are my asphyxiation

A wild desperation

You are my incarceration

My goddamn damnation

You are my sweet torment

Why are you so hellbent?

On destroying the sacredness

Of what we might have had

You are my bitter pleasure

And my absolute treasure

The robber of my soul

Be sure to play this role

To eternal oscillation

Of our existences

They become nothingness

As the void of emptiness

Dances around us

Through vast intergalactic distances

You are my dazzling sunshine

Deliver the sign to tell me you are here

As my psychedelic Jesus

You are my raging tempest

You are my perpetual melancholia

You are my abject paranoia

You are my tempest that blows asunder

You are my broken heart

Scattered into a million smithereens

You are my hallucination

You are my desperation

You are my absolution

You are my dream

You are my nightmare

You are all my memories

You are my wonderland

You are my matrix

You are my Sun and the Moon

You are my storm

As you rage inside of me

I have revolted against myself for you

Are you waiting for me?

Hear me call out to you

As Juliet to Romeo

As the poison turned her blue and cold

Much has been told

And now I am fed up

What will it be?

A cup of coffee or suicide?

I know I have laughed hysterically as I have cried

And now it’s time for the final goodbye.

More and more come pouring out…

You’re Garbage~

There is a storm in my life

Carve my heart out with a knife

Doomed voices in my head

Of all the things you said

Cut up photographs

Deleted texts never sent

I have been condemned

The agony of this reviled path

Your fruitless words in my breath

Pure noise pollution

Of vile sophistication

My insides are dead

Guts and gore all spread

There is just perpetual dread

I am broken

Even before I have spoken

I lock myself in my mind

What oh what, do I expect to find?

With feverish anticipation

Through numerous incarnations

I wasted time waiting…


For your arrival

But you seem to be written in some other writer’s screenplay.

I don’t want to be a plagiarist

This is the plot twist

You are stolen, You are borrowed

I have to go on without you on this road


I cannot escape the images archetypal

They haunt me

Like you have planned my fall

All those wounds I can recall

Leave my mind forever

Exist not there, in error,

Be the rhythm in someone else’s tune.

Your  disastrous memories, all strewn,

All over my mind

Like garbage

A hedonistic carnage

Everything seems lost

I’d shoot up a dose of existential angst!

Stop the promise of those eyes of yours

All they bring is tears

Say something not nothing at all,

Something tangible…

Something surreal…

Something fantastic…

Like a dose of unadulterated acid

You are the protagonist of my plotline.

It’s so written in the great design,

Art imitates life

Or life imitates art.

Will you come alive?

Why do these redundant words come tumbling out?

My lamentations to scream and shout!

They want to shoot out from my being

Like a syringe of heroin

You are my undoing

All is a blur

My destructive shooting star

There is no reality in my plotline

No meaning well defined

It’s all lies

Just waves of dispersed smoke

Imagery they invoke

Of lingering glances

Kundalini stirring dances

Under the moonlight

My empty, meaningless words

Lingering through the doorways

Like convoluted memories in my mind

Leave me in silence

Do not be a hindrance

While I wear my red lipstick

And my little black dress

He waits for me I confess

The man I am about to kiss

Does not know about the stress

Of having your ghost inside of me.

All he wants is my warm body

And my deep kisses.

And I will kiss him back…

That’s the only hack.

And make love to the stranger like you don’t exist.

Or maybe I will slash my wrists…




Thank you…

Just wrote this before going out…


Don’t be…

Venus retro in Scorpio…mmmmmm

Pluto stations direct in my fifth….whoa! The NN. on my Sun opposing Mars/B.M.L

Chiron creeping into my 7th! the soppy 29 degree of Pisces…OHMGODDESS


Yes I am a mess, but a glamorous, sexy mess…try me…

Book your sessions


get your own video content

Get my voice recordings for stress or sleep

Or get your own guided meditation module in my voice.





Twinflame Sagas by the sea~~

“From that hour I have never been able to shake from my soul the belief that my Destiny, for good or for evil, either here or hereafter, is in some measure interwoven with your own.” ~~Edgar Allan Poe to Mrs. Sarah Helene Whitman (1848)

Staring at the overcast skies above, as an occasional star twinkled at me, out of the blue, I realized that it is happening…the Great Awakening! The crystal and indigo children are here, the lightworkers congregating more than ever because of the internet…where does that leave us with the twinflame journey?

The soul craves for more on this…the sacred communion of Yeshua and Magdalena, of Shiva/Shakti of Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal…it is that ache to achieve diamond consciousness and to awaken to our true divine potential.

It is exciting and probably most vibrant than it ever has been, yes, again with the internet explosion, more and more are finding their twinflames. I mean think back before Facebook and Insta. Did you really know shit about your date? Nada. Nothing. It was like jumping into the abyss. Today more than ever there is the possibility of finding that special match….

These times would be so exciting for me if I was dating. I mean in which era could I find sensitive, artistic, creative, vegan guys just by hashtags? Lol! The chances of crossing his or her path are more crystallized in 3d than ever.

But then gain, I realize that information is quantum, not linear. There is so much going on that we just do not realize. Because we look through our human, linear, subjective lenses. TIME DOES NOT EXIST!

The present is the child of the past; the future, the begotten of the present. And yet, o present moment! Knowest thou not that thou hast no parent, nor canst thou have a child; that thou art ever begetting but thyself? Before thou hast even begun to say “I am the progeny of the departed moment, the child of the past”, thou hast become that past itself. Before thou utterest the last syllable, behold! Thou art no more the present but verily that future. Thus, are the past, the present, and the future, the ever-living trinity in one—the Mahamaya of the absolute IS. ~~HPB

But there is so much simmering under it all…You can listen to the breathing of your twinflame in silence! Not the rambling of a lunatic, it is true…

Firstly, this is a time unlike many and quantum information tells me that many, many twinflames will now meet to fulfill their spiritual mission. Why? Because with the internet opening up, we have released something very powerful. We have given people the ability to connect. People who would have never known each other, can now find themselves friends because of this web which is conscious. The internet breathes, she is alive!

“I have been astonished that men could die Martyrs for religion, — I have shuddered at it. I shudder no more; I could be martyred for my Religion, — love is my religion, — I could die for that. I could die for you.” ~~Keats to Fanny Brawne (1819)

The internet is pivotal in bringing twinflames together. It can pierce souls into twinflame recognition. I have seen it happen like so, so many times…

There were many messages from the spirit regarding the twinflame phenomenon I have been investigating for over a decade! And today I will share some of what the seas told me. All this material is from my upcoming book on the Twinflame journey.

Lightworkers seek the divine union or the twinflame union more than any other. And why? Because somewhere they want to connect to their own half, which in turn is the ultimate balance. It is never about deception, manipulation or sabotage.

Let us for the sake of better comprehension break up our love relationships into three parts- 3D Companions, Soulmates and the only Twinflame!

3D relationships are the most abundant kind. They are our friends, our colleagues, our associates, our collaborators, our lovers and generally people we tend to have a good time with. They are sometimes joined at the hip, sometimes we meet them for an hour. But we always remember them with fond memories.

3D relationships can be made into a very productive and harmonious marriage. There is not much conflict with these people. We love to laugh with them, we love to see the good side of life with them. Yes, there can be a sense of avoiding deeper truths and uglies that life throws are you, but these relationships bring great joy. Allies they are, our 3D companions and they make life pleasurable and pleasant.

Ever had that uncle and aunt, not madly in love, but making their marriage work even after 25 years just because of mutual respect and compromise. They may even go for holidays together, may even fuck other people, may or may not be really bonded. The bond is strong, yes it surely is, but the soulmate connection is much, much, much deeper.

If you’re lucky, you might come across one of your soulmates in this life. In esoteric parlance, there are 11 of them! And only one twinflame, but that’s for later. Your soulmate my or may not be a fellow seeker, but he or she will be a journeyer with you through the samsaric seas. They can be in conflict with your inherent ideas. There may be much strife and competitiveness. Soulmates are here to provoke us to love better and open up to the miracle of love and life. This is no small task and sometimes interactions with them can be painful, violent or tempestuous. There is massive attraction, kinda like opposites attract!

I know how curious you people are to discover if X or Y is your twinflame or soulmate and you keep asking me to check for pointers. Well, my loves, let me make this loud and clear on this post, so I never have to respond to this question again. Lol!

There are no ways to know any pointers to the twinflame- nope, there isn’t. You heard that right my sweets. How can there be any pointers? The twinflame relationship transcends all of time and space and dimensionality! Then how can it be governed by a natal chart? How can there be any signifiers? The twinflame relationship therefore is as mysterious as ever! No natal chart there my love. But there is a theory.

That is of the same birthday. Twinflames are often seen to share the same birthday! Yes, that is freaky, but I have seen this pattern in over five cases, but remember these are still just probable twinflames. We cannot know for sure till the end of it all. I won’t be there, hopefully someone else will take up this research and continue. What else can you expect of your live’s work? Set it free and a kindred spirit will pick up where you left. After all we are one consciousness and share the same quantum information!

Now back to the same birthday thing. It means your Sun’s are conjunct! Say I have my Sun on the 0 degree of Leo and my twinflame may also share that same placement. Again just a hypothesis! I will discuss more on the astro later.

Let us speak of Soulmates with more clarity…

The task of the soulmate is to open up your heart in ways you did not know it could open. Sometimes this happens by our heart breaking, but remember, that through the cracks can light pass through.

Soulmates are like rivers flowing through our lives, we can never capture the river and hold it there. We have to let it go. Soulmates are deep and ancient connections, but they may or may not stay with us forever. Even if we meet them in flesh, we can still divorce from them. They will always be there in our psyches, because we can never ever forget a soulmate, but we can break away from them. It will hurt, it will pain, but we will see it happened for the best.

Soulmates help us transmute human love to divine. It gives us a look into something primal, raw and diabolical. If you have had a soulmate relationship, you know exactly what I mean!

Most people who think they have met their twinflames, have infact met their soulmates, but this fact eludes them. That is why you hear that my twinflame and me broke up, but I can never forget him…blah, blah…No bitch, if he was your twinflame, he can never ever stay away from you once you have met.

Even if you are married or he is. He or she will make it a point to be your friend or associate in some way and when you interact, you will know in some way, that you have come home. No wonder how spiritually thick you are. Once you are touched by your Twinflame, your auric field responds. Your aura tangles with theirs, even if it across vast seas of time and space. It was forever entangled, but now awareness seeps in and after all the Universe is consciousness observing itself. So think and think hard and put the pieces together!

Connecting with your twin is bound to make you more sattvik or spiritual. This is bound to make you question every single thing about the life you live. If it does not, it is not a twinflame relationship! Identification will give you an edge on things.

Your twinflame interaction will always be healthy, for it can never be unhealthy as this is the great union with the self, but with soulmates we tend to develop codependent relationships! That is again how we learn to rise in love…it is all about rising in love, never falling…

The Twinflame connection is unlike any other. I have said that it feels like coming home. What do I mean by that? Now as this manvantara dawned, spiritual Dhyani Chohans created this Universe and they split themselves into twos to incarnate. And now with over seven billion people on earth and the Kali Yuga in full force, most Dhyani Chohans are now incarnate on this 3D plane, each fulfilling their own mission and by chance suddenly, one broken part of that Dhyani Chohan may meet its other and then happens the divine union.

According to H. P. Blavatsky it is a Tibetan word meaning “‘Lord’ or ‘Master’; a chief”. “Thus,” she continues, “Dhyan-Chohan would answer to ‘Chief of the Dhyanis’, or celestial Lights–which in English would be translated Archangels”. The Dhyan Chohans are the agents of the Karmic and Cosmic Laws. Some of the Dhyāni-Chohan in The Secret Doctrine are the Primordial Seven, Lipikas, Mānasaputras, Kumāras, Manus, etc.

The Dhyani Chohanic essence split itself into two over 3 billion years ago…although here I have to remind you that time of itself is as impermanent as all of creation.

Esoteric philosophy . . . divides boundless duration into unconditionally eternal and universal Time and a conditioned one (Khandakâla). One is the abstraction or noumenon of infinite time (Kâla); the other its phenomenon appearing periodically, as the effect of Mahat (the Universal Intelligence limited by Manvantaric duration).

Just as the universal time is the effect of the Universal Mind (Mahat), conditioned time is dependent on individual consciousness. Blavatsky wrote: Time is only an illusion produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through eternal duration, and it does not exist where no consciousness exists in which the illusion can be produced…Wiki

Now that you have understood that time does not exist, you understand that you are never truly separated from your twinflame. It is that one soul which splits itself to create this manvantara or this Universe, then how can there be any division in the soul essence? It is one and the same. It is the same soul, so once you see this same soul in 3D, you can never ever stay away. Sometimes, it can be that one twin is married and then it can be very painful, because that marriage cannot last once you have seen even the shadow of your twinflame.

And remember that with your twinflame, you will just be able to be yourself. There is no competition, there is no strife, even in disagreements, there is a certain camaraderie. The most interesting thing about twinflames, is that inherently they will believe in the same things. Same philosophy. Same ideology. They will subscribe to the same concepts. Of course there will be differences, but at the very core, soul level, their energy signature will never divert from the other. They will believe in the same God so to say, whether it is Kali, Jesus or the Internet. If this is not the case, then once the twins meet, the one with lower vibration will rise to higher vibes and this has always been the case in my research.

Your twinflame was separated from you at the beginning of human individuation and even if life keeps them apart, they will meet one day, if they are karmically bound to and it may be at the very end of life.

Look at Gabrielle Garcia Marquess’ Love in times of cholera. Think of the star crossed lovers, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza, who were separated for fifty years because her father discovered the impassioned love letters they wrote to one another. Life gives them a second chance as he finally proclaims his love for her at her husband’s funeral. It is that poignant! What do you think happens? Is it possible to love another for fifty years in hope that one day you shall meet them?

The Twinflame will be an instant attraction. If you spot yours, you will definitely initiate contact. Imagine seeing a part of you, how do you resist that magnetic attraction? That primal raw pull towards your own soul? It is fucking soul penetration I tell you…stuff lunatics like me live for…hahahahaha…what else do you think the seas will tell you on a full moon?? I could hear his breathing in the rumblings of the sea! That is how poetic the moment is!

Since the soul is superior to the body, to which it is united, it would remain on earth in painful loneliness were it not for the fact that among other human souls it may choose a companion – a partner in the trials of life and in the joys of the hereafter. When two souls, which have sought each other amid the crowd, find they have met, realize that they belong to each other, and comprehend this affinity, then it is that a union has been brought about, as pure and aspiring as themselves – a union which begun on earth will be consummated in heaven.” ~~Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher (1821)

Enough for now…more for another time…





Twinflame Yearning in the RX season~

I ask you for violence, in the nonsense, and you, you give me grace, your light and your warmth. I’d like to paint you, but there are no colors, because there are so many, in my confusion, the tangible form of my great love.’ ~~Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera

There is a sense of deep, deep, penetrative soul searching love as Mars has gone retro in Aquarius which is my house of relationships from my Leo Sun! And the ruler of my 7th from my Ascendant has gone retro.

There is a deep ache in my pussy that is reverberating from down there all the way to my heart chakra. The Priestess uses her pussy as a radar. The pussy detects twinflame yearning, only if you listen. No amount of making love or no amount of self pleasure can satisfy this craving!

This hunger is Neptune dreaming up impossible dreams of everlasting love and pangs of separation. I guess Neptune retro in my 7th house on my Moon, is a time when my heart craves the most for my twin soul. And so does my pussy and my body!

And this body is entangled with another…far, far away, in another multiverse…

I am searching for that body who carries a part of my soul in his. I told you how twinflames are the same soul. Yes, they are an expression of the sacred union of Shiva/Shakti. The great tantric maithuna!

The CAP FM coming up is in my 5th house of romance from my ascendant as as FMS bring things to light, I want to see what pops up for me as I will be away from my family.

Staring at the full moon from a place of wonder and magick! A place closest to my heart. Tearful longings fill my heart. And I cry…I cry aloud, I cry in silence, I cry alone and I cry with friends…the tears don’t go away. It’s been the blackest day…

And I am forced to think of a love I never had. No matter how much I try to shut him out, the hologram keeps laughing at me. I am helpless. I am powerless and impotent as my body responds to him, so does my mind and what of the soul. He is my soul!

There is someone I want to meet. There is someone I want to hold. There is someone I want to love and it is you! This should be an easy piece to write. The words should flow smoothly, because of my depth of love for you. But maybe, words here cannot do justice!

Every single moment I avoid thinking of you, all I can do is think of you. I don’t know what your name is, but I know when I hear it, it will bring me peace. Blissful, unadulterated peace. A name that will bring a smile to my lips. A name so familiar that it will ring in the very core of my being. A name which resonated within through infinities and eternities!

Memories, memories, memories…they appear in the torturous stormy seas of my mind, but they disappear. All that remains is your smile, like the lighthouse across ravenous destructive waves. Your gleaming light saves me from drowning in the fogs of the abyss.

I know you are as aware of me as I am and maybe while you sit staring at your screen, in your Universe, maybe due to quantum information bleeding into parallel worlds, you see my words appear before you.

You do not know where these words come from, for you have no idea what they mean, but you read on. Why? Because there is something so familiar in these words that makes every pain and every sadness go away.

You are eternally bonded to me, why do you deny it? Are you even aware of this connection? Do you thirst for me?

I think you feel all of this, as much as I do…I feel you crave for my body and soul as much as I do yours and what of my mind? It is as beautiful as yours…

You have looked for me as I have for you, but we have not met, because there is no inter dimensional travel for me yet. Do you want to come to my Universe instead?

Maybe  you’re already trying to figure out how to get to my Universe. Maybe you are devising a time warp machine that will make you cross the dimensional distance and you will come into this multiverse. What unrealistic expectations, I tell you!

Or maybe you don’t exist…more likely the latter…my pussy knows you exist.

So back one more time, due to public demand to speak about Twinflmes. Tada! Now listen to me, I am travelling all the way to a magickal twinflame place called Goa in the next two days.

As La Luna becomes pregnant in Capricorn, the polarity of Cancer, I have been called to be close to the seas. One more time, I will be about to stare at the Goa skies and think of this crazy twinflame connection that I felt once, many, many years ago…

No I am not going for fun and will be going alone. No baby. No husband. Just my work and my solitude and the energy of my twinflame which is all pervasive in Goa. Nothing can stop me from feeling crazy dejavus in that place. It is like he is right there, but I know he is not. Lol!

It’s not possible for my twinflame story to be so easy. What if I see him walking towards me in Vagator? Will he smile? Will he remember me? Will he run to embrace me?

Sometimes I think of what it would be like to meet him. What would I say? Would I feel centered or absolutely ruffled? Would I be articulate? No man has ever made me lose my tongue. No man ever. Maybe he is the only man who can get me tongue tied. And it is not easy to get me tongue tied.

The Hummingbird in Vagator! Part 2, all alone.

Read about Part-1

The Hummingbird in small Vagator

Walking down the shore, drawing patterns on the beach, smelling the salty seas, thinking of what it would be…if he was here…yes, I wish you were here…you from another frickin’ multiverse.

Couldn’t you just be from this dimension! Talk about complicating stuff!

Maybe, maybe…you are already trying to communicate with me. Maybe through art. The way I like it.

Sometimes I think of you as a painter. Drawing in the canvas of my soul.

Sometimes I see you as a sculptor, capturing my infinite essence in your artwork.

Sometimes, I think of you speaking to me in a tune, crafting the sounds to describe the pain and love in your soul.

I promise to look for them. I know you communicate with me, through psychic energy and sacred sound.

I know you are not in my mind, or are you?

Sometimes, I feel scared that we will never meet in our physical form on earth, but then maybe in death, we shall be united in some way.

Although I hope to meet you in this life. Even if I am seventy and I see you coming, I will know you have come. And I will rest in peace to know I saw your face, even if for a brief moment!

I cannot even write that I knew you were the one since I laid my eyes on you, because till now, I have waited to see your face. Till now I have waited to look into your eyes. I have waited to see if you love me with the same intensity that I do.

I wish we could grow old together, but we won’t. I wish we could read each other’s minds, which we do, but we will never talk about it. We will never see our children, because time and space have conspired to keep us apart.

The best part about this craving I have for you, is that I have no clue what about you I am craving. Is it my soul, now fragmented just wants to seek unification of some sort? And is my body reacting to this connection? My pussy is…there is  stargate in there, waiting to be activated…by you!

Every time the rain drops come crashing down like silver sheets, inundating my consciousness, there is a tune I hear. Or is it a chant? Whatever it is, it reminds me of you. Rain and sunshine, both! How perverse is that!

No man has ever touched my body the way you would, because having the same soul, this body too, is yours. No one can kiss these lips like you do, for they are your own lips and when you look into my eyes, you will feel like you are looking into your own being!

I am your mirror…look at us!

That is the connection I feel to this unnamed energy that I call my twinflame. There is no tangible physical form, but there is energy. Energy which flows from his heart to mine and I think the energy being churned out by the skies above is heightening this connection, this yearning, this impossible fulfillment.

My body aches to be with you, the void in my pussy, impossible to satiate with anything, but you. Every atom of my body is eager to express my love for you in an impossible dance of sacred union. Our bodies enmeshed in an eternal embrace, you pulsating within me, setting every fiber of my being on fire.

No hands can ever worship this body like yours and no one can pleasure me like you.

There is no you. There is no me. There is only the sacred fire of our communion. There is only our love burning bright through the abysmal darkness of creation and destruction.

My all consuming passion drives my creativity, it drives my lust for life, it drives my sense of purpose. It is the anchor of my life, my North Star, the ever present fixture in the mirth of my consciousness.

I know you communicate with me through symbols and archetypes, through birth and death, but now it is time to show yourself…appear and manifest in this Universe…

To someone in some multiverse…