Can same sex couples be Twinflames? YES THEY CAN!!! ~~~

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” — Audrey Hepburn

Yes guys, the answer is that same sex couples can definitely be Twinflames and Soulmates. Before we became separated into the sexes, there was the DIVINE ANDROGYNY/ GENDER LESS LIGHT BEINGS OF PURE ENERGY. This 3D DIVISION came much later. And all of us here on Earth have incarnated as MEN and WOMEN and all the other sexes, over and over again.

Look I have been working with gay and lesbian couples for many years. I have provided tarot readings, horoscopes, counselling to many of them and most importantly I have been a FRIEND and a LISTENED when they desperately needed someone.

Why? Let me just say that someone very close to me is gay and I intend to help him discover his twinflame energy. Gay couples also can meet their twinflames and let no one tell you that gays cannot be twinflames.

Fuck that shit! I have been meditating on the Twinflame phenomenon for many, many years. Gathering data for my writings and make sense of this phenomenon. But I tell you one thing, the more I delve into the subject, the more I realised that this remains largely unknown to humans. This Twinflame phenomenon.

It is a hankering we all have. To connect with the ONE. The one who is the most intimate part of us. We all feel this need in varying degrees, some more than the others. Having so many planets in Leo, I am obsessed with this concept….since I can remember.

The more I dated and explored my sexual desires, the more I realised that everything is fucking HOLLOW and SYNTHETIC. Like life itself. There is so much HATE and useless judging!

Why do people need to discriminate because two people of the same sex decide to love each other? What business is it of theirs? The couple is told they will burn in heaven and that they are not doing the needful by not procreating.

Leave women alone if they don’t want to procreate! It is normal.

Fuck! We don’t need more babies! We need responsible, conscious adults who will care and love the Earth. We need a brand of Earth Warriors who will shed off all the polarities to join together to create this world where everyone is EQUAL.

People can fall in love. Even if they are two men. There is nothing wrong with that. Why are people so scared of such phenomenon. In fact responsible gay couples can adopt and help raise all the orphans and the war kids. That is a good solution.

Just because they are gay, does not mean they cannot raise children.

Many times when I have tapped into the AKASHIC FIELDS, I have come across archetypal imagery which surfaced from my UNCONSCIOUS. Yes same sex couples have existed from the beginning of time and TWINFLAME RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT ABOUT SEX, although you may be ravenously attracted once you lay hands on them.

Look at that list! That is the wide range of human sexuality!

All couples of all orientations can meet their twinflames, but like the rest of us, they have to wade through the karmic quagmire of shit! Don’t be irritated if I tell you that there is work to be done! Fuck, right? What work? How the fuck do you do this work?

Relax, all of humanity in its 3D expression is as clueless as you, but our 5D self is AWARE of it all. So learn to tap into the INNER SELF with meditation and soul work.

Believe me in 5D you will be reunited with your twinflame because moving to 5D is not possible without YABYUM with that SOUL. Yabyum is the cosmic UNION of the MALE/FEMALE polarities.

How then can gays be Twinflames?

Do you know that every human has both the sexes in them.

Genitals? Most people think that male and female genitals are about as different as can be: penis = male and vagina = female. But even this basic dichotomy is not really correct: the genitals emerge from the same mass of embryonic tissue. For the first six weeks of development the tissue masses develop identically.  At about six to seven weeks, depending on whether the fetus has XX or XY chromosomes (usually), the tissues start to differentiate. One part of the tissues begins to form the clitoris or penis and another forms the labia or scrotum. Another area begins to form into either the testes or the ovaries. This means that physiologically, male and female genitals are made of the same stuff and work in similar ways. ~~Psychology Today

Do you see how similar we are? We are ONE SPECIES after all, yes?

The animal kingdom is full of homosexuality providing it is 100% natural and not man-made.

I want to mention something about the Twinflame energy though…

When Twinflames unite, it becomes their karmic calling to elevate humanity and themselves through ART/ SERVICE and such things. Twinflames are ready to GIVE to us all, to the collective and that is the best thing about looking for and finding this person. Somehow this is an unspoken agreement between the two souls before they incarnate and it is beautiful to watch.

Remember Twinflames have to work through their separate baggage as well. After their separation, they have interacted with other souls. Some of these souls are from the original 144.

Twinflames and Soulmates: How to identify them~~

The Twin Flame Phenomenon~~

Read these two articles, might make things clearer.

So as I was saying, that Twinflames have to wrap up all the karma with the rest of the SOUL TRIBE. Most people land up marrying people from their soul group. It’s the same story with same sex couples.

Oh the most important thing that I am observing now is that Twinflames are incarnating into different races. Why? To bring in the Sixth race(not colour of the skin). According to Blavatsky the sixth subrace of the Aryan root race will begin to evolve in the area of the United States in the early 21st century and those humans will look nothing like us. Races as we know it will disappear.

The sixth or Australo-American sub-race will “possess certain psychic powers, and for this the pituitary body will be developed, thus giving an additional sense, that of cognizing astral emotions in the ordinary waking consciousness. We may say that in general the sixth sub-race will bring in wisdom and intuition, blending all that is best in the intelligence of the fifth subrace and the emotion of the fourth.”

Twinflames are here to learn about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and experience life with maximum intensity. It is that intensity some of us seek.

So I wrap up here. The message is simple. If you are gay/lesbo, and if you are into the whole twinflame thingy, then let no one discourage you because you are not a hetero. You too can tap into this vibe, but it is not easy.

I provide support and counselling to gay/lesbo couples, so ping me if you need to talk.

I have helped many come to terms with being gay and this has helped them to come out. Yes I can be there for you.

Email me.

I plan to start a DATING PORTAL where I will help couples and people of all orientations to help find a mate. Support me if you like my ideas.


Keep the love coming…maxresdefault (1)




2 thoughts on “Can same sex couples be Twinflames? YES THEY CAN!!! ~~~

  1. What an encouraging, supportive piece of text. Thank you so much for your kind words and your clarity in midst of so many heteronormatively-minded spiritual people that can be found on every other corner. He will come. One day, when I’m ready and more evolved, things will align and he will come.

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