Healing with Tinaheals: The 11.11 Special Museletter~~11/11/2017~~


It’s a sublime conversation of a TRINE between SATURN(STRUCTURE) and URANUS(INNOVATION/FORWARD THOUGHT) that began in Dec 24-25 2016. The second meeting took place in May 19-20 2017 and today is the very culmination of that celestial conversation which falls right on the 11.11 activation portal. Are you ready for this QUANTUM LEAP??

TRINES are sweet spots and they bring with them a harmonious blend of cosmic energy and they happen FOUR SIGNS apart or 120 degrees apart.

Transiting Saturn trine Uranus represents a transition phase in life. This is the ideal time to make positive changes in your life because they should run smoothly. Change will not be upsetting or erratic as it sometimes can. You will remain calm and patient, planning every step methodically. ~~Astrology King

What is this transition about? This is definitely about the structures crumbling where the bolt of Uranian insight hits. This is about moving beyond the…

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