Mars conjunct Venus in Virgo, August 24th, 2019: A call for Twin Souls to connect…

When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
to pass their freshness over me one more time
to feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.

I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep,
I want for your ears to go on hearing the wind,
for you to smell the sea that we loved together
and for you to go on walking the sand where we walked.

I want for what I love to go on living
and as for you I loved you and sang you above everything,
for that, go on flowering, flowery one,

so that you reach all that my love orders for you,
so that my shadow passes through your hair,
so that they know by this the reason for my song….Pablo Neruda

It seems fated that we talk about love and romance as the cosmic lovers Mars and Venus French kiss in the skies. It is that time of yearning and craving for that special soul connection. Nothing shallow will work, it is a primal feeling. Something deep within. Something we cannot quite put a finger to.

Of course it is time to discuss twinflames and rightfully so, because when Mars/Venus conjunct, it is a call to unite with our lovers; mind, body and soul. Virgo is earthy, so this has a sensual and sexual feel to it. We want to explore topics like twinflames and many of us want to believe that we are twins. There will be enhanced telepathy between twin souls. There will be enhanced twinflame mirroringĀ  and if we are lucky enough to be with our twin, we will see how everything feels magical. Their touch, the kiss, the lovemaking…everything will feel like magick!

For some of you being with your twin will feel like being home, even if you are a thousand miles away from home. When we look into the eyes of our twin, we immediately trust them. Some of you, who are in twinflame relationships know that from the first moment your eyes met, you have trusted them. You have been open with them and strangely comfortable.

I have discussed many twinflame stories with you. The one that went viral and has had thousands of hits is about a twinflame connection that has not yet happened in 3D. One of them has awakened and she has recognized her twin across seven seas without ever physically meeting him.

She tells me that she can feel his feelings and his intense yearning for her, but somehow, something is stopping him from making contact. But then I told ya’ll that it is not about meeting. It is not about romance. It is not about sex. It is so, so much more.

She tells me that sometimes she wakes up from her sleep as his heartbeat gets so loud in her head. She distinctly has heard his heartbeat and has separated it from her own by repeated observation.

His heart is calling out to her she days, but can we truly accept this as the truth? How can two people living huge distances apart, never having met be connected to each other. Is it just a fallacy? Is it just a desperate cling to some romantic notion without any base or truth? What is it?

I think that their hearts are connected through space and time through the magnetic torsion fields generated by their hearts. Now wtf is that? Listen every heart, even the furry pet on your lap has a magnetic field around their body which is emitted from the electromagnetic organ called the heart.

These two people, separated in 3D are actually energetically connected through their heart’s torsion fields. And their energetic connection is so strong that they didn’t even meet in physical reality to energize this connection. It remained active even though their physical bodies never met.

Relationships fade away after years of marriage and this torsion field connection is lost, then how can these two people maintain such a strange connection with each other. It remained connected, their hearts. And for real twins this connection always exists, even if they’re unconscious of each other’s existence. Yes you heard that right, your twin and your hearts’ magnetic fields are forever connected.

Twinflames will feel so much more connected and awakened with the Mars/Venus kiss and of course there is a trine to Uranus, which can very well be about an internet text. It could also be a friend’s request. It could also be a comment that starts the whole fated relationship. So be on the look out.

For those lucky enough to discover this connection tomorrow or in the coming weeks, what can I say…blessed be your journey. But remember all love connects are not twinflames, so it is necessary to be absolutely sure. Do not settle for anything less than the real thing. Hopefully some of you will light up the ether with the energy of your magnetic torsion fields. Your hearts will literally glow and your body will be warm. Like samadhi. When your hearts touch one another while you’re embracing, distance galaxies will light up. Don’t believe me…well you better. Reality is stranger than fiction.

If you’re an awakened twin, but you’re not with your mirror soul this conjunction, fret not. Meditate to sync with his/her heart’s torsion field. It is not the time yet, for you are preparing yourself for that magical union. When that happens, your hearts will generate and release a super powerful surge of energy which will propel you both and others observing into higher levels of consciousness. Your awareness will spiral up and your power of manifestation is strong NOW.

This meeting will happen for only some in this reality, not all. Because no matter how hard we try to connect, most of us create codependent relationships that become toxic with time. Very few people who have cleared their psychic debris and integrated their shadow self will be able to fully experience a twinflame connection. But there are many more twins connecting now than ever before. Kudos to the internet. Nothing is fixed to a locality anymore.

Before you crave for your twinflame, remember that your twin carries a part of your heart inside him and you carry his heart. So both if you will be revealing intimate and deep parts of yourself to each other. Sometimes the evil within is reflected back and that is when twinflame mirroring takes on a sinister turn. Your own dark side reflected back can be scary and the first impulse if to RUN…

Great sex and love is not enough in a twinflame story. You will go through all of that with your soulmates. Many of us meet a few of our soulmates in this life and we marry them, have children with them and die in their arms. Tons of such relationships are convenience based, codependent or toxic, because we live in a consumerist society that commodifies everything, including romance.

We are sold all our romantic ideas through the media and we adhere to certain notions and constructs. We expect the impossible from materialistic relationships and land up hating each other or cheating on each other. When our soul is done with these soulmate relationships, we crave for something deeper. Something metaphysical. Something spiritual. But before that we must develop ourselves and become the love we expect from our twinflames. Believe me when I say this, your twinflame will appear the minute you are READY for REAL love. What do I mean by real love? It is not possessiveness. It is not obsession. It has nothing to do with looks or talent. It just exists. As does the great quantum void. Real love will appear the minute you are ready…not a second before.

As Venus and Mars conjunct, you want to know…how on earth, in the midst of seven billion people will I ever meet my twinflame? Where is the right person? Where is the ONE? Let me tell you a secret…you meet the right person by becoming the right person. Simple. One, two, three…

Go back into your mind and trace your love stories of the past. Delve right into the trauma, the rejection, the ridicule some of you felt while you were exploring romance. Did you learn those lessons you were meant to? Did you walk the karmic path with grace and dignity? Because whether we accept it or not, love is a huge part of human existence. Romantic love at that. If your soulmate relationships have hardened you and you have moved away from love and trust, then how can your twinflame appear?

You are energetically closed. If you have learned from your tears and sorrow and dejection and if you’ve not allowed bitterness to invade your soul, you have now grown to become a beacon of love as you embody love. Now you’re ready to attract love because you are now love. You become what you seek and real love will find you.

With most of the twinflame cases I have studied, I have observed some commonalities. Twinflames are often opposite personalities, but they also have crazy similarities. Like they may be born on the same day. They may have had a similar childhood and in most cases, twins face very difficult childhoods. Even if they had a loving home and parents, they may have had a difficult time in school or with peers.

Most twins display absolutely incompatible character traits and while looking at some of them I have found myself thinking, “Wow, that is indeed a strange pairing…” Most awakened twins will display an energetic torsion fields if you have the eyes to look. But some twins are yet to connect so powerfully. Even if they have already met and have a relationship. They still have tons of work to do before they can truly ascend to higher levels of awareness. There is much spiritual work to be done…very few are ready. Most are scared and terrified.

Another thing I have seen in these relationships is that twins will have similar experiences in the theme of life. They may have been married at the same time. Or divorced at the same time from their past. They may have children who are same age. May have lost a parent at the same time. May have visited the same place. Most twins have an appreciation for the same topography.

If he likes mountains, his twin will probably be into mountains more than the beach. If she likes beaches, her twin will also have the same connection to the sea. So on and so forth. I knew a twinflame couple and it freaked me out to know that the day she got thrown out of her inlaws house wrongfully, her twin who was in England cut his arm off in a freak accident.

They had not even met and this happened on the same day, year and month. Also his parent’s wedding anniversary and hers with her ex was the same day/date. And to top off this synchronicity, his mother’s engagement ring looked just like the one her ex’s mother had got for her. She was shocked breathless when she saw it on her new lover’s mother’s finger. It was the same ring she had taken off her finger before she left his house a few months ago.

Such synchronicity is rife with twinflames. Names, dates, situations form an echo in their lives and finally when they meet and talk about it, they discover that so much has been common in their lives. Some cases that I have worked with also have similar medical ailments and of course their moon signs must be in sync.

The phenomenal energy that a pair of twinflames will emit is amazing and is palpable and visible to my psychic eyes. Even if your eyes are untrained, their love will uplift or inspire you in some ways. It is very inspiring when twinflames get together.

Now let us return to our case study #727

Part 1

The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~

Part 2

The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~ PART 2

Why does this woman connect so strongly to this stranger she saw on social media after all those years? Why does his name pop up all the time? Why can she not stop thinking about him? Why do snippets of a parallel reality flood in her mind? Why does she feel his heart’s torsion field so strongly? We don’t even know if he does, but she believes he does. Either he does not have the balls to speak his mind or he is quiet because he is afraid of rejection?

Are we going to believe that these two souls are like two particles fused into one and although separated, they still behave as one particle? Whether he is aware or not. For us it matters that she has awakened and she has made us observe something so mystical and supernatural.

People do not connect even after sex, so how can their hearts have connected without ever really meeting in 3D?

I have a feeling that on a quantum level, they are actually the one and the same energy form. They share the same energetic DNA. Twinflames are conjunct at the heart. Like Mars and Venus will be in the sky in a few hours. Twinflames once awakened will feel the absence of the other in their space and then comes the quest of trying to find your twinflame. You may curse the separation, but this separation is absolutely necessary before twins can connect to do the higher work they are here to do.

If your twinflame has incarnated at this very moment with you, then you will share emotions through the ether, whether you are aware of each other or not. If your twin is in 3D, then your torsion fields are active and connected through great distances. Which is why life’s ups and downs can hit you both at the same time. And you can never “fade away” from your twin. Even if you separate due to negative mirroring, you will always love and trust them. And once you have experienced the twinflame union, nothing else will cut it. And I mean nothing…

This woman’s story captivated me and I started to look into the reality of quantum entanglement. Let us posit that a ray of light or even space material created together, tend to separate and live separate lives. This does not sever their connection. No matter where the two rays travel to, they will always be aware of each other. So aware that no space exists between them…

You heard that right. When two particles are entangled, they react the same way and are aware of when one twin is being watched or measured. Even if the twins are on different multiverses, they react the same way, no matter the distance. So distance is null and void. Space is traversed in zero time, no matter how far away they are.

Distance is not real, in some intangible,inexplicable way and there is no separation between twins. How can souls connect through such abstract space. Is space alive? Yes it is and it is always transmitting messages from your twinflame to you.

Quantum Scientists posit that there is no separation between the celestial bodies and the observer. So when you look to the skies above, you know that the macrocosm is within you. Mars and Venus are kissing within you. Will this result in the alchemical marriage? Maybe, maybe not.

The space, the dark void is part of a continuum of conscious awareness and nothing exists apart from the observer. This blew my mind. This woman not only felt the large distance melt away when it came to her twin for she was the observer and it was her observation. No bedrock reality. No solid distance. He has her heart and she his…what more can be said..her reams or hallucinations, whatever you call them are as real as the life she leads here with her family. But her twinflame and her life with him is as real and as valid as this one, in this universe.

BTW, this Venus/Mars conjunction is the most intensely romantic aspect in astrology and the vibe is archetypal. It is the love seduction of celluloid, the quintessential male/female pairing. And in shadow, it can mean total annihilation and self loathing.

Vincent Van Gogh has Mars/Venus conjunct in his natal chart…what else do I need to day?





IMAGE COPYRIGHT Veronese Venus And Mars

Learn the Tarot from me~ #tinaheals

Yes there will be fun and entertainment while we peruse through the 78 cards of the mystical tradition of Tarot.

There will be one on one guidance and much help to start you off on your journey with the tarot.

Written and video material also included.



The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~

Are twinflames about the same soul incarnating at the same time? Our energetic counter parts? It could be so. Let me share an example. Read from this letter from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

I had heard his name many times, somewhere around 2002 or 2003, I cannot remember. Now it seems so long ago when I saw him back then, by the beach. I don’t know why my heart skipped a beat. I had just broken up with someone, but it was not easy for him to move on from me, so he lingered. I was never happy in that relationship, so I looked for that something special. I think I heard his name before I ever saw him. And then one day shortly our eyes met and we were briefly introduced. I saw him a few time, but we never exchanged a single word. I don’t know if it was my imagination, but I think he kept looking at me every single time our paths crossed. I think he wanted to speak with me as badly as I wanted to. But this never happened. After that I left _ and returned to _. Life continued on and I could not stop thinking about him. This is not my usual style. I never find myself thinking about someone like this. Yes he was cute, but he was not really my type. I was not sure of my type, maybe I still am not. Now my friend calls me for a party and when I reach, I bump into him near the gate. This time, our eyes meet and lock. I am sure his heart began to beat as quickly as mine did. And then he got lost again in the crowd. Finally I saw him and our eyes met again, and no words were needed. I never forgot that moment in history. Nothing more happens. Shortly after this, I meet my now husband, _ and we both decide to revisit that little town where I had fallen in love with a stranger. The ache in my soul as I entered that place almost paralyzed me. His loss was immeasurable. Unquantifiable. But why did I feel so intensely, I repeatedly asked myself. This is not like me. Our times there were lovely, me and my husband bonded greatly and although I could never stop thinking about my perfect stranger, I realized it was a futile endeavor, because he lived miles apart. At this point, I knew nothing of him expect his name. One day, while we are at this bar, suddenly again, I bump into _. It looks like he is back from his country too. Our eyes meet and my heart almost stops beating. I am sure, I felt something similar happen in him. But no words were exchanged and my husband comes up behind me and holds my hands. _ sees this and steps back. That was the last time I saw him. Now cut to 2015, I see him on Facebook. I confess, I have tried to hunt him down. I finally learnt some stuff about him, but we never connected. Till 2015. I added him on Facebook and he okays my request the next day. My heart fluttering in my chest, I visit his profile to realize he is married! Yes, it startles me, not that I was hoping to hook up with him. I just had my baby. But, it felt wonderful to be connected with him on Facebook. Remember, we never spoke, so I still do not know what his voice sounds like. I have imagined it a million times. At least watching his life on Facebook, it felt oddly reassuring. Like somehow I had become a part of his life and he mine. No we never exchanged any likes or loves on FB. It was like he did not exist for me and I did not exist for him. I am not even sure he knows about this connection we have. I know he is my twinflame. Don’t ask me how and what and why. Because I have no rational answers. I love him like crazy and cannot stop thinking about him and having him on my FB is making it super hard for me to function in my normal life. He is miles away and a total stranger and I cannot stop thinking about him. What is going on? Can you help? I have seen visions of us together and when I stare into his pics, I know that he is my twinflame and I have remembered everything. But he has not. He seems happy in his life and relationship, so I have decided to not bother him with my energy field. I have started spiritual chord cutting from him and soon hope to get enough courage to delete him permanently from my Facebook. Not because I do not love him. He is the only human with my core soul frequency and I cannot help but love him totally and unconditionally. I will do so because I love him and in my love, I will let him continue his life’s journey till we meet again. I do not think we will meet in this life. We live on two different continents and we’re both married. Forget all that, we never even spoke. Then why do I feel so strongly about him? Because my heart knows the sound of his heart. Because my hand knows the feels of his skin without ever touching him and my lips know the touch of his lips, without ever kissing. I know I love him and always will. But it has become too painful to have him on my list. Should I delete him and block him? He has his life and I have mine. I know we will never meet, so why prolong this agony. Why not just release all these feelings and release him in the process? IMPOSSIBLE! But…I have intended to do just that…very soon…

What do you make of this letter? Is this woman delusional in her love for this stranger about whom she knows nothing? They have never even exchanged a hello on Facebook after being in each other’s lists for over three years. The stark pain and honesty in this letter moved me beyond words. I wonder…is it possible to fall in love with a stranger and then still remain in love with him after all these years. And here she is not even sure, he is aware of her presence? I mean he is surely is. She is a very beautiful woman, but you know what I mean. He has never tried to initiate contact on FB, after all these years.

I actually suggested that this woman let him be on her list because what difference does it make. She has thousands of friends on her list, so why can’t she just treat him as another name on her list. But upon seeing how difficult it had become for her to know he is on chat but never pings her or speaks with her, I suggested that yes, she delete him. Now, I did tell her that maybe he is shy to comment or like her posts, who knows? But she refused to agree to that. She feels that if he wanted to contact her, he could. Anyway, to cut a long story short…she deletes him…

And now what…let us see…will she forget this crazy connection she has with this stranger? Her love for him is getting stronger and that makes me wonder…what’s this? It is heartbreaking to see…

What do you think can be done?

Now back to my research. Twinflames do not give us the sense of security like a soulmate does. Soulmates are the likely comrades of 3D. Twinflames are like one person in two people. That does not make them identical. In fact, their differences can appear stark, but their core energy signature remains the same. Every time I come across, a probably twinflame relationship, I can tell you if this is for real. How? Because as someone meets their twin, their energetic vibe shifts. You cannot avoid this and for someone who studies psychic energy, I can feel this happening.

Another notable thing about the woman who writes the letter is that she feels unconditional love for this stranger. And isn’t that crazy? She is not some delusional nutjob. In fact, she is a high achiever and is doing extremely well for herself. She is an excellent mother and a great wife. What I mean is that she is no psych-ward inmate, she is just like you and me, yet, she met her twin almost a decade ago and never forgot about him. She loved him with utmost fervor and unconditional love. Even before the days of social media. She never even saw or heard about him online till 2015. This story has really touched me, which is why I decided to share her letter.

Yes, she has deleted him, but she will always love him. I am quite sure of it. No man will ever take his place, because no man caan. And she has not even spoken to him, even once!

Have you ever felt such a strong connection to someone? A pull you cannot explain, and if you answer yes, then maybe, just maybe, that person is your twinflame. Obviously, very few people will continue to love a stranger with such passion after all these years, but even if this feeling goes on for a few months, it is well worth investigating. Especially if you feel a telepathic connection to someone. This can manifest in many ways. When I work with twins, I usually ask them to send signals and work on their telepathy. Some twins even document this telepathic exchange they share and the results are stupendous. There can be color synchronicity. Name synchronicity and numbers. You have to have eyes to look and ears to hear.

You see with the Ascension energies at play right now, there will be many twins who will finally meet in the same space/time continuum. This is for the awakening of the masses. This is for the lightwork they have to do.

This woman’s story highlighted another aspect much discussed in the twinflame community. It is seen that when twins meet, they least expect it and often times it is burdensome to be free to hook up. Most twins meet when they are already in relationships. I know how crazy this sounds, but don’t take my word for it. Look it up and see what the twinflame gurus have to say. Much of their research points to this. Twins never meet when they are in a happy place or if they are content. It is only a spiritual itch that keeps nagging at them, driving them nuts and then finally, boom, they meet.

I called her up today asking her if she had missed having him on her friend’s list, to which she could not stop howling. She was as miserable with him on it than without him there and now she has even blocked him. She did confess that although she had deleted him, she could still not stop thinking about him. And she felt his physical distance disappear when she thought of him. In fact, she could bring him alive in her thoughts. She even touched him, kissed him and made love to him in her mind. For all these years…all this took place in her mind. Were these moments then real? The fact that they took shape in her mind. Can thought be energy? Yes, now we know that by observing an atom we can change its course, so then with intention we can create universes.

Maybe this man is her partner in a parallel universe and she is feeding into that information loop. I often feel that some psychic apparitions I have, are glitches in the system. They are entities from parallel worlds, living their lives, oblivious to their existence as shadow people in our universe. Yes, they terrify us, but what if we terrify them equally so? Who knows what they think of us? Could such emotional attachment be some malfunction in the matrix algorithm? What is this strange magnetic pull she felt for this man? I wish I could interview him to discover if he felt anything at all. But she refuses to allow me to contact him. So I am helpless. I have to let it go.

Maybe they will never meet. Maybe they will meet someday when they bump into each other randomly somewhere. Maybe he loves her as much as she loves him. This broke my heart. What a waste of true twinflame love if this is the case. I do find myself wondering if he is missing her on his friend’s list. Maybe, he will look her up on some other social media, since he is blocked on FB. Maybe they will connect.

I can only speculate…the rest will gradually unfold itself as the days rolls by…will he ever seek her out? Will she ever unblock him and re add him? What will happen?

I will keep you posted…


The Magnetic Pull of Your Twinflame~ A case study~



Themes of Domination and submission~~

BDSM is not about SEX. In its higher vibrations, it has to do with SPIRITUALITY and SOUL EVOLUTION. Do you think this to be blasphemous? Follow my chain of thought and explore more.

Do you know that fear is a potent aphrodisiac?

This is a post that has been pending in the pipeline for quite a while and there is no better time to do this than right now. There is this MOON QUINCUNX MARS aspect that is happening in the skies today and with this particular energy, there is a repressed vibe of S&M if you ask me. It could also lead to AUTOSADISM, a term coined to reflect the pain and humiliation inflicted on oneself.

Yes there are all kinds of people and all different kinds of things rock their respective boats. But why the necessity to speak about BDSM, the generally accepted term for “sexual sadism within the context of mutual consent”…

I have explored the aspect of domination and submission both, although I am a natural Dominant. And women DOMINANTS do not usually speak out, unless they are pro-dommes, but, I think it is now time to openly discuss FLR or FEMALE LED RELATIONSHIPS and FEMDOM, which means FEMALE DOMINATION.

BDSM is a collaborative, spiritual and creative exchange between the TOP and the bottom. It is sublime!

And, and, and, there is not much resource for women who want to explore DOMINATION…But now, things are going to change…

Yet, I do agree, there is a sweet sense of surrender when you expose your vulnerable self to someone to do whatever they want with. It is a dangerous proposition, but if a SACRED SPACE can be created for the couple’s mutual adventurous sides to come out and play, then there is a possibility of great catharsis during a BDSM encounter.

I will stand by my thesis that BDSM, which is consensual, may actually lead to ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. It can be as potent as Acid or MDMA.

One study, published in May 2013, actually found thatĀ practitioners of BDSMĀ were better off than the general population in some ways, including having secure relationships and lower anxiety. You know why? Because the relationship between a DOMINANT and a sub is open and honest, even if the sub has contacted her for a pro session.

The two words incorporated into this compound, “sadism” and “masochism”, were originally derived from the names of two authors. The term “Sadism” has its origin in the name of theĀ Marquis de SadeĀ (1740ā€“1814), who not only practiced sexual sadism, but also wrote novels about these practices, of which the best known isĀ Justine. “Masochism” is named afterĀ Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, who wrote novels expressing his masochistic fantasies. ~~WIKI

PAIN and PLEASURE are two binaries and often times this infliction of pain is brought about by the emotional needs of the masochist. The Dominant likes to play along and mentor, because through the possibility of the threat of violence, the submissive can and may succeed in expressing psychological purging. And the DOMINANT feels the intensity too. It is a dance of ADRENALINE for the TOP.

TheĀ painĀ that comes with sadomasochistic sex may cause the brain to shunt blood flow away from this region, causing a subjectively altered state of consciousness ā€” and the appeal of SM, Ambler said. ā€œPart of the reason these SM activities may be so extreme, at some level, is that theyā€™re particularly effective at causing the brain to change its distribution of blood flow,ā€ he said. ~~huffingtonpost

In fact after a session of SHIBARI, you will begin to feel light, stress free and in control. There is something about lying suspended, all tied up. SHIBARI is a very powerful spiritual tool and there is so much to be had if you land up as a SHIBARI CANVAS in the hands of a true artist!

In Japanese, ā€œShibariā€ simply means ā€œto tieā€. The contemporary meaning of Shibari describes an ancient Japanese artistic form of rope bondage.Ā In the late 1800ā€²s and early 1900ā€²s a new form of erotic Hojo-justu evolved, called Kinbaku, the art of erotic bondage. Today, particularly in the west, the art of erotic bondage is typically called Shibari, which is an art of erotic spirituality, not a martial art. ~~artofcontemporaryshibari

VANILLA SEX does not appeal to a huge segment of society and I can stand testimony to that. There are numerous men and women who have explored or will explore BDSM in some form or the other if the chance comes along.

VIOLENCE and the thought of it also creates a sort of attachment, not the Stockholm Syndrome types, but a more psychological dependence on the DOMINANT for knowing when to take the whip out and when to make the sub lick her shoes. All these acts are at the core psychological cues asking the submissive to surrender.

The sub wants nothing more than being able to surrender, because at the sound of the crack of the whip, all his troubles vanish away. The DOMINANT is as heavily attached to the play as the sub if not more so. Because a DOMINANT knows no surrender and is always in control which can be quite demanding. Because sometimes we all like to go with the flow.

There are subtle emotional cues the DOMINANT must always look for, because it is the DOMINANT here who is the MEDICINE or the WITCH DOCTOR. I have worked with many women who have wanted to explore their dominant side. I have worked with many men who have felt so ashamed at their submissive side that they have come to me broken, sexually and psychologically. It takes time to build such people from ground zero, so it is my suggestion that we understand and explore it. If we have a partner who is into BDSM play, then we should be open enough to explore any extremity that might be needed.

I am not saying that if you are a submissive, then you have to become a dominant just to please your man. All I am saying is, that men love it when women TAKE CONTROL in bed. You can guide him, ride him, delay him or gratify him. It is in your hands.

And no, if a person is a dominant, then it does not mean they are a sexual deviant or a sexual predator or even sexually aggressive. Remember a rape is not S&M, because RAPE is never about sexual gratification. RAPE IS ABOUT POWER. P-O-W-E-R!!!

A Dominant is in fact like your MENTOR, if you are a sub and the responsibility of a mentor is quite heavy if you ask me. Much heavier than just letting things happen to you. Some Dominant use a safe word, some don’t. But at the end of the day, BDSM is never about physical harm. Keeping sub/slave tendencies repressed will only create havoc with your life and finances. So why not explore this path with your partner or find a mentor.

There is nothing wrong if a man wants to be submissive in bed. In fact, some of the most POWERFUL MEN in history have been subs in bed. They are so sick and tired of making all the decisions, that now they want to surrender their whole being to the Dominant.

Many people have asked me to discuss BDSM’S ASTROLOGY. What makes a DOMINANT? What makes a submissive? And it is time to understand that practitioners of BDSM are not sociopaths or psychopaths and are not clinically unwell.

Even though FREUD seemed to suggest otherwise.

In 1905,Ā Sigmund FreudĀ described sadism and masochism in hisĀ Drei Abhandlungen zur SexualtheorieĀ (“Three papers on Sexual Theory”) as stemming from aberrant psychological development from early childhood.~~WIKI

BDSM activists have been toiling tirelessly to remove this misconception.

Have you seen the filmĀ Quills?Ā Starring Geoffrey Rush, Kate Winslet, and Michael Caine? That depicts the life of the man whose name coined the word SADISM.

How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we immolate. The means to everyĀ crimeĀ is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold. ā€”Marquis de Sade,Ā Les prospĆ©ritĆ©s du vice

In a patriarchal world, we are used to men taking the leadership role and we see women generally as subservient to the men around. The idea of women being sadists were not accepted by FREUD and his colleagues. Men were the DOMINANT, they thought. And how wrong are they? Femdom is a slap in the face of FRUED.

Both Krafft-Ebing and Freud assumed that sadism in men resulted from the distortion of the aggressive component of the male sexual instinct. Masochism in men, however, was seen as a more significant aberration, contrary to the nature of male sexuality. Freud doubted that masochism in men was ever a primary tendency, and speculated that it may exist only as a transformation of sadism. Sadomasochism in women received comparatively little discussion, as it was believed that it occurred primarily in men. Both also assumed that masochism was so inherent to female sexuality that it would be difficult to distinguish as a separate inclination. ~~WIKI

Since SADO-MASOCHISM is such a difficult topic to tackle, let me explain some astrological aspects that might illuminate it further.

Look for challenging aspects between PLUTO and MARS. The NN does also play into it. In fact the FIXED SIGNS, the CROSS of LEO, TAURUS, AQUARIUS and SCORPIO are into hegemony and powerplay in some sorts during sex.

SATURN in the fifth may cause one to be a cold sadist and PLUTO in there might mean that dirty politics is operative in the dynamics. If there is a CONJUNCTION of these planets, then there could be a very strong DOMINANT there.

AQUARIUS ASCENDANT and MOONS are heavily into BDSM, they are mostly switches as they like to experience the full spectrum. A URANUS strong chart would also indicate sexual experimentation.

SATURN placements would mean a father figure fixation. It might make you attracted to older men. I have my SATURN in LEO in the 12th and older men with wisdom definitely interest me. It is the SATURNIAN WISDOM that turns me on. SATURN could also be a CRONE and you might find yourself pulled to older, wiser women who will dominate you.

MOON OPPOSITE PLUTO could also point to sexual power dynamics, like CHARLES MANSON, the cult leader. This can make you FANATICAL and INTOLERANT, energies a DOMINANT can use well in bed.

MARS in ARIES, 8th house brings the DOMINA into full functionality and then the cherry on top is an OPPOSITION to the NN and PLUTO which are conjunct. Yay baby!

What makes the DOMINANT tick? What excites me about a man who can surrender to me? Yes, sometimes I like being cruel to my lover, but why?

I feel powerful? I am in charge? My way or the high way? All of this actually. Because even though a woman is the receptive energy, she is also the CREATRIX, the SHAKTI that creates everything.

Look for Lilith placements in your chart. I have some hardcore Lilith and Mars conversations happening in my natal chart.

Think of ERIS…Eris is the goddess of discord and rivalry.

Greek myth tells that, upon exclusion from a wedding, Eris threw into the midst of its revellers an apple marked ā€˜for the fairestā€™. An argument ensued between the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite as to its intended recipient, the settling of which eventually led to the Trojan War

Pitting the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite against each other in competition for the title of ā€˜fairestā€™, she exposed the diminished feminine, divorced from its sovereignty and subordinated to the power of the masculine gaze. Now she returns power to us all, inviting us to embrace the light and dark feminine and all shades in-between: the Venusian delights of sensuality, the cyclical intuition of our lunar nature and the viscerality of Eridian challenge of all that perpetuates patriarchal mores of gendered worth. ~~foreverunlimited

Women are not objects created for the male gaze.

Femdom kinda reverses that fulcrum. BE LIKE ERIS. Who cares who is fairer? Who cares about what men think and how we need to alter ourselves to fit into the norm of what is attractive. Life is not just a heteronormative exposition.

TANTRICS are all subs and slaves to the women. Because in tantra, it is only a woman who is superior to men as she is a direct symbol of the Goddess.

The sub suffers and a Dominant enjoys that SUFFERING.

Understand one thing, that both the DOMME and the sub are exploring their UNCONSCIOUS MIND as they embark on the play. The SADIST may draw inspiration from their UNCONSCIOUS to punish the sub. It could be jealousy, possessiveness or sexual marking. It could even piss the DOMINANT off if the sub sexually turns her on. After all, he does what she says.

The sub is an object. SUBHUMAN and a Dominant need not handle any bullshit from him. It is her choice to do as she pleases. Sex loses its meaning in the traditional way, but here a new sexual narrative takes shape. A new foray into sexual mores and desires. The world is ready for it.

The DOMINANT wants trophies, not lovers. In most cases, DOMINANTS feel scared to posit deep meaning in their sexual acts. But meaning already always exists, doesn’t it. The play time develops a new relationship dynamics. This scapegoating more times than not, alleviates the trauma of women who have undergone sexual abuse. In fact, it is a deep healing process to take back that control in your sexual life. But again, it must be BALANCED, not just rampant physical harm.

The submissives usually have hard NEPTUNE aspects with their MOONS and ASCENDANTS. MARS and NEPTUNE can create a nebulous haze around needs and desires. I have seen subs lost in rape fantasies because of Neptune and MARS, sometimes Pluto. Pisces as 8th house too.

ā€œI do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I donā€™t mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I donā€™t mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.ā€
ā€•Ā AnaĆÆs Nin

I will discussĀ AnaĆÆs Nin’s astrology in more detail when I do the submissive women part. This is what a lot of women want, but some women want the male to be submissive and it is quite common. Women are exceptionally good Dominants, like Geisha’s so many of them helping their clients explore in the sanctity of the sacred space they create.

ALGOL is another FIXED STAR to look at as it focuses on PLUTONIC ALL-CONSUMING OBSESSION. Anger and rage can devour you, although the DOMINANT is never really angry. It is like an actor playing a role.

In astrology, ERIS and LILITH are both Dominas. In tantric myths, it is KALI, the one true feminist who never thought twice of standing on the chest of her man to make a point.

I am not some feminazi spouting hatred and causing more divisions and fractures in the collective psyche. I am just asking you to be like KALI. Take charge of your life, take charge of your pleasure and show your man what to do and what you like. Make him submit and he will love you for it. I know my lovers have loved it when I have taken charge. Try it and it is different every time.

There is much more coming up in themes of Domination and submission, many more nuances to discuss to bring to light the holistic aspect of this BDSM playtime. I have seen the efficacy and now I am here to unveil the potential of truly dominating a man or truly submitting and surrendering to him. What do you like? What does he like? Understand your sexual needs and desires.

JUPITER in SCORPIO is blessing ya…

Email me if you want to learn to awaken your DOMINANT side~~

I do workshops with women from all over the world.

I do lecture about the subject,, so email me if you want me to speak on it.

IMAGE COPYRIGHT ~~Australian mixed media artist Garth Knight reveals overtly what we already know: bondage is beautiful. His project, The Enchanted Forest, elevates rope bondage to a new level ā€”CHECK HIS WORK OUT~~

Kamakhya Tantra discussion~

The story goes like this…steeped in mysticism and folklore…and you know why it is so important???

Because India, the country from which the myth originates is repulsed by women bleeding or MENSTRUATION! Therefore it is time to bring the narrative of the pussy and the power of the SACRED blood back into collective consciousness.

I am a woman who is truly appreciative of the womb energy.

Understanding the operations of my SACRAL CHAKRA opened up my creativity in ways I cannot express. I found balance as I embraced my Pussy. The literal and also the metaphoric. My pussy links me to the Goddess sitting atop the blue hills in Assam. Her yoni and mine are connected. It flows with feminine intuitive juices that can nurture and create.

Kamakhya resonates and glistens with the halo of untold spiritual energies. A YONI or VAGINA is worshiped here, see I was not kidding. There is no image of the GODDESS, none at all. The YONI is all.

This story dates back to antiquity and lies shrouded in the mists of the PRE-VEDIC ERA.

Back to vagina worship…has a nice ring to it…

Shocked that people can do such a thing? In fact, vagina worship is known to be found in cross-cultural societies. Take Japan for instance. Find a small cave in Yeddo and inside is a HUGE YONI propitiated by many. And even BRAHMA was told to begin creation of the MANVANTARA after meditating on the YONI!

Heavy PUSSY POWER there! KAMAKHYA was the ULTIMATE SYMBOL of FERTILITY. The maiden is now ready to become a mother with the seed given to her by the penis or the male energy. The sperm is considered sacred in tantra, but more so…the blood of a menstruating woman.

Shiva told Parvati that any human being who has this text book in their home will never want for anything. What does this mean? Shiva is the male/active principle who impregnates the feminine, Parvati. She who is the female embodiment symbol and they join in MAITHUNA to manifest the world. So with the CORRECT KNOWLEDGE of this tantra, one can gain enlightenment. With enlightenment comes peace, bliss and tranquility. There is no lack or want in samadhi. No desire when the male/female polarities are balanced.

Therefore with the use of KAMAKHYA TANTRA, it is possible to gain liberation and break out of the samsaric wheel. In the KALIKA PURANA, it is clearly stated that the GREAT COSMIC YONI is placed on the NILGIRI HILLS in Assam, India. That place vibrates with the sacred feminine energy of the YONI. The Yoni or Pussy is the greatest creative force, the womb is the ultimate MOTHER of all.

KamakhyaĀ (Assamese:Ā ą¦•ą¦¾ą¦®ą¦¾ą¦–ą§ą¦Æą¦¾ ą¦¦ą§‡ą§±ą§€), also known asĀ Siddha Kubjika,is an important HinduĀ TantricĀ goddess of desire who evolved in the Himalayan hills. She is worshiped as Siddha Kubjika, and is also identified asĀ KaliĀ and MahaĀ Tripura Sundari.Ā Her name means “renowned goddess of desire,” and she resides at the presently rebuiltĀ Kamakhya TempleĀ in 1645 C. The temple is primary among the 51Ā Shakti PeethasĀ related to the sect that followsĀ Sati, and remains one of the most importantĀ ShaktaĀ temples andĀ HinduĀ pilgrimage sites in the world.~~WIKI

The tantric texts refer to her as MAHAMAYA or the GREAT GODDESS OF ILLUSION and in KALIKA PURANA, she is said to be the most important Devi to be worshiped to gain moksha. SHODOSHI, one of the emanations of the GREAT MOTHER is said to be her and she is very close to DURGA.

KAMAKHYA is visualized as aĀ young girl of about 16Ā years old, with twelve arms and six heads of varying colors. The number of limbs and hands signify that she is OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPOTENT. She is dressed as a young bride, wearing a red saree with ornate jewelry. The hibiscus is her favourite flower, like Kali.

She holds a lotus, trident, sword, bell, discus, bow, arrows, club or scepter, goad, and shield in each of ten hands. The two remaining hands hold a bowl. It can be of gold, but more often it is a KAPAAL or a skull. She emanates from a LOTUS which has emerged from SHIVA’S navel, who in turn lies atop a lion.

BrahmaĀ andĀ Vishnu, each seated upon a lotus are found flanked on her two sides.


To understand the mythology of KAMAKHYA you have to understand the SATI EPISODE.

Explore the myth of SATI on Wiki to get a context of what happens next.

Cut back to my story…

SHIVA was dancing the tandav with SATI on his shoulders and the world was coming to an end. It was the very apocalypse we fear. Then VISHNU had to use the SUDARSHAN CHAKRA to sever the body of SATI. Her body parts scattered all over the world and in KAMAKHYA, her YONI or VAGINA landed.

As her vagina touched the earth, it metamorphosed to a stone. The same stone we know lies in the temple today. The public is not allowed to see the real stone.

Although the temple of KAMAKHYA has its origins before the Vedic civilization. There were people of KIRATA origin, PRE-VEDIC who offered worship to a GODDESS on this spot by sacrificing pigs! Yikes!

These people were MATRILINEAL and worshiped the FEMININE.

BTW, according to legend, no one can ever touch the Yoni of the Goddess. If you do so, you can get infected and become a STONE MAN, GOT style. The myths speak of metals like iron smelting in contact to the Yoni!

SHIVA, the masculine principle settled his essence in the stone that was once SATI’S Yoni and that is how creation found balance again. This story speaks of so much. It tells us how the feminine must be as grounded as a rock to bear creation. The male can only then settle in her and thrust his sperm. If the WOMB is not ready to receive, then there is no creation. That is why SILENCE and STILLNESS are huge parts of the feminine expression.

It is also said that there is water or some type of liquid all the way down to PATALA or the Netherworld. The vagina is connected to all the worlds, because it is out of her that reality arose.

KAMAKHYA is the GODDESS principle and she manifests as PRAKRITI or nature and natural laws. The stone that is the representation of the yoni has a natural spring that flows through it. This water is sacred and during AMBUBACHI, which is the time of MENSTRUATION of the Goddess, this water turns red. No one knows why. This sacred blood is collected in tiny red cotton cloths and given to people as PRASAD.

During her menstruation, the temple remains closed for maybe three days and the AMBUBACHI MELA takes place in full swing. No one sees the Yoni of course, it is like 20 feet below ground level and sits inside a cave. In the temple, there is a stone that is a symbol of the Yoni below.

I have been to the temple during the AMBUBACHI. But that was ages ago. In fact I have a plan to live for the whole duration of this festival to shoot and interview people for my upcoming videos on Tantra. That is something I am dying to do.

Very many powerful sadhakas, tantrics, bhairavis, yogis, yoginis and many other interesting people appear here during the Ambubachi mela and that time is awesome for content creation. And during breaks, practice tantra. How sublime would that be? Maybe you’d want to join in for this adventure? Let me know.

If you want to study about KAMAKHYA and learn her arts, then drop me an email.






The Vibe now: On Misogyny, Name-calling and my Future Quest across seven seas~~

ā€œFrom the idea that the self is not given to us, I think there is only one practical consequence: we have to create ourselves as a work of art.ā€ ~~MICHEL FOUCAULT

Mercury conjunct Jupiter, in Scorpio- look what it has made us do? Share pain and grief collectively. PURGE!!! Look at the death and rape culture around you. It is a cult of war and violence, a civilisation brought up on deception, dishonesty, violence, misogyny and apathy. Look at the almost Pavlovian mind control the ruling elites have rooted in our society. Look how conditioned we have become. So desensitised. Our behaviours so self-destructive. Where is all this leading?

The NM in Libra was…mmm…well, not like your conventional Libra energy. It felt dark, deep and a lingering anxiety remains. After the Mercury conjunct the Moon in Scorpio, the next day, I began to finally get a grip over the energy.

The #metoo campaign with its sordid narratives rocked my world. Scenes and shots came back from my past. Fragmented, disjointed memories of pain, hurt and suffocation.

Those hands on me, those disgusting crawling hands all over my body…the memories drove me nuts. Sounds and smells came rushing in while I read stories of rape and abuse from women all over the world. It reminded me of all the times that men have violated my boundaries and it is a large number. Be it in asking me to smile or calling me bossy or calling me a slut because I will not sleep with them, men have used and abused their positions numerous times. But we women are always expected to take everything with a pinch of salt.

I come from a country where there is a particular brand of cinema called Bollywood that has a specialised synchronised dance track which is called ITEM NUMBER, as a beautiful woman in scanty clothes, her dance troop of a bevy of girls(half naked too) behind her perform a sensual dance moving seductively to a male audience that is hooting and cat calling. She is the item. So we sorta know how to take misogyny to levels most people cannot even envisage.


You know, I have been called so manyĀ  names including Manhater, Feminazi, Female Supremacist, witch, bitch, whore, slut…blah, blah…but nothing matters. I work from my heart and I do not hate. Yes I speak up against injustice, yes, I seek a revolution or an evolution…but not with hatred. Men I do not hate you. Men…I love you!

But maybe it is time to DECONSTRUCT YOUR METACOGNITION/COGNITION and POST COGNITIVE PROCESSES. Maybe it is time to think about how you think. This might actually make you a more effective thinker. But at the same time, it is also time to FEEL. Think about how you feel and why you feel so. Do you even allow yourself the luxury of feeling? Because I know how society ridicules you every-time you show emotions. Be a man and what not. But feeling my love are not a luxury, let me tell you, they are a necessity for healthy functionality in life.

I know some of you hate me. Think long and hard. Why do you hate me? Why? Because I speak the truth? Because I can see the toxic patterns of patriarchy? Because I think and feel and actually speak up, unlike so many of my sisters? It hurts the most when women misunderstand. Because it is high time we women stop enabling patriarchy.

And men…what when tomorrow you have a girl? What then? Sleep peacefully, you have WILD CRUSADERS out there and the tide will turn. Let us be that change.

You cannot label me. Every single time you start to think that you have me all figured out, I promise to surprise you. You know why you cannot label me? Because humans cannot be labelled. No matter how appropriate the label might be, the labelling by itself is redundant. I will dress the way I want to, because I do not dress for your gaze. Yes, I want you to look at me and appreciate me, but my reality does not revolve around how much you fancy me. I want you to want me, but with respect and dignity. I want you to see me for what I am…a multidimensional being of light who is having a human experience. She is a woman who is free, wild and adventurous and I like looking at life through her lens.

But I am not her…this is not some WOKE BS. This is in fact the very truth of the fabric of this reality. I am not ME, not this body, not this pussy and not this orgasm. Hahahaha! I am in constant flux, forever shifting and I already exist in the many versions in the many multiverses. But I am also here, typing this so you can read.

Absolutely overwhelming? Do not let fear engulf you. You are an astronaut of the mind, aren’t you? Or else why are you reading this?

Just because a woman wears make up and skimpy clothes does not make her a slut. Her mini skirt is not an invite for your lust. My red lipstick does not mean I am saying yes to you. Understand that. And that is what I am here to show you. Women cannot be put away in tiny little labels. So stop calling me a whore, slut, manhater or whatever the fuck your toxic mind can think of. Jupiter has deployed his archetypal lens and activated my third house of communication which happens to be Scorpio. So the intensity and the truths will come out. Look how the brave women are speaking up and toppling the status quo.

Today, the Scorpionic Moon trines Neptune and the dreamscape opens up for me and oh, I am bleeding since the NM in Libra. You know how my psychic energy swells every time I menstruate and it is usually during this time I have my most profound visions and epiphanies or aha moments. Menstrual blood is very potent for magick and can be used in multiple ways. In fact sex during this time can most certainly be magickal, for both involved. It takes on a primal oeuvre.

Back to the splintered visions. There are fragmented, chaotic dreams…dreams of the snowy Himalayas, dreams of cymbals clashing, dreams of the pale red dot of a Sun…I can smell the incense, I can hear the chanting, I can feel the vibe, it is electric with spiritual energy.

Scorpio season is all about digging up the metaphorical/metaphysical dirt and really getting down and dirty to investigate, so I will share with you an experience I had a few months ago. Let me know what you think of them.

So this monk from Tibet, Lhasa writes to me. He tells me that he has known me for many lives and in the last incarnation we worked and studies together in Tibet, in Gyanganj.

In fact, I had told him in that reality to come and find me in the 3D world through some Youtube videos I have made in 2011 or so. He told me that I have asked him to remind me of the mark in my chest. Look I have no mark on my chest, but I wanted to get a wolf tattoo done there. But for now, there is nothing.

He told me to meditate on this and get back to him. I regret not taking this whole thing seriously and in fact I did try to sit in meditation, but my baby was all over me and the cats had to be fed, so I could not really tap into any vision.

I did not respect the monk or even pay attention. I called him brother and he told me that monks are no one’s brothers. They are just monks and that I am a Nun from the snowy slopes of Tibet.

I am aware of my connection to Tibet and the signs and synchronicity that I am experiencing have increased significantly over the last few years. I know Tibet has been my home during numerous incarnations and I have meditated and studied there. The Himalayas are my home and I know this.

And then there are memories of the kalachakra initiation. Let me tell you one thing, my greatest desire in life right now is receiving the Kalachakra transmissions from the Dalai Lama. This particular Dalai Lama has been my teacher in many incarnations and it is time we meet.

There is so much spiritual telepathy between us that I am actually shocked that we have not met yet. I dream of the Dalai Lama with a strange persistence. I have never dreamt of one person so much. He is always there, in my dreams. Everything becomes silent when he smiles at me and calls me to his arms. Everything becomes silent and just the way it is meant to be.

I hope to travel across seven seas soon and go to one place which has been calling me for very many years. I can feel myself there too and I think a wild adventure awaits me. Actually this Libra NM journaling was much about that. It felt good to finally decide that I want to go there. Now let’s see if the Universe responds.


Notes on #PussyTalks: Sluts and Whores~~

Wow thank you all for the letters and the notes, the memes and the pictures; they made my day just that much brighter. I had retreated into a very deep place, something to do with my natal Pluto, Mars and Venus aspects from where I might never fully return. Astrological work will be coming up shortly as well as more on Sacred sexuality.

Jupiter in Scorpio brought about a wonderful surprise, remember it is on the third house from Ascendant. The house of communication and the energy is Scorpionic with Jupiter amplifying all those attributes. I spoke to a group of empowered Escorts and sex workers who know and love their work. They also love their clients(well most of them).

You might not know, but I have been interacting with escorts, Johns, Dominas, Tops, Bottoms, Crossdressers and many others from the sex industry for very many years. Collecting data and looking through a Uranian filter on such SCORPIONIC ISSUES.

Something about the way women’s sexuality presented itself in society did not do much for my identity as a sexual being. In fact, I told that virginity was something to be saved for your husband. Fuck yes, I remember it. Fuck, everything to do with sex was such a stigma. All the time.

Obviously bad girls like me do not listen and we do what we need to do to experience life in all its awesomeness. How can you leave out sexuality which is at the very crux of human civilisation?

It made no sense that it was so hush-hush. It made no sense why my BFS got so jealous if other men(including their brothers and their best friends) looked at me or spoke to me with excitement. They behaved like I was their possession and it pissed my rebellious spirit off to no end.

In fact, it happened to me recently. I lost an old friend because her husband could not contain his excitement at meeting me! And this is one woman who should have known that I will never be into her man. Even if he was my type. It hurt me tremendously and is a wound I have been carrying for a few months. There I spoke of it…

Such is the place from which Pussy Talks was conceived. I had to discover for myself that I was not alone. I was not the only woman who CRAVED TO CONNECT. I was not the only woman who wanted it uninhibited, raw, deep and fiery.

I knew there were others.

That is when I learnt of the Virgin/Whore archetypes. That is what society has reduced us to. Either we are good little virgins(wives, mothers, sisters) or we are whores(free minded bitches). I may be a wife, but my husband knows very well and loves the fact that he does not own me. I am as free as he is.

I saw girls gossiping amongst themselves every-time someone lost her virginity. There were always the most psychotic, obsessive, desperate-to-accomplish types who held on to their hymens.

It was strange the way they held on to their virginity as a commodity with which they could in some way leverage a better deal.

Not for me. Hahahahahaha! Some even went for hymen transplantation. Such is the saga of human sexuality today.

Working through the sacred slut archetype yesterday with the ladies MADE ME SO EXCITED that I made up my mind to write this post. Every woman has the right to feel this orgasmic bliss that rocks her whole being. It is as much your birthright as it is mine.

Most times, men will not give it to you, so you must learn to give it to yourself till you find the ONE you can merge in sacred union with. Trust me there is someone who will make love to you and stick all the broken parts back together. Dreamy shit…hahahaha!

Anyway girls, your virginity is not a commodity and the first time you make love, keep in mind that even if the person is not your Mr. Right, even then, be PRESENT in the moment. In the NOW. Be there. Smell him, feel him, feel the whole scenario and just experience it. Do not feel upset if it is not what you had in mind. Embrace the reality while knowing that the fantasy might happen, someday.

There is nothing as disturbing as losing your virginity while drunk or drugged. In fact, if you decide to lose your virginity, make sure, you and your beau abstain from alcohol, especially if you are doing YONI PUJA or tantra meditation sex. Remember, this is not Neo-Tantra, so my ideas may differ from what is being sold in the West as Tantra.

I know that to activate your sexual energy, you have to connect with your pussy. It has to be done. My work with women focuses on activating the GODDESS FORM INSIDE EACH OF THEM and the YONI or the PUSSY becomes a direct symbol of the GODDESS.

The ladies I spoke with were working with sexual energy and if they work with the GODDESS FORM, they might find more magick in the work they do. The men will also respond to this energy flux. This might result in lots of kundalini activity.

Although they were pretty adjusted on the surface, yet, some of them failed to really tap into their INNER SACRED SLUT/WHORE and sex work can become healing work if you just understand how to work with the energy and it all begins with INTENT.

Most girl were telling me that they find no time to meditate or do anything spiritual at which I told them and showed them how putting on your daily make up can become a meditation.

They were thrilled I can tell you that.

As Jupiter moves through Scorpio, society will be confronted with FEMALE SEXUALITY like never before.

Believe me, wild sister, man wanted monogamy. You did not. He decided to control you while you were pregnant and had to depend on him. And look now, what has changed. Women’s reproductive rights are a joke.

Women are way more sexual than men and the Courtesans and Sacred Whore of yore knew this. They were SLUTS because unlike the wives they did not belong to any man, but chose to mate with whomever she liked.

No man controlled her, not with money, not with sex and not with children.

She was free to explore her sexuality and in most cases made it a spiritual practice. Women have this inherent wisdom and trust me, talking to sex workers from all over, I can tell you that they are some of the wisest and experienced women, especially if she has successfully drawn on the COURTESAN archetype.

For the Courtesan was a truly accomplished Artist and MUSE, sometimes of really powerful men. She was a Philosopher, a musician, a singer, a confidant, a seductress and even a top in bed and she played all these roles to perfection.

Why are wives sacred of the Courtesan? Like some women are scared of sexually empowered women? These women are your witches, your bitches and your bossy bosses. Don’t you just hate them? Hahahahahaha!

The wife fears the courtesan because the courtesan does not need any man. But the wife does. Remember she is a wife and her whole identity is wrapped around that little concept.

The Courtesan is free from this. She is sexually free, in most cases(if she is smart, lol) then she decides and chooses her lovers and they in turn provide for her. Yes the Courtesan is seen as a FREE and available woman and in most cases vilified, but it was not so in ancient times and it is also imperative to end the stigma behind sex work and prostitutes. They are girls, like you and me.

Escorts and sex workers have to understand SACRED SEXUALITY, because they work with kundalini energy at the very base level and if they manage to rise up in vibration as a collective, then imagine what could happen. Our society could change.

Being in love with somebody and cohabiting with someday- two totally disparate concepts. How can you love someone if you know them intimately? The courtesan provides the allure, the mysterious. Whereas the wife is an open book that the husband mostly ignores because he has read every page. So instead of going through the painful process of reinventing yourself over and over again(spending tons and tons on the way you look and getting stressed AF), wouldn’t it be better if we redefined feminine sexuality.

It is so very important for women as a collective to come together and scream out that- WE RECLAIM OUR SEXUALITY, our reproductive rights…We will decide as well how sex and sexual imagery will be portrayed in media and in society.

Look at the images in front of you…hacked and quartered limbs of women selling you products. The breast will sell you everything, but when it pops out to feed an infant- ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. While breastfeeding my toddler the other day at the airport, I was stunned at how many men stared at my breast, forgetting the fact that they were once babes suckling on their moms.

Look sexual imagery is created for the MALE GAZE. There are no spaces for women to express their sexual preferences, desires, fantasies and the rest. Fuck that, there is really no avenue for women to be sexually empowered. Look around you, wherever you go…the violence on women is apparent and evident.

You cannot hide from it now.

Working through SACRED SEXUALITY and all the archetypes in our consciousness must be a top priority, not just for sex workers, but for all women and men out there.

Men are being fed a garbage diet of misogynistic porn and soon to come, robot sex. Think hard. How will a man handle the idiosyncrasies of a real woman. So men, tune into your sacral chakra. It has a lot of wisdom.

Men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus, although they are the cosmic archetypes of masculine and feminine. Both men and women are from Earth and it is time to join together.

A woman is way more sexual than a man. Believe me and please note that the walls of the vagina do not get stretched or loose with sex. In fact the pussy is full of elasticity, the muscles and tissues can expand and contract easily and return to how it used to be.

I have heard so many women bring this up as a lack of interest in the men that I feel like shouting it out from the roofs tops. Google it bitches…check it out. You can start the Kegels later on now.

There is so much bullshit propaganda around female sexuality thatt it has perverted human sexual expression and its freedom. Society never makes women’s sexuality a priority. It is a filter through which a male can masturbate and enjoy. Watch the lesbian porns out there and you will know of what I speak. You already do.

The clothes we are meant to wear. They are so freaking uncomfortable, some of them, yet they serve the purpose of the male gaze. Look at the bikini, it is an elaborate subterfuge to get women exposed so men can stare at them while sitting with their wives. Making the wife insecure and getting her hating on the younger girl. See how it is a vicious cycle. The wife hates the sexually free woman, even though they both stand oppressed in the hands of patriarchy.

Little girls are falling under the trap of hyper sexualisation and that is creating a more perverted scenario where they find it hard to fit in and adhere to set norms of beauty because they are unrealistic.

If women became sexual beings and decided to take matters in their own hands, then things could change. Women can bring about a change in the way society perceives and separates us.

Maybe there can be BALANCE if men and women contribute to the sexual repertoire. It will benefit us as a culture.

Ladies reading this, you need to reclaim the INNER WHORE and trust on your vagina. You have to begin a relationship with it and start to love it. Like your womb.

You can only bring pleasure to your husband if you learn to pleasure yourself and take sex as an artform. If you tap into the COURTESAN archetype, you will see how it shifts your whole energy signature and sexually awakened tigresses are beacons of hope for the rest of the females because we have been so repressed and controlled in that department that we have lost our voices to speak of sexual pleasure. Or wait, people might call you a SLUT/WHORE.

So what?



I intend to work with escorts, sex workers and others from the sex industry and am available for Talks, Seminars and Discussions. Feel free to book me for such events.

Who is Ganesha?


The whole idea of writing this piece came to me yesterday after someone from the US consulted with me. She had never heard of Ganesha, but when she heard ELEPHANT GOD, she kinda knew who I was referring to. I was explaining to her the INITIATION/START-UP ENERGY of this deity.

It caught me off guard because it is rare to find someone who has no clue of who Ganesha is, especially with the New Age movement. But apparently not…

So there I was explaining an impossible story to someone who had just seen him in a souvenir shop and knew nothing of the fact that GANESHA is a name given to the COSMIC RULE that governs all of existence from the tiniest quark to the largest galaxy cluster!

And my majestic Ganesha is no modern God, he is ancient…and does look weird maybe to people not used to him. But remember if you find him grotesque, then be aware that his stark grotesqueness is to remind you symbolically that NOTHING IS REAL. Appearances are ILLUSORY and TRUTH is never what you think it is.

He has a mouse as a companion which means that he has mastery of fear, indecision, anxiety and uncertainty and also control over beings of the subterranean worlds. His protruding belly does not signify his laziness…lol, no. No amount of plank will do it because IT SHOWS CONTENTMENT.

Historians believe that a prototype of Ganesha was worshipped in prehistoric times outside the Indian subcontinent in such faraway places as Afghanistan, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Java, Iran, Cambodia, Borneo, Japan and Mexico. Images of Ganesha were found in Afghanistan and also in Iran. The image of Ganesha found at Luristan in Iran dates back to 1200 BC to 1000 BC. Many Ganesha type idols were also found in Mexico from excavations and ancient temple ruins.

The story of the birth of Ganesha goes like this..

Shiva and Parvati were totally engrossed in making love for aeons. Then Shiva goes off to meditate. Parvati realise that she is all yucky and filthy. She scrapes the dirt from the skin of her body and creates a little baby boy!!! She leaves the boy guarding the door while she bathes. Now Shiva returns and this baby boy refuses to let him in! Shiva is so pissed off that he slices his head off!! OMG right?

Now Parvati comes out to see what just transpired and tells her man that this is their son. Shiva now has to save him as he sees Parvati breakdown for the boy. So he asks his chelas(helpers) to find him a head. But the head must be from someone who is sleeping with their head to the north. This is why in India it is inauspicious to sleep with your head to the North! You bet! Now these dudes scampered off and returned with the head of an ELEPHANT! WTF, right?

So Shiva then stuck this elephant head on the headless torso and voila Ganesha is born. As I was relating this story, I realised how freaking RIDICULOUS it sounded. I could see the woman’s face! She literally fell off her chair!

Myths my Beloved is never to be taken literally, they are for ELUCIDATION and EXPOSITION…BTW the PURANAS WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE PRINTED, they are ALLEGORICAL TALES, MEMORY CODE SYSTEMS which are revealed to the initiate only if she is ready…so here I am to explain what this means…

The symbol of DEAD SKIN of the Goddess~~what do you think that signifies?

A RESIDUE, a REMNANT, a REMAINDER of some sort of ATTACHMENT. The Goddess/shakti or the FEMININE PRINCIPLE can sometimes cling onto subtle energies she mothers. In Ganesha, the Goddess found someone to mother. SHIVA is the GREATEST YOGI and he might have sensed this excessive NEED TO MOTHER or an unhealthy attachment to the boy she created. Shakti is volatile and Shiva is SILENCE which is signified by him being under her. She is the ACTIVE PRINCIPLE and he, the PASSIVE.

SHIVA was called here to destroy this whole unhealthy attachment, but a true yogi will not destroy the VIKARA or the residue. That still is energy and SHIVA or the male potency decided to transform this residual energy. Look he could have incinerated Ganesha, right? But he decides to SEVER THE HEAD. The head is the symbol of the EGO, my peeps. As KRISHNA says…The HEAD is the ROOT…And, and, and…he uses a TRIDENT OR TRISHULA! The TRINITY! Sattva, Rajas, Tamas- the three gunas or the THREE NADIS- ida, pingala, sushumna.

Guį¹‡a depending on the context means ‘string, thread or strand’, or ‘virtue, merit, excellence’, or ‘quality, peculiarity, attribute, property’.Ā These three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, constructive, harmonious), rajas (passion, active, confused), and tamas (darkness, destructive, chaotic)..~wiki

If you take this ALLEGORY as a purely INTERNAL STORY, as in what is going on inside, then you will see how the DESIRES that convoluted our minds and form unhealthy attachments can only be severed by the TRIDENT or the admixture of the THREE GUNAS. We have to understand each QUALITY to transcend it.

The internal feminine/masculine polarities CANNOT be whirlpool of chaos, they have to be in harmony, which is why the internal SHIVA will HAVE TO RESURRECT GANESHA. Ganesha without the ANIMALISTIC ID or ego.

The internal SHIVA is logical and the internal PARVATI is emotional, just like a mommie. But to be an individual who vibrates in a high frequency, we have to be in touch with Shiva as much as Parvati. They must be in SACRED UNION, in yabyum!

This dirt with which she created him is MAYA, in its most superficial level and here the EGO or ID is all powerful. I have said that Ganesha is the muladhara chakra and he refuses Shiva the yogi a meeting with Parvati who is PURE KUNDALINI SHAKTI. If you do not master the MULADHARA you will never reach SAHASRARA. The TRIDENT here also signifies the IDA, PINGALA and SUSHUMNA, the three nadis of LAYA YOGA and in Vedantic parlance, the three gunas.

Shiva destroys the ego(SEVERS THE HEAD) and replaces it wisdom, allowing the union of Shakti/Shiva to take place. And presto, you have yourself enlightenment!

And now you ask me? WTF is up with the whole ELEPHANT thing?

My peeps, in ancient scriptures of Sanatan Dharma we associate the elephant with AWARENESS, MINDFULNESS, MEMORY, PATIENCE which Science has corroborated. elephants actually are super intelligent.

This easily explains why Ganesha must be invoked before praying to any deity. This SUPREME INTELLIGENCE that Ganesha has will be the GUIDING FORCE for any spiritual activity.

I read about this Scientist from Lebanon who used sonic mapping that caught the vibrational frequencies of the brain and what he found blew the world away! After these images were assimilated and studies, he discovered that the MEDULLA which is the doorway to the brain looks like GANESHA!! Are you freaking out?

He presented the enlarged image to the world which showedĀ two big ears, a trunk and tusks. Now you see the symbolism and how correct the ancients were. Ganesha is the doorkeeper and if you invoke this youthful, playful masculine energy, then he will let SPIRITUAL WISDOM seep into your consciousness.

Ganesha my Beloved is the GRID KEEPER of your consciousnessĀ and is called VIGNA VINAYAK, remover of obstacles. But remember, these obstacles are in your mind.

Reminds me of the EIGHT OF SWORDS in Tarot.

Shivaites believe that Ganesha sits in the MULADHARA CHAKRA located at the base of the spinal cord and is responsible for spiralling our consciousness into higher dimensions. Seated in the muladhara chakra he acts as the gateway to the higher chakras and higher planes of consciousness.

According to Sakti Tantra, there are as many Ganeshas in the creation as there the letters of the alphabet. This suggests that this Ganesha energy exists in various planes, worlds and dimensions as the headboy of the ganas or groups of entities(gridworkers, energyworkers, lightworkers, all celestial beings) to guide them and lead them towards Siva/Shakti, the primordial ARDHANARISHWARA.

Ganesha is usually worshipped alone in the Vedic way, but we tantrics pray to him with his Shakti and call him Vallabha.Ā The female aspect of Ganesha is also called Vinayaki, Surpakarni and Lambamekhala.

Today is a great day to INITIATE yourself with GANPATI INVOCATION into SPIRITUAL PRACTICES.




For someone in some Multiverse

I know somewhere deep within the heart of the cosmos, you and me are in each other’s arms, maybe watching the Helix nebula. I know you are looking at me, like no one ever has and no one ever will, because only your eyes can perceive the depth of my soul. Only Ā you can understand my beauty the way you do.

I can see the love in your eyes. I can feel the memories of eternities coalesce into time and space, kaleidoscopes of memories flashing, the cacophony of your voices in diverse timelines calling my name, the sound of your laughter. It is all there, in my mind Beloved.

All those memories. All those eternities, they are compressed somewhere in my unconscious. I know we have grown old in each other’s arms a million, billion times. I know we have raised and cared for so many children. I know it. All those memories are buried in this 3D world. My conscious mind barely remembers you.

But somewhere, something has stirred and snippets of memory flood my mind. They refuse to go away. They torture me, they plague me, until I meditate or write or do photography. I have to channel this intensity in art. That is why I have lost myself in art this lifetime beloved.

I know you are there somewhere, in the Universe today. Not by my side and you will not grow old with me. Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. I don’t know why. Why is there so much pain for a life never lived? For memories never shared? How is every inch of you so very precious to me? When I have not even touched your body?

I know you irritate me too, and anger me and provoke me. But then I know that you are here to show me parts of my soul. For you are my soul. Is that even possible?

Why do I feel so linked to you? I know I have never met you. At least not consciously. Maybe somehow, somewhere our paths have crossed in this 3D and we probably did not recognise each other. I know I was not spiritually mature enough to identify you. Maybe you managed to identify me?

Maybe we met…maybe we looked at each other across the room. Maybe we passed each other on the beach? In some party?

I have fallen in love, but not the intensity I know I can experience with you. Yes I can love without you, but I don’t want to. I know you will come.

In fact even if you are in another dimension, I know you will find a way to time travel through the warps of time and space. You will come to meet me.

I want to tell you that you have been my muse and I am so thankful for all the creative energy you have sent my way. I can feel your energy, you know, at times. Especially when you think of me. And I know when you are thinking of me, because every fibre of my being can feel that longing from your end. I can feel how badly you want me. I want you as badly, if not more.

You know I am reminded of Keats when he says, My love has made me selfish…not because your love has in any way made me selfish, but because it has done the very opposite. Your love has opened me up to greater love that exists in creation. The love I feel for you is now expressed as love for all.

You are my home. Even if you are stacked away in some other multiverse. Maybe we will meet when our Universes collide and information bleeds into both of them. That is when you and me may come face to face.

Will our timelines collide? Will the hologram direct you to me?

I know I have been waiting…for a very long time for you to come. But you never came and I am not angry with you about that. I understand you are yet not ready to come which is why you have not come. I am not ready obviously as well.

I want to tell you one thing…I am a survivor. I have survived molestation, I have survived the cruel world, I have survived terrible relationships and I am still here.

In fact nothing could break me. I knew of the spiritual world and of you. I knew this 3D world is illusion. Everything here is an illusion, even the rape. This reality is JUST ANOTHER SIMULATION.

Which is why you are probably so far away, in another multiverse, in another timeline. Tell me, are you aware of me? Do you know I exist? Does your soul call out to mine? Does your body crave to be entwined with mine?

I know you know of me, whether consciously or unconsciously is the question. Have you reached that spiritual level of identifying me? I haven’t obviously.


The thing is, I know of you because when everything turned cold and dead, you existed, as a flame in my heart. I am wild, my Beloved. I am untamed as I roam the earth looking for you.

I have looked for you in many dimensions, through the Bardos, through the Nine Gates of Hell and I am not even sure if I managed to find you there. For I don’t remember when we last met in the physical world.

I just have sudden flashes. Of your eyes. Your smile. Your hair.

Sometimes I am sure I have heard you call my name. I don’t know what name you called me by, but I know you were calling me. Time and again, I have woken up in my sleep, my heart beating ferociously.

I know the time will surely come one day. Do you feel that? Do you feel the urge to meet me? I was not expecting you to show up in this life, but now I so badly hope for that.

You know as I began to type this letter, I knew the futility of this exercise. How will I express myself? How will I explain my love for you? How will I reveal to you what your heart feels for me? For I know when we meet, we will melt away…in each other’s arms.

I am typing this…hoping that our timelines collide and somehow through digital interference you get to read this in your own multiverse. I think if you read it(presuming you are not reading it already), then you might figure out the whole goddamn connection. Maybe in your Universe, there is time travel available. Maybe you can hop into some hi-tech piece of computation and visit me here. Yes here, on my humble Earth.

My Earth may be slightly polluted, but she is very beautiful. When you come, maybe I can take you to Goa. Maybe you have a Goa in your Universe. Wow!

Let me share a quote with you…You are all about me ā€“ I seem to breathe you ā€“ hear you ā€“ feel you in me and of me…Katherine Mansfield wrote that to her lover. In case you don’t know who she is, well…she is probably one of the best short story writers in the world and a feminist icon. She is my favourite and has been my muse for a screenplay I wrote based on her love life. She had a tempestuous love life BTW.

The quote sort of echoes what I feel about you. Ā How succinctly she puts it…feel you in me and of me…SUBLIME! We are of each other- star dust, my Beloved.

Have you felt like that about someone? Is that someone me? Just ask your heart.

I have visualised us making love. So many, so many times that it drives me nuts to even think about it. This obsession with you has now become all consuming and I cannot stop thinking about you. Sleepless have I become in this 3D illusion, my Beloved.

In a way your love woke me up. From the dense vibrations of this manifestation. It brought with it a subtlety of feeling and emotion and of course creative fire. I have become a poet for you, for your love.

I have become a dancer for the music you play. Tell me Beloved, are you CONSCIOUSLY PLAYING THAT MUSIC? Or are you just as unaware as I am.

You are my nightmare as much as my dream.

You are my smile as much as my scream.


Let me end here before I go crazy.




Energy Update~Channelled writing

I have been feeling extremely charged with cosmic energy the last few weeks. The Lionsgate Activation, the NM on my birthday in Leo on the 23rd of July, then the FM on my partner’s sign and now the eclipse on my natal Saturn.

Now forget the astro…


The Solar flares have been insane and other celestial entities are also vroooming the Earth with massive loads of energy. The spirits, fairies, angels or whatever you call them are out and about.

The retrograde planets are adding to the drama and in two days Merc stations retro and is now in shadow! Fuck! Merc in the shadow period is DEADLY and most mistakes happen now.

Listen my Beloved, the energies will only intensify, so please stay connected to whatever or whoever raises your frequency. This is not the time to be fixated on something or someone that brings down your resonance. This is not the time…

Find your MUSE! This is a creativity overflow- so tap into it. Make love to someone beautiful. Your UNCONSCIOUS is rife with material…use it, help us all. Working with ANIMAL and PLANT SOULS can be sooooo healing right now.

The Activation of this portal made me think of my Lion, my Twinflame and what can I say….such profound memories and vibes penetrated deep in me that I know he feels me too. He knows me and is thinking of me as much as I of him. But probably in another dimension. In another parallel world?

The other day, someone from Russia(another psychic) told me that she thinks my twinflame is reading my writing and that got me thinking…

Maybe I should write an open letter to him. He might read it in another DAUGHTER UNIVERSE. Ha!

Okay now listen…

I was listening to all these NASA audios of the planets and while invoking Saturn, I was listening to the sounds he makes and then suddenly, I lost consciousness. I was in another dimension and I do not remember anything.

But listen…what I discovered is that there is a HUGE AMOUNT OF ENERGY coming from the GALACTIC CENTRE WHERE SATURN IS RETROGRADE.

Of course our SPIRITUAL SUN is illumining the collective consciousness with all these bombardments. My Beloved…

There is no place to hide now…

There is also a BLACK HOLE at the centre of the MILKY WAY and there is so much happening put there that we humans who are like ants to these heavenly giants are also feeling it strongly.

Do you know Andromeda is cannibalising the milky way?

My SPIRITUAL GUIDES tell me that there is imbalance right now in our neck of the woods(eh cosmos?)

Listen, all energy workers are going crazy, because some of us are really not ready to deal with this type of work. It can drive you crazy.

But this is no time to hide.


These intense waves of energy is literally made me feel so tuned in and charged that it is hard to explain in words. I feel so orgasmic, so many times without any sexual stimulation. I know the energy is working all the time. Sexual energy is the very crux of creative power.

Now how can I explain the feeling I have been having since my birthday?

There is a humming I hear at times, sounds a bit like a deep OM. Then there are sudden pressure waves that attack my frontal lobe. Headaches, no I do not think they can be called that….whatever these feelings are, whatever is going on in my brain is stupendous.

Sometimes the process is becoming painful and there is strife. It is easy to provoke me now. I am in a state of nostalgia. I don’t know for what or who.

My THROAT CHAKRA and my SOLAR PLEXUS are supremely active.

And on top of that I began to bleed a day before the Aquarius FM. I always bleed with the cycles of the Moon. And my psychic visions are much more powerful when I bleed.

If the pressure gets too much ground yourself.

Hug a tree.

If nothing else works and you need a friend, pm me.

The frequency is rising and the time is coming…

For twinflames to meet…

Oh and do not get upset by your body…

No matter what happens, love your body. This message is not just for my sisters, it applies to my brothers out there too. Thank your body. Talk to it and show it love. Touch yourself sensually as you would a lover. Learn what makes your body tick, so when you join with your twinflame you know WHAT FEELS RIGHT.

Triggers, triggers, triggers…everywhere…CONFRONT YOUR FEARS. Think of what matters.

Don’t cave in. Don’t succumb. Don’t lose yourself.

There was such a profound sadness I felt during the eclipse. That night I dreamt of the cremation grounds. That night I saw myself sitting alone, in front of the flames and breathing.

Yes there was fear in me, but there was also a calm. Slowly watching the fire dance, I realised that fear and calm had become ONE. The flames were flickering and distorted sounds were coming to my ears. Chants, mantras, voices from my past…

Then I saw Ramnath Aghori baba, who is known to be one of the supremely realised yogis from the NATH AGHORA tradition. He has been guiding my journey since the Maha Kumbh mela of 2010.

Ramnath baba was sitting opposite and in his hands, there was the DUMRU. Yes the dumru of Shiva. I heard the primordial NADA or sound of the dumroo and still now I as I write my body is full of goose bumps.

I saw Baba Ramnath take so many shapes- Gorakhnath, Matsyedranath, Shiva, my father, someone who molested me…his face took on so many identities.

Almost like the FACELESS MEN from GOT! But I just sat and watched him.

I seriously have no recollection of what I felt, but I think the message was clear- ALL IS ONE. This vision made my resolve even stronger. I want to write more about tantra. Explore it for people who might not be scholars or yogis. I have always wanted to get those stories out there.

Now cut back to the story… Staring at Ramnath baba and the flames flickering, the sounds drowning my thoughts…that is when a DARKNESS began to envelope my consciousness…that darkness is KALI.

There is nothing here my Beloved..there is only LOVE.

What else do you seek in this illusion?

The Universe wants to know what love is. But how is consciousness going to know what feeling, touching, kissing, making love feels like?

Consciousness has to create holograms like you and me. Real thinking and feeling holograms….to know love, death, pain, anger, sadness, melancholia, orgasmic bliss and all shades of emotions.

I know this eclipse season something within me has been UNLEASHED. I feel this presence strongly. Sometimes it feels foreign, sometimes it feels like me.

This presence of love, of bliss, of orgasmic ecstasy.

Where have the eclipse energies taken you? What frequency are you vibrating at?

The energy is OFF THE CHARTS and it is available to you My Beloved.

Remember I love you, I believe in you and will always do.

Beloved, I am yours for you are mine. I am in you and you in me. We are ONE!

Like the stars above. They are in us and we in them!

The Schumann Resonance Is Spiking ā€“ Mother Earth Is Awakening

A great Awakening has been unfolding on Planet Earth and many people have been able to sense it. In recent years the heart beat of the planet has begun to speed up and the consciousness of humanity is expanding and making way for more awareness.~~Higherdensityblog

Collectively we are raising Gaia’s vibrations as we lay the foundations of a new age- of love…love…love…